Traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy: causes, treatment

Traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy: causes, treatment
Traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy: causes, treatment

In order to be sure of the he alth of the unborn baby, a woman is forced to regularly take various tests throughout her pregnancy. One of these is the study of urine for the content of protein in it. Depending on the result obtained, doctors can draw a conclusion about the state of he alth of the mother and child. Traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy are cause for concern, as they may indicate serious illnesses.

traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy
traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy

Urine protein norm

Even in absolutely he althy people, a portion of protein appears in urine from time to time. A large portion of protein food is already a reason for the remnants of the substance not absorbed by the body to go through the kidneys to the bladder. Therefore, if the analysis shows a certain level of protein in a pregnant woman at any period of gestation, then this is not a reason for panic. As a rule, in such cases, the doctor prescribes a second urine collection and only after an additional study does the corresponding results. Often the second analysis shows completely different results.

It is also worth considering that the body of a woman,expecting a baby, works for two, so the kidneys have an increased load. For this reason, traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy, reaching a volume of 0.033 g / l, are considered the norm. For an ordinary person, this figure is high.

Medical classification

Protein content in urine in medical practice is called proteinuria. Depending on the amount of the above substance in the urine, four stages of this condition are distinguished:

  • Microalbuminuria - when the protein level in the fluid corresponds to 3-300 mg per day.
  • Mild proteinuria - when the volume of the substance is from 300 mg to 1 g.
  • Moderate proteinuria - if there are 1-3 g of protein per 1 liter of urine.
  • Severe degree of proteinuria - protein content in the amount of 3 g or more.

Most often the first two cases are nothing to worry about. The slight appearance of protein traces does not affect the course of pregnancy at all and passes without a trace. However, it is still recommended to have one or more retests to ensure that there is no risk at all.


An expectant mother may not feel any signs, even if she has traces of protein in her urine. During pregnancy, the norm of a substance in urine is up to 300 mg, so a mild form of proteinuria will not cause any discomfort to a woman. However, if the protein appeared as a signal of a disease, and its level exceeds the allowable level, the expectant mother may experience symptoms such as:

  • Permanent feeling of tiredness.
  • Aching pain in the bones.
  • Dizziness.
  • Change in color of morning urine (fluid may become greenish or slightly whitish).
  • Digestive disorders, manifested by loss of appetite, as well as nausea and vomiting.

Of course, all of the above symptoms can be observed in a pregnant woman without proteinuria, since bearing a child is a complex process for the body. However, if suspicious test results are added to these signs, it is worth undergoing an additional examination in order to calculate the root of the problem.

traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy what does it mean
traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy what does it mean

Protein in urine: causes

The body of a woman preparing to become a mother is very unstable, which is why it is far from uncommon for doctors to find traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy. The reasons for such changes often lie in external factors, which can be:

  • Psychological stress or increased emotional stress.
  • Eating too much protein-rich food.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Increased physical activity.

Special attention should be paid to the last point. Given that women are strictly prohibited from physical activity at any stage of pregnancy, this factor can affect not only the protein content in urine, but also the development of the fetus.

What diseases can proteinuria indicate

If, after a series of tests, it was clearly established that the level of protein in the urine is significantlyincreased, a general examination is prescribed to identify possible diseases. So, protein in urine often indicates such ailments:

  • Disorders of kidney function (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis).
  • Inflammation of the urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis, etc.).
  • Nephropathy.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Hypertension.

Very often, traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy of 36 weeks or more indicate the development of nephropathy. This disease is characterized by the appearance of severe edema in the limbs and is usually diagnosed in women in the last stages of gestation. High blood pressure can accompany this disease.

As for the inflammatory processes in the kidneys, characterized by pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, they are primarily caused by increased pressure of the enlarged uterus on the internal organs, including the urinary system.

traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy causes
traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy causes


To determine the most accurate picture of the state of he alth of a pregnant patient, doctors need to take urine collected throughout the day for analysis. However, if a woman is not in hospital, it may be quite inconvenient for her to conduct such an event. For this reason, traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy are usually detected by electrophoresis. To determine the results of the analysis, it is enough to give a single portion of the secretions.

If the obtained indicators do not correspond to the norm, the doctor prescribes a second urine test. Sometimesdiagnostics includes complex methods, that is, in combination with urine samples, blood is donated for analysis. According to the final indicators of both studies, the specialist draws a general conclusion.

traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy bacteria in the urine
traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy bacteria in the urine

How to properly collect urine for analysis

The first rule that women should remember in this case: urine should be collected only in the morning. Moreover, it is desirable that it be urine collected immediately after waking up. Also, special attention should be paid to the hygiene of the external genitalia. Before collecting the liquid, wash thoroughly to remove any remaining vaginal secretions. For this, it is not recommended to use antiseptic solutions or herbal decoctions, because these substances can affect the accuracy of the test results.

The collection vessel must be dry and sterile. This is very important for testing for traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy. Bacteria in the urine may be due to a poorly washed container, which means that the result will not be reliable, and the analysis will have to be retaken.

As far as nutrition is concerned, before the examination, do not lean on food that stains urine. These foods include carrots and beets. In addition, it is better to give up diuretic drinks and medicines of similar action.

traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy is normal
traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy is normal

Detecting protein in urine at home

Without visiting a doctor's office, any pregnant woman can independently do a test forproteinuria. To begin with, you should observe the shade and external state of the liquid. If the urine has become cloudy, a saturated or slightly greenish color has appeared, then we can assume the presence of protein in it. Also, with an increased protein content in the liquid, additional inclusions are often present: s alts, leukocytes and epithelial cells. This becomes noticeable if you leave the urine, placed in a transparent vessel, for some time at rest. After a few hours, the liquid will be covered with foam, and a pronounced precipitate will appear at its bottom.

Boiling can also detect traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy. What does it mean? If you heat urine with a high concentration of protein to a boil, then flaky clots will appear on its surface.

What to do if protein is found in urine

If your kidneys are functioning normally and the test still shows a positive result for proteinuria, then most likely you just need to adjust your lifestyle. First, try limiting your daily fluid intake. This will reduce the amount of urine. Secondly, many doctors recommend switching to a proper diet. Such a diet should be non-fried and non-spicy foods consumed in moderation. It is advisable to exclude s alt from your diet.

traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy causes treatment
traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy causes treatment

Proteinuria treatment

When test results are unsatisfactory, therapy is prescribed that is not primarily aimed at eliminating traces of proteinin the urine during pregnancy, and to overcome the cause of this phenomenon. Depending on the initial diagnosis, treatment may be based on the following methods:

  • Taking anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Use of antibiotics.
  • Use of drugs to boost immunity.
  • Prescribing drugs that lower blood pressure.
  • Recreation in resort areas.
  • Adjustment of the daily routine and diet.

Removing the root of the problem will help to cope with the main task - to reduce or completely eliminate traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy. Treatment must be timely, then it guarantees a speedy recovery.

traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy treatment
traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy treatment

Therapy with folk remedies

For help, you can turn not only to a medical institution, but also to folk recipes. However, it should be understood that this method will only remove the symptoms, and the original disease will not completely destroy. Therefore, it is best to use alternative treatment in combination with the traditional one.

It is believed that cranberries fight well with the manifestations of proteinuria. It is necessary to prepare fruit drink from it, which can be used as a dessert and for therapeutic purposes.

Parsley-based infusions also help to reduce the level of protein in the urine. The classic recipe looks like this: 1 tsp. seeds or chopped root (optional) of parsley should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Then the liquid should be allowed to brew for a couple of hours.

Another old recipe - a decoction of birchkidneys. 2 tbsp the main ingredient is poured with a glass of water, after which the product is brought to a boil. In order for the decoction to be completely ready for use, it must be infused in a thermos for 2-3 hours.

It's not uncommon to find traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy. The causes (treatment relies precisely on their elimination) may be different, but the main thing is to recognize them in time.
