Torsion of the hydatid in a child

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Torsion of the hydatid in a child
Torsion of the hydatid in a child

Video: Torsion of the hydatid in a child

Video: Torsion of the hydatid in a child
Video: Гепариновая мазь от варикоза 2025, January

Hydatid torsion can be diagnosed in males at any age: in babies who have just been born, in older boys, as well as in adult men. This is a rather serious pathology, which is often solved with the help of surgery, and then requires a special recovery period.

Characteristics of the disease

Visit doctor
Visit doctor

Torsion of the hydatid in a child is an emergency condition characterized by the displacement of the testicle with a violation of the normal blood supply. The disease is not very common, according to statistics, it occurs in one person out of five hundred. Pathology is determined faster in adolescence than in newborns.

The essence of the disease lies in the fact that the connective tissue located between the testicle and the epididymis is turned to one side. This torsion can lead to tissue death or to the formation of a blood clot, which can subsequently cause hemorrhage. To prevent this, it is very important to make the correct diagnosis in time and start treatment.

Causes of pathology

There isThere are many reasons that provoke testicular hydatid torsion in children. The most common of these is trauma to the scrotum. But there are other cases that cause this disease. For example:

  • pathological processes occurring during the formation of the epididymis and testis;
  • sharp spasm of the abdominal muscles;
  • improper development of the testicle during the period when it descends into the scrotum.

Also, twisting of the organ can occur due to improper maturation of the spermatic cord, if the inguinal canal has the wrong width or length, as well as with increased muscle tone. Testicular hydatid torsion in children can be unilateral or bilateral. The diagnosis usually reveals unilateral torsion. Bilateral pathology is very rare. If the torsion develops inside the testicular membrane, then it is called intravaginal, if the pathology develops along with the membrane, then this is extravaginal torsion.

In newborn babies, the disease can be provoked by intrauterine pathology of the development of the genital organs. In older boys, this can happen due to trauma.

Signs of illness

Pain in the groin area
Pain in the groin area

The first symptoms of pathology can be seen with the naked eye, as they develop quite quickly. Only in the case when the cause of torsion is trauma, within a few hours, no special changes are observed with the child. The disease can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • The contour of the scrotum is changing. Struckhalf becomes more than he althy.
  • In a very short period of time, the testicle becomes red or blue.
  • The boy's body temperature is rising.
  • If you touch the scrotum, small red dots appear on her skin.
  • Child may feel sick, sometimes vomiting occurs.
  • If the boy is very small, he becomes restless, often cries.
  • When changing diapers, babies feel pain, even with a slight touch on the genitals.
  • Older children who can already talk complain that they have pain in the scrotum.

If you notice these signs in your baby, which indicate the presence of testicular hydatid torsion, you should urgently, without delay, show it to the pediatrician. And he, most likely, will give a referral to the surgeon.

Complications of the disease

How to treat
How to treat

If the testicle and spermatic cord have turned 180 degrees or more, then in this case it is very difficult to avoid the consequences. It may even end up with a blood clot and then a hemorrhage.

The consequence of torsion of the hydatid may be infertility in the future. Therefore, in no case should you start the disease. Although this is quite difficult to do, given that the child is in severe pain.

What should I do, should I have surgery for testicular hydatid torsion? The answer to this question can only be given by a doctor after the examination.

Diagnosis of disease

Child at the doctor
Child at the doctor

The doctor will first examine the damaged organ, draw up an anamnesis, taking into account all the factors that could cause the appearance of pathology. You will also need to conduct a laboratory study of urine to exclude the presence of infection.

The child will undergo an ultrasound, which will show if there is a violation of blood flow in the organs. In some cases, it is required to puncture the membranes of the injured testicle. Hydatid torsion is usually easy to diagnose.

How to treat

Don't even try to treat the disease yourself. If a scrotum injury occurs in a little boy, you should immediately call an ambulance or take the baby to a medical facility on your own. The method of treatment and the possibility of complications depend on how quickly the parents turned to a specialist.

If no more than six hours have passed since the injury, then 100% of the treatment result will be positive and the organ can be saved. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the condition of the child in a timely manner. When more than six hours have passed since the injury to the scrotum, then in this case it is quite difficult to make any predictions. If the child is not delivered to the doctor within a day, then it will not be possible to save the testicle - during this time it becomes unviable.

At an early stage, the pathology is treated by unwinding the spermatic cord. The doctor does this manually, spinning the cord in the opposite direction. Usually the procedure takes several minutes, if the conservative method does not give the expected result, then other methods of treatment are used.

Surgic altreatment

The operation is done under general anesthesia. Using a scalpel, the surgeon exposes the testicle and determines whether it is viable. Then he attaches the organ to the appendages or removes it completely.

Access to the operation site has several options. For example, if surgery is performed on a very young child, then an inguinal approach is used, but if it is a boy over 10 years old or an adult man, then the surgeon, as a rule, chooses access through the scrotum.

Surgical intervention
Surgical intervention

When you do not seek medical help for a long time (a day or more), then the testicle tissues die completely and it has to be removed. If the organ is preserved, then it is sewn to the appendages. Then a drainage tube is inserted into the wound, irrigation with antibiotics is done.

Post-op rehabilitation

Rehabilitation period is very important. Physiotherapy is an integral part of it. To normalize microcirculation in the damaged organ, a small patient should take special medications and sensitizing agents. Stitches are removed approximately 7 days after surgery.

In hospitals, physical procedures such as UHF, magnetotherapy, galvanization and others are often used for rehabilitation purposes. The duration of such procedures should not exceed 20 minutes, otherwise the high temperatures used in such treatment may adversely affect spermatogenesis.

Conducting a survey
Conducting a survey

In the postoperative period should be verycarefully protect the child from colds. Because during this period even a very slight viral infection is dangerous to him. After surgery, the boy is forbidden for some time to swim in the water if it is cold, go out into the cold, drink cold drinks.

Disease prognosis

The prognosis is favorable only when the parents took the disease seriously and immediately sought help from a medical institution. Then it will be possible to do without surgery and the child will be he althy.

If the parents delayed the visit to the doctor, the operation was unsuccessful, or there were some complications during the rehabilitation period, then the patient, already in adulthood, can be diagnosed with infertility.

Sometimes testicular torsion can cause testicular cancer in an adult male. But do not worry too much about this, as modern medicine can significantly reduce the risk of complications. In addition, parents have become more informed, they try to seek help from specialists as soon as possible, follow the recommendations on how to care for the baby in the postoperative period.


Parents from an early age should teach the boy how he should behave on the street and at home in order to avoid injury. It should also be explained to him that in case of any injuries and injuries, he must report this to his parents.

calm child behavior
calm child behavior

When a child complains of pain in the scrotum,you should immediately show the doctor, without waiting for it to go away on its own. Any delay can be very dangerous for the boy's he alth. The success of treatment depends on how timely it was started. Hydatid torsion code in ICD-10 is No. 44.