What is sterilization? Purpose, methods, description of the procedure

What is sterilization? Purpose, methods, description of the procedure
What is sterilization? Purpose, methods, description of the procedure

Mostly this term is heard by pet owners who care about the fate of their pets. But in general, medical sterilization is the same for all living beings. This is an operation during which the complete destruction of microorganisms occurs with the help of special items. In simple terms, sterilization refers to the process of cleaning and decontaminating an instrument for the purpose of further action. If you just want to supply medical cups to your child, then all the devices used must be sterilized.

what is sterilization
what is sterilization

On philistine examples

So what is sterilization? This is a medical procedure that involves the complete destruction of microorganisms, as well as their vegetative forms. During the work, medical instruments and disinfectants are used.

Sterilization is necessary when treating a wound, both large and small, during any medicaloperations, ranging from the same cans and mustard plasters and ending with injections. Sterilization is also needed for all items that have been in contact with the wound, contaminated with blood or drugs. During the sterilization process, the result is the death of vegetative, spore pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms in the sterilizing material. Gradually, complete decontamination is achieved, that is, the slightest signs of life on the object disappear.

sterilization methods
sterilization methods

Why all this?

Having figured out what sterilization is, I want to know why it is still needed. Here one should take into account the fact that the term is comprehensive, and therefore the indications for this may be different. Let's analyze the purpose of sterilization. This is a procedure used in medicine, microbiology, gnotobiology, as well as the food industry and many other fields. In fact, this is the basis of asepsis, which is of great importance in the fight against hospital infection, as well as in the postoperative prevention of purulent inflammation. After the operation, the person is very weak. It becomes a tasty food for hordes of microbes and pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, medicine knows cases of infection with hepatitis B or HIV infection after operations. To avoid such a prospect, all used instruments, drains, and dressings are subjected to sterilization. If during the operation the mucous membrane is touched by instruments or devices that can cause damage to it, then they must be processed. Moreover, the air in the operating room, the hands of the doctor and nurses are disinfected.

term meaningsterilization
term meaningsterilization

Analyze the process

Sterilization methods can be divided into physical and chemical. The first group includes steam, air, radiation and ultrasonic methods. But chemical sterilization can be gas or produced by solutions of chemicals. Each of the methods is relevant in its own way, and they should be applied only on the basis of the recommendations of specialists. Of course, most of the methods cannot be applied at home.

The most popular air sterilization method is carried out in a dry-heat cabinet. It is recommended for dry metal, glass and rubber products. The process is carried out either on special machines or in open containers. According to temperatures and time, two modes of air sterilization are distinguished. In the first case, it will take an hour and 180 degrees Celsius. The second option is longer - 150 minutes at 160 degrees. Sterilization objects must be provided with free air supply. Sterilization at high temperatures is called thermal, and at temperatures below 100 degrees - cold.

medical sterilization
medical sterilization

Features of species

The technical complexity of radiation and ultrasonic sterilization is so complex that an amateur cannot master it. Therefore, it is very fortunate that there are many of these methods. The ideal method will not cause distortion, external and qualitative changes. With chemical sterilization, the product does not become toxic, but other things being equal, thermal methods often remain a priority. In everyday life, an ordinary person will not be able to carry out complexprocess, but, fortunately, we do not have to perform operations or sew up wounds in the field. The maximum of our capabilities is to treat the cut, remove glass fragments or foreign debris from the wound, and disinfect the wound. Most often, for such actions, we use an alcohol solution, iodine or hydrogen peroxide. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not decide to fill an open wound or mucous membrane with such a remedy, otherwise the fountain of pain will block all rational thoughts.

In the animal world

What is sterilization for our pets? This is also a kind of neutralization and destruction of microorganisms, but not on a soulless instrument. This is a surgical intervention in the reproductive function of animals. The result will be the loss of the pet's ability to reproduce. The operation is very specific, and it is carried out by a qualified specialist. Only a competent approach can avoid complications, especially when it comes to females. In the case of them, a full abdominal operation is performed, which has its consequences and requires care for the animal in the postoperative period.

For homeless animals, surgery is not only a way to regulate the number, but also an opportunity to avoid many different diseases. The meaning of the term "sterilization" becomes clear to the owners only after a fruitful consultation with a veterinarian. This operation allows you to eliminate hormonal disruptions, aggression and various diseases of the genitourinary system. Sterilization allows you to extend the life of your pet.

sterilization appointment
sterilization appointment

Pros and cons

In talking about what is sterilization for animals, it remains only to weigh all the pros and cons to make a decision. The positive aspects of such a procedure are obvious - improving the he alth of the pet, extending its life, reducing the risk of various diseases, including cancerous tumors, endometritis, pyometra, cysts. But there are also disadvantages, which include the need for anesthesia for the operation, possible complications. Doctors advise doing sterilization for the he alth of the pet, and for their own peace of mind for him. If, for example, your dog is eight years old, then spaying will protect it from cancer, the risk of which increases significantly over the years.
