Timely care of your he alth will extend the years of life, and will also help to avoid many diseases. Modern people sometimes do not have time to see a doctor in time, so they start some problems. This can be avoided if you go to a good specialist without delay. Many medical institutions make it possible to immediately go to different doctors, take tests and prescribe medications after a diagnosis is made. "Dolphin" is a medical center in Chelyabinsk, it successfully copes with these and other tasks, so it is quite in demand. Visitors are waiting for a large list of services and good service.

General information
The medical facility has been open since 2005. A big bias here is on women's he alth. For the beautiful half of humanity, there are many services that have a positive effect on the general condition. Patients can be observed by gynecologists with extensive experience, be registered for pregnancy. Also in the centeroperating procedures are carried out, with the help of which various formations are removed.
Before this, the patient must visit a doctor, where he receives a full and detailed consultation. The Dolphin clinic in Chelyabinsk also accepts teenagers, since it is important to find many diseases at an early age. Timely treatment will allow you to have good he alth in the future.

In addition to gynecology, you can also be examined by many other doctors. The institution has been multidisciplinary for many years, so it is available to sign up for:
- Endocrinologist.
- Proctologist.
- To a cardiologist.
- Urologist-andrologist.
- Therapist.
- Neurologist.
The list of specialists is regularly growing. Many doctors have more than twenty years of experience. "Dolphin" - a medical center in Chelyabinsk - also conducts genetic and laboratory research. Patients in a short time can find out the results of many tests. Not only adults, but also the younger generation can sign up for ultrasound of various organs. Parents often come with their children, as they are always approached here.
A visit to the clinic allows you to solve many problems very quickly. The patient can get his tests, undergo an ultrasound scan and get to the right specialist on the same day. This not only makes it possible to save time, but also to get the necessary treatment much faster. In case of problems with gynecology, patients can count on efficiency within just one day. To work withvisitors use modern techniques, as well as new and high-quality equipment.
Working hours
A convenient appointment schedule will allow all patients to find a convenient time to visit. Many who work on weekdays can even sign up for Saturday. "Dolphin" - a medical center in Chelyabinsk - is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 20:00. On Saturday, reception is open from 9:00 to 18:00. More detailed information and cost can always be found on the website or by calling the numbers listed directly on the official resource.

Medical institution is visited by many residents of the city. It is available to check with good specialists. Exact address:
Medical Center "Delfin": Chelyabinsk, Sulimova, building 92, building A.

How to get there
The institution is accessible both by private car and by public transport. There are quite a few routes to it, so you can go from different parts of the city. Near the center "Dolphin" in Chelyabinsk there is a stop "Road Hospital". From it you need to walk a little along Dovator Street, and then turn onto Sulimov Street. Go to this stop:
- Buses 66, 81.
- Route taxis 36, 46, 56, 58, 66, 70, 75, 77, 82, 136, 200, 370.
In addition, you can also take a tram to your destination. You need to get off at the stop "Dovator Street". Numbers 17 and 20 follow before it.
Medical center"Dolphin" in Chelyabinsk, reviews
More than half of the patients are the fair sex, as the clinic has a very good women's consultation. Visitors write that they were able to find their doctor here, as well as solve many he alth problems. Those women who have been pregnant here also leave their reviews. Many of them were satisfied. There are many useful services and promotions for pregnant women.
Especially praise the head of the facility, who also conducts consultations and conducts operations. Some patients write that they did not like the appointment with some doctors. There are also neutral reviews that the prices for services are slightly higher than in other places.

Additional information
The clinic is great for planning and managing pregnancy. Here, young mothers are waiting for a lot of good offers. Various discounts and promotions operate regularly. A school for future mothers is open for women, where you can learn a lot of useful and important information in the classroom. Patients are told about how to behave better during childbirth and after them. Provides information about childcare and breastfeeding.

Many pregnant women come to the medical center "Dolphin" in Chelyabinsk for an ultrasound scan. Here it is carried out on high-class equipment. The service is available not only in the first, but also in the remaining trimesters of pregnancy. Specialists perform dopplerometry, evaluate fetal growth parameters, conduct anatomical screening and check otherfactors to exclude the presence of pathology.
Also available is a service that records to a disc. Thanks to this, parents can then look at the baby. The center pays special attention to the course of pregnancy and the he alth of the fetus. Therefore, doctors use equipment to monitor a woman, which often avoids complications and diseases in a child. Specialized receptions are underway.