On average, the period of walking a person in a cast with a fracture of moderate severity is about three weeks. The younger the patient, the faster the bones grow together. Older people can walk with a cast for up to three months. Consider how to remove gypsum, depending on its variety. Let's see if we can do it ourselves.
History of the origin of gypsum

Gypsum has been used for more than 150 years to fix a certain position of the limbs and skeleton in case of fractures. For the first time, the Russian surgeon Karl Gibental successfully tested the application of plaster in 1811. He poured a plaster solution over the injured limb on one side and the other, let them harden, and then wrapped them in bandages. In 1851, special dressings made of fabric appeared, which were specially rubbed with plaster. In order to apply a bandage, it had to be pre-soaked.
A plaster bandage is a prototype of a modern fixator, which is used for fractures of the limbs and skeleton. Technique for making plaster castsis improving every day. Now they can be purchased in different lengths and widths, and they are not made by hand, but in a factory.
Varieties of plaster in medicine

Before you begin to get acquainted with how to remove gypsum, you should find out what types of fixatives are. The process of their removal directly depends on this.
Standard cast causes considerable discomfort to patients. It not only hinders movement, but it is almost impossible to wash, for example, if a leg or arm is broken. It is impossible to wet the gypsum, and gypsum crumbs that break off from the inside cause itching. Doctors themselves also note negative factors: it is almost impossible to follow how the bones grow together, since the plaster bandage does not transmit x-rays well.
Recently, doctors have been developing new techniques and types of fixatives that will eventually replace traditional plaster.
Alternative to plaster:
Plastic. The latch is made of polymeric materials. First, it is lowered into the water, then, according to a certain pattern, it is wound around the limb until it dries completely. The principle of its operation is not much different from the traditional one, but such dressings are lighter in weight and do not bring significant discomfort when moving. You are wondering how to remove plastic gypsum - it is impossible to get rid of it by the traditional method of cutting the material, here you need a special file. Its advantages are that it allows the skin to "breathe" and iswaterproof
Semi-rigid bandages. They are made of special fiber or thermoplastic. The fixator is elastic, does not constrain movements, but maintains the broken bone in the correct position. It is easy to do x-rays in it if necessary to monitor the state of bone fusion. It is easy to remove such plaster. You can simply unwind, but there are also models that are equipped with a zipper. This facilitates the process of undergoing physiotherapy procedures if necessary. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting that semi-rigid dressings are not used for all types of fractures
Short gypsum. It has been used for just over 20 years, but is not used in ordinary clinics or emergency rooms, since it requires a certain qualification of a doctor. Most often, this type of cast is applied when the ankle or ankle is fractured, it is not used for open fractures or immediately after surgery. It is noted that it is easier to remove and control the healing process. It does less damage to nearby tissues
How long does it take to remove the cast?

How long you need to wear a cast is calculated only by a specialist. For this, the nature of the fracture is taken into account. The rate of recovery depends on the location of the injury, the age of the patient, and the severity of the fracture itself. Doctors give only average figures for wearing a cast.
When the ankle is fractured without displacement, plaster is applied for 20-25 days, with displacement - up to 35 days. A fracture of the lower leg is considered more complex, gypsum is worn up to 12weeks. With a broken foot without displacement in a plaster cast, you will have to leave for up to seven weeks, with a displacement - almost three months.
A broken arm is considered a minor injury, and usually the period of wearing a cast is limited to a month. Some patients ask if the cast can be removed to wash? With a traditional cast, this is not possible, so you will have to wrap your hand in a bag and take a bath.
How is plaster removed?

The technique for removing a plaster bandage, regardless of the location of the fracture, is almost the same. It is important to be careful not to hurt the patient. If the bandage is thick, it is cut with special scissors or nail files in two steps. Sometimes, in order to remove the plaster, it is pre-soaked in a solution of sodium chloride.
Doctors note that it is still worth removing the cast under the supervision of a doctor, since there is a high probability of damage to the injured area. After removing the bandage, the skin is washed with soap and water and treated with an antiseptic.
The plaster cast is removed like a regular bandage, the top layer is gradually unwound. The bandages that secure the splint are cut with Cooper's scissors and beak forceps.
There are also special plaster scissors, but you must first mark the places on the bandage that will be cut.
How to remove plaster at home: instructions

To remove the cast yourself, you should take a sharp knife,tailor's scissors, possibly wire cutters and water. But before that, you should still consult with a doctor not only about the removal technique, but also how to develop a limb after a fracture so that the recovery process goes as easily and quickly as possible.
How to remove the cast yourself?
- The easiest way is to soak the plaster cast. This can be done even without outside help.
- Use the dry method, then you will need scissors and a sharp knife. The limb under the cast loses weight over time, so scissors can easily go there to make a small incision (top-down) and just pull off the retainer.
The plaster is not cut or pierced from the outside, because in this way you can not calculate the force and stick the point directly into the skin. This process is slow, it is worth cutting into pieces. While the cast is being removed from the leg, it is better not to make sudden movements, as this can cause pain. The most difficult thing is to tear off pieces or crumbs of gypsum from the hairs on the limbs. For this, lotions with warm water are used.
After the cast is removed from the leg, it is worth using crutches for some time, because the muscles will have time to atrophy during this time, and they need to be developed.
The moment of plaster removal is the most important. This can be done independently with the permission of the doctor, but you need to act carefully. If you can remove the cast from the lower extremities without assistance, then it is more difficult to do it from the hand. It is important here not to rush, to do everything slowly, to give the limbs time to recover. Suitable for thisspecial gymnastics, stretching or physiotherapy.