If symptoms of an infectious disease are detected in a child, consultation with a specialized specialist is urgently needed. To find a good doctor, you need to look at qualification data and read reviews from patients. However, in order to reduce the search time, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the list of the best children's infectious disease specialists in Yekaterinburg, presented in the article below.
A. M. Ozhegov

Opens the list of the main children's infectious disease specialists in Yekaterinburg Ozhegov Anatoly Mikhailovich - professor of medical sciences. For 42 years of painstaking work, the doctor has earned not only the highest qualification category, but also a huge number of positive reviews, the number of which, together with information about the specialist’s characteristics, made up an Internet rating of 6.43 out of 10.
All comments about the work of infectious disease specialist Ozhegov on the Web are exclusively approving. Thus, many patients reporthighly professional approach of the doctor, due to tact and ability to find a common language with the child. They note that he quickly and accurately diagnoses, and offers many options for optimal treatment.
You can apply with your child for Anatoly Mikhailovich's help to the children's polyclinic "UMMC-He alth", which is located at: Sheinkman Street, 73.
Oh. K. Khodko
Oksana Konstantinovna Khodko - candidate of medical sciences. A highly qualified specialist in the field of infectology, who is at the highest certification level, has 22 years of practice and a large number of reviews on the Internet. The doctor's rating on the Web is 5.45 out of 10.
Many in the reviews say that from the moment the child is born, they are observed only in Oksana Konstantinovna. Parents of young patients notice that Dr. Khodko is one of those doctors who love and appreciate their calling. You can make an appointment with an infectious disease specialist at: "UMMC-He alth", Sheinkman street, 73.
E. P. Startseva

Children's infectious disease specialist and immunologist of Yekaterinburg Elena Petrovna Startseva has been practicing medicine for 35 years. During this time, the specialist managed to earn the degree of candidate of medical sciences and the highest professional category. Popular rating - 5, 40 out of 10.
They write about the infectious disease specialist Startseva that she is a very competent specialist, considering all treatment options so that it is as effective as possible for the child and optimal for the parents. She is expressedgratitude for the fact that she competently and carefully approaches the performance of her duties.
You can register a child with Elena Petrovna at the UMMC-He alth on Sheinkman Street, 73, as well as at the thirteenth children's clinic on Tkachi Street, 16-a.
Oh. A. Fedorova

Fedorova Oksana Alexandrovna is also one of the leading experts in the field of study and treatment of infectious diseases. The doctor deserved the highest qualification category. A we alth of experience is confirmed by twenty years of experience. Rating - 5, 0 out of 10.
Reviews about the children's infectious disease specialist in Yekaterinburg on the Web are mostly positive. They write that Oksana Alexandrovna is a doctor worth her weight in gold. She not only deftly establishes a common language with the child, but also knows how to explain the details, subtleties of treatment and illness to parents in an accessible way.
Doctor Fedorova receives at the Children's Doctor clinic, whose branches are located at the following addresses:
- Pervomaiskaya street, 70.
- Shcherbakov Street, 45.
M. G. Starikova

Continues the list of the best children's infectious disease specialists in Yekaterinburg, candidate of medical sciences Starikova Marina Gennadievna. A highly professional specialist has the highest category, as well as a long experience of medical practice, equal to 41 years. The rating of the representative of the "old school" - 4, 75 out of 10.
Marina Gennadievna is called "a doctor from God" on the Web. She can without a doubtentrust the he alth of the child. She thoroughly examines the current medical history, and also fully examines previous analyzes to identify permissible errors, and takes them into account in making a correct diagnosis.
You can make an appointment with Marina Gennadievna at the UMMC-He alth clinic, which is located on Sheinkman Street, 73.
S. S. Speranskaya
Another good children's infectious disease specialist in Yekaterinburg is Speranskaya Svetlana Samigulyevna. The specialist proudly occupies the highest qualification level. For 33 years, the doctor has earned many comments with gratitude for the work done. Rating - 4, 67 out of 10.
Svetlana Samigulievna is called a polite and competent pediatrician. According to patients, she knows how to quickly find a common language with a child who does not act up during the procedures, and after going to the doctor, she happily takes the prescribed medications.
Appointment with the infectious disease specialist Speranskaya is made at the children's institution "UMMC-He alth" at the address: Sheinkman Street, 73.

E. G. Turintseva
Turintseva Ekaterina Gennadievna is a children's infectious disease specialist in Yekaterinburg with the highest qualification category. The doctor devoted more than 35 years of her life to her favorite work, which gave her the opportunity to earn a PhD, and a large number of warm words of gratitude from patients. Rating - 4, 36 out of 10.

According to the parents of young visitors, the infectious disease specialist Turintseva is distinguished by the ability to listen and notice inthe time of the conversation necessary to determine the correct diagnosis details of past procedures. Many say that they have been seeing this diagnostician for more than a year. They say that children are not afraid of her and can be treated without whims.
Ekaterina Gennadievna carries out medical practice in a children's polyclinic at the address: Zavodskaya street, 29.
T. V. Kalugina

PhD Tatyana Viktorovna Kalugina has been in the profession for 36 years. During this time, she managed to get a Ph. D. and a lot of positive reviews on the Internet. Specialist rating in is 4.25 out of 10.
Patients write that this doctor simply cannot receive a negative statement about his work. Parents say they have full confidence in what Tatyana Viktorovna does because her methods of treatment are simple and effective.
Kalugina accepts patients at the addresses:
- Clinic "Children's Doctor" on Nagornaya Street, 46-B.
- Polyclinic of the "New Hospital", located on Zavodskaya Street, 29.
- Eleventh Children's Hospital, Nagornaya Street, 48.
L. M. Pokalchuk
Pokalchuk Lyudmila Mikhailovna - a highly qualified children's infectious disease specialist in Yekaterinburg. A representative of the "old school" in the profession for more than forty-five years. The specialist's popular rating based on reviews has settled at 4.0 out of 10.
A little is written about Lyudmila Mikhailovna on the Web, however, in all the comments, the parents of the patients express gratitude forwork done. They say that the infectious disease specialist Pokalchuk quickly and accurately determines the source of the disease, and always tries to prescribe the most effective course of treatment.
You can sign up your child to Lyudmila Mikhailovna at the children's polyclinic of hospital No. 8, which is located at: Sanatornaya Street, 22.
A. V. Suvorkova
Finishes the list of the best infectiologists in the city of Yekaterinburg Suvorkova Anna Valerievna. A young and promising specialist in the profession, relatively recently - only six years old. However, during this time she has already managed to prove herself perfectly from the professional side. Rating - 4, 0 out of 10.
The work of Anna Valerievna is noted for the special "freshness" of methods. She gets along well with children, and knows how to calm parents in time, and most importantly, she perfectly knows and loves her job.