How to provide first aid for bites of animals, snakes, insects, everyone should know, because it may be needed at any time. This becomes especially relevant in the warm season, when snakes wake up, many different insects appear, such as ticks, spiders, wasps, hornets and others. First aid for snake and insect bites is briefly described in this article.
Bites of domestic and wild animals
If a person is bitten by an animal, whether domestic or wild, a bite wound is formed, which is dangerous in that there is a risk:
- get tetanus;
- if the animal is ill with rabies, contract the disease;
- due to the presence of bacteria in the saliva of the animal, infection of the wound can occur.
If a person is bitten by an animal, the first thing to do is:
- stop the bleeding;
- treat the wound with special means;
- put a sterile bandage over the bite;
- be sure to go to a medical facility.

Medical care is very important in the event of an animal bite, especially when bitten by a wild or stray animal. After all, it can be sick with rabies or other diseases. It is less dangerous if the bite was made by a he althy pet that has been vaccinated in advance, and the wound is not deep.
Bee, hornet, wasp, bumblebee stings
The venom of these insects contains active substances. They can cause severe allergic reactions in some people, which can be quite dangerous.

- a strong pain sensation appears at the site of the bite, the skin at the site of the lesion turns red and swells;
- if the bites are multiple, it may be accompanied by vomiting, seizures, up to loss of consciousness;
- an allergic reaction often occurs.
If a person is bitten by an insect, the following actions must be taken:
- when an insect sting remains in the skin, it must be urgently removed, the sting should be grabbed with tweezers closer to the skin;
- to relieve swelling and swelling, it is recommended to apply something cold to the bite area and hold for 10 minutes;
- lubricate the affected area with antiallergic ointment;
- if the swelling at the site of the bite is quite pronounced, and the redness is more than 10 centimeters in diameter, and there is also itching, then you need to take a general antiallergic drug;
- with severe itching and increasing redness and swelling, a hormonalanti-inflammatory drug ("Prednisolone").

Bite from a venomous snake
First aid for bites of poisonous snakes and insects should be provided immediately, as the poison, getting into the bloodstream, spreads throughout the body. It is very dangerous for human he alth and life when a bite is made by a viper, cobra, muzzle, efa or gyurza. Usually snakes do not attack people first, they can only bite if they are somehow disturbed, for example, hurt, stepped on, etc.
A person who has been bitten by a snake most often does not know for sure whether it is poisonous or not. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately provide first aid, without waiting until symptoms appear that the poison has begun to act. The person should be sent immediately to a nearby medical facility where they can receive emergency care.
Cobra bite
The bite of a cobra is very dangerous. In the place where the bite occurred, numbness immediately occurs and severe pain is felt. Such symptoms immediately begin to spread through the limb, and then throughout the trunk. The initial collapse develops already in the first 15-20 minutes after the bite has occurred. Then it affects the work of the heart, the lungs swell, and a late shock occurs. A person has a staggering gait, which indicates a violation of coordination of movements. Gradually, paralysis of the motor muscles of the pharynx, tongue, and oculomotor muscles develops, as evidenced by a hoarse voice, difficulty in swallowing, shallow and rare breathing. Later than otherssymptoms appear cardiac arrhythmia.

Viper or muzzle bite
If the bite was made by a muzzle or a viper, poisoning with their poison causes the rapid development of edema of the injured limb. After 20-40 minutes after the snake bite, the victim shows signs of shock: dizziness begins, nausea appears, the skin becomes pale, the pulse is weak, but frequent, blood pressure drops sharply, loss of consciousness may occur. At the site where the bite was made, a hemorrhage appears, the skin becomes blue. Sometimes tissue necrosis occurs. Symptoms of poisoning with snake venom become most pronounced towards the end of the first day.

Giving help
First aid for snake bites, insects, ticks should be provided immediately after the incident. If bitten by one of the poisonous snakes, it is recommended to do the following:
- Place the victim in a horizontal position. He should move as little as possible, as muscle movements help the poison to be absorbed into the blood more quickly.
- If the bite was made through clothing, then droplets of poison may remain on it. Therefore, clothing must be cut or carefully removed.
- Since the poison may remain around the wound, the skin must be wiped.
- Within 15-20 minutes, suck blood from the wound with poison. Spit and rinse your mouth with water as often as possible. It is strictly forbidden to do this if there are wounds in the oral cavity.
- After the end of suction, the wound should be washedsoap and water.

If the bite was made to the upper or lower limb, it is recommended:
- 5 centimeters above the place where the snake bit, it is necessary to apply a tight bandage;
- immobilize;
- constantly control the place of application of the bandage, loosen it as the swelling of the limb increases;
- lay or seat the victim so that the limb with the wound is below the level of the heart;
- a person should drink as much water as possible;
- if it is not possible to deliver the victim to the hospital within an hour, and his condition worsens, then an injection of a hormonal anti-inflammatory drug should be given.
When bitten by a snake is prohibited:
- cut or cauterize the bite area;
- apply tourniquet.
Tick bites
These insects are carriers of a dangerous disease - tick-borne encephalitis. If bitten by a tick, do the following:
- Remove the insect as quickly as possible with tweezers or thread.
- Put the tick in a closed container.
- If the head of the parasite remains in the wound, you need to take a needle, heat it over a fire and try to remove it from the skin.
- Treat the bite site with alcohol, iodine, Miramistin.
- If your skin develops a rash, take an antihistamine.
Next, you need to contact a special laboratory with a removed tick, where they will conduct its study. If it confirms the factinfection of an insect with the encephalitis virus, carry out emergency prevention of tick-borne encephalitis in a medical facility.
Spider bites
Scientists note that there are more than 20,000 species of arachnids on our planet. They are all poisonous, but to varying degrees. Most spiders have poison of low toxicity, and therefore, when it bites a person, it does not cause any symptoms of poisoning in him. In our area, you should only be wary of tarantulas and karakurts (they are also called the "black widow").
The tarantula is a medium-sized spider, about 3 centimeters. Sometimes tarantulas can reach 12 centimeters. They can be black or dark brown in color. A feature of this species of spiders, by which it is easy to recognize, is its body, completely covered with hairs.

Karakurt is a highly poisonous spider. It has a small size, its length is only 2 centimeters. The color is black with red spots on the belly.
Tarantula bites
The tarantula is much larger than the karakurt, and also, due to its hairiness, looks much worse than the karakurt. Nevertheless, his bite is not so dangerous for the life of the victim. The bite of this spider is similar to the sting of a bee. Symptoms are as follows:
- pain;
- appearance of edema and swelling;
- heaviness and lethargy in the body;
- desire to sleep.
Symptoms disappear after a few days.
Bite karakurt
The bite of a karakurt is much more dangerous, although it is almost painless and looks like a light injection. Symptoms can be seenonly after a few hours. They are expressed as follows:
- First, the skin at the site of the bite turns red and swelling appears. After an hour, the wound begins to hurt very badly. The pain gradually spreads to the abdomen, lower back, calves, and shoulder blades. She gives in the soles of the feet and in the armpits.
- The casu alty feels very weak.
- Dizzy.
- Swelling face.
- Nausea appears.
- It's hard for a person to breathe.
- Blood pressure rises sharply.
- Pulse is fast.
- Body temperature reaches 39-40 degrees.
- Some muscles begin to twitch convulsively.
- In severe cases, pulmonary edema, convulsions, coma may occur.
First aid for spider bites
First aid for snake and insect bites (6th grade - the time when it is taught at school) should be provided immediately:
- An adult or child bitten by a spider should move as little as possible.
- Take a painkiller.
- Apply something cold to the bite.
- If the bite was made to a limb, bandage it tightly 5 centimeters above the bite.
- Introduce a hormonal anti-inflammatory drug if it is not possible to send the victim to a medical facility within an hour.
Now you know how to provide first aid for snake and insect bites. At OBZh (classes on life safety) at school, this is studied already in the 6th grade, but knowledge is gradually forgotten, so restore them inmemory will not be superfluous.