Iodine solution is one of the most affordable and widely used antiseptics. It has the ability to penetrate through the pores into the subcutaneous tissues and have a positive effect on the body. Many people and even doctors recommend smearing heels with iodine. They claim that this can significantly improve the state of he alth.

Pharmacological properties of iodine
The solution has powerful antimicrobial properties. In a small concentration it has a local irritating effect, in a large concentration it has a cauterizing effect.
Other properties of the solution:
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Lipipidemic.
- Distracting.
Pure iodine is a black-gray solid (plates or crystals) with a specific smell. The composition of the solution, in addition to it, includes ethanol 96%, potassium iodide and purified water.
The substance entering the body is selectively absorbed by the thyroid gland. After a while it comes outwith the help of the kidneys, intestines, as well as sweat and mammary glands.

Why put iodine on your heels?
According to numerous reviews, applying the solution to the feet in the form of a grid helps to get rid of various diseases and pathological conditions, the development of which is provoked by impaired functioning of the thyroid gland. It is responsible for the work of the cardiovascular, excretory, immune, respiratory systems. In addition, the thyroid gland regulates metabolic processes. The normal functioning of the endocrine system directly depends on the amount of iodine entering the body. If it is not enough, all kinds of pathologies develop.
What helps iodine mesh on the heels:
- Relieve tension caused by stress.
- Improves mood.
- Helps overcome apathy and get rid of obsessive feelings.
- Relieves irritability, normalizes psycho-emotional background.
All of the above symptoms are signs of thyroid dysfunction caused by iodine deficiency. When its deficiency is replenished, a person's condition improves significantly.
Many people are interested in whether it is useful to smear the heels with iodine in diseases of other internal organs. Experts say that when exposed to biologically active points, many ailments also recede.

Rules of application
A specific test is recommended initially. On the basis of hisresults, it can be concluded whether iodine deficiency is the cause of a particular disease. It is necessary to apply a solution in the form of a grid on the feet and put on socks. The result must be evaluated in the morning. If the skin is clean, this indicates a lack of iodine in the body. The presence of a mesh for more than a day indicates that the disease has a different cause and it is not advisable to fight it with a solution.
Rules for the use of iodine:
- You need to draw a mesh only on dry and previously cleansed skin. This must be done with a cotton swab. Movements should not be aggressive, just slightly press on the skin.
- The length of one cell wall in the grid should not exceed 1 cm.
- Iodine solution is not applied if there is a violation of the integrity of the skin. The mesh is drawn only on he althy tissue.
- It is forbidden to smear iodine on the heels in the presence of elevated body temperature.
- Persons with a tendency to develop allergic reactions must first test for the degree of tissue sensitivity to iodine. To do this, apply a drop of the solution to the inside of the wrist. If signs of an allergic reaction do not appear within a day, you can smear your heels with iodine.
- The percentage of the active ingredient should be 5%, for children - no more than 2.5%. Using a highly concentrated solution may adversely affect well-being.
In order for the procedure to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to apply an iodine grid in the areas of localization of biologically active points. If a person suffers from pain in the neck, for example, iodine should be applied to the base of the big toe.
Other points on the feet responsible for organs:
- Frontal sinuses - the tips of the toes.
- The brain is the middle of the thumb.
- The pressure drop point is below the base of the thumb.
- Eyes are the base of the index and middle.
- Ears - just below the ring and little fingers.
- The thyroid gland is 2-3 cm below the base of the thumb.
- Lungs, bronchi - a zone 2-4 cm below the base of the middle, ring and little fingers.
- Heart - a point 4 cm below the ring finger and little finger.
- Liver, spleen, gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas, stomach - midfoot.
- Small and large intestine - 4 cm above the heel.
- Genital organs - heel.
The points on both feet are absolutely symmetrical.
It is worth noting that pregnant women can also smear heels with iodine. It does not harm the baby and is an excellent prevention of substance deficiency disorders.

Use cases
The most popular way to use iodine is to apply the solution on the feet in a grid. You can also try the following powerful recipes:
- Take 300 ml of pure medical alcohol, 10 ml of iodine and camphor, 10 pre-crushed Aspirin tablets. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Let it brew for 3 weeks. Then daily draw a grid onfeet.
- Take equal proportions of iodine solution and lemon juice. Pour the mixture into a dark bottle and refrigerate. Make a grid daily.
- Take equal proportions of warm honey, iodine solution and medical alcohol. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Let it brew for 2 hours. Draw a grid on the feet.
It is important to know that not only iodine, but also other components are potential allergens. Sensitive individuals are advised to test on the inside of their wrist in advance.

Most importantly, iodine normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, violations of which negatively affect the functioning of all organs.
Positive effects on the body:
- Inflammatory processes are stopped.
- Metabolism speeds up.
- Exchange processes are normalizing.
- Improves the functioning of internal organs.
- The psycho-emotional state is normalizing.
- Painful sensations stop.
Thus, smearing iodine on the heels is very beneficial.
As mentioned above, it is forbidden to carry out the procedure in the presence of elevated body temperature. In addition, it is unacceptable to draw an iodine grid on the skin of children who are less than three years old. Older babies should be tested for sensitivity beforehand.

In conclusion
According to numerous reviews, smearing heels with iodine is extremely useful. currentthe substance is able to penetrate the tissues and have a positive effect on them. In addition, against the background of replenishing the lack of iodine in the body, the thyroid gland normalizes.