Warts: various types. Warts in children on the head, on the face, on the body, on the legs (photo)

Warts: various types. Warts in children on the head, on the face, on the body, on the legs (photo)
Warts: various types. Warts in children on the head, on the face, on the body, on the legs (photo)

Today we will talk about what types of warts exist, and also for what reasons they appear. In addition, you will learn about what preventive measures should be taken to protect yourself from skin diseases.

types of warts
types of warts

General information about warts

Before bringing to your attention the main types of warts, you should tell what these formations are.

Warts are called rounded elevations of the skin, which were formed as a result of intensive proliferation of the surface layers of the epithelium, as well as the papillary layer below it.

Thus, they are benign neoplasms of the skin that result from infection with the human papillomavirus.


The appearance of warts on the face, neck, fingers and other parts of the body can be different. Such neoplasms have different sizes (for example, from 1-3 mm to 16 mm). It depends not only on the type of skin elevation, but also on the place of its formation.

It should also be noted that there are oftensuch types of warts, which are a fusion of several neoplasms. As a rule, they are large in size, hemispherical or conical in shape with a wide base.

At the beginning of their development, such elevations have the same color as the skin. But over time, they become brown and even black. Although in some cases they owe their dark color to dirt, which sticks to the rough surface of the skin quite easily.

The main types of warts on the human body

Currently, there are 4 types of skin neoplasms. Depending on the location, as well as other features, they have different sizes, shapes, etc.

types of warts photo
types of warts photo

Before you start treating such warts, you should definitely identify their variety, as well as the cause of the appearance. Moreover, only the attending physician should do this.

Plain or ordinary

Such formations are keratinized papules of high density and 1 to 7 mm in diameter. Their favorite places are the back surfaces of the hands. In most cases, they disappear on their own, without medical intervention. This usually happens within 2 years.

These types of warts in children and adolescents are very common. At the beginning of development, they have a flesh color, and then become grayish or brown. A characteristic feature of such a formation is that a “daughter” may appear next to the “maternal” elevation.

Plantar wart

Types of warts on the legs, or ratheron the feet are called plantar. They belong to the varieties of ordinary formations. Some experts call them "spike".

They are located on the skin of the foot and are a dense spike that can be painful and also interfere with walking.

Most often, such elevations are formed on heavily sweating feet in places of compression by shoes. At first, the neoplasm is small and has a shiny surface. Subsequently, the keratinized plaque or papule acquires a yellowish-gray color with an uneven and rough surface.

The plantar lesion is usually solitary. Although sometimes there are 3-6 warts on one foot. This happens as a result of the merging of smaller elements.

types of warts on the body
types of warts on the body

In rare cases, such elevations cause temporary disability of a person.

Youthful or flat

These types of warts (the photo is presented in this article) have clearly defined shapes with a smooth surface. As a rule, they rise above the skin by 1-2 mm and have a diameter of up to 0.5 cm.

The very name of this neoplasm suggests that it most often occurs in children and adolescents.

Youth warts are rounded or irregularly shaped in the form of flat nodules. Very often they are located on the shins, the back surface of the hands and the skin of the face. The color of such elevations is light brown, flesh or pink.

The appearance of flat formations is promoted by irritation of the skin (for example, as a result of cuts, scratches, etc.).

Pointedformations or warts

This is perhaps the most unpleasant type of wart. It is the smallest skin growth of pink color. Such nodules often merge with each other and form a papillary growth, which has a soft texture. At the same time, the condyloma has a base in the form of a reddish or flesh-colored leg.

Where are these species most common? Genital warts are especially unpleasant because in most cases they appear on the female and male genital organs.

Experts say that such formations can be sexually transmitted, especially if there are microtraumas or cracks in the inguinal areas of partners or on their genitals.

If warts are not removed, they can grow to very large sizes and cause significant damage to human he alth.

types of warts on the head
types of warts on the head

Very often, pointed formations indicate the development of other infectious diseases of the genital organs. According to medical practice, this type of wart is formed in those representatives of the weaker sex who are at risk of developing cervical cancer.

Keratomas or the so-called senile warts

The mentioned types of warts are the most common among the elderly. Synonyms for such a benign skin tumor can be the following names: seborrheic wart, seborrheic keratosis and basal cell papilloma.

These formations develop from the epidermis. The reasons for their origin are still unknown. Howeverexperts believe that such a lesion is formed from the cells of the basal layers of the epidermis or keratinocytes located on the surface of the hair follicle. It should also be noted that keratomas are not associated with human papillomavirus.

Seborrheic keratosis is multiple. It is usually located on the chest, as well as the neck, face, back of the hands and the extensor part of the forearms. It is impossible not to say that these types of warts on the head are more common than others.

Keratomas never affect mucous membranes. Their number does not exceed 20 pieces, and the diameter varies from 0.2 to 3 cm (sometimes it can reach 4-6 cm).

Patients with multiple seborrheic keratosis have a positive family history. This is a reflection of hereditary predisposition.

What do keratomas look like?

The clinical picture of senile warts depends on their location and timing of development. Early formations are flat. They appear as small spots or papules that seem to stick to the skin, have visible borders, as well as a yellow or pink color, a corrugated surface and easily removable greasy crusts.

types of warts on the face
types of warts on the face

Over time, these types of warts (the photo of the keratoma can be seen from above) become dense, as well as dotted with cracks.

According to experts, senile warts develop very slowly (sometimes over several decades). However, they never undergo malignant transformation.


The following factors may be the causes of various types of skin formations:

  • personal contact with a person who has skin elevations;
  • use of things and household items that belong to the patient (for example, a towel, clothes, dishes, etc.);
  • use of untreated tools for manicure or pedicure;
  • spending time together with a sick person in a bath, sauna or pool;
  • sexual contact with an infected partner;
  • wearing very tight shoes;
  • excessive sweating of the feet.

It should also be noted that the most favorable condition for the development of warts is a person's weak immunity, as well as stress, malnutrition and lack of sleep.

Preventive measures

Let's present some recommendations for the prevention of all types of warts:

  • strict personal hygiene;
  • treatment with brilliant green or iodine for wounds or cuts on the skin;
  • no stress;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • having the same sexual partner.
types of warts on the legs
types of warts on the legs

In addition to the above, follows:

  • when in contact with an infected person, wash hands well with soap and water and limit the use of common household items;
  • use gloves when working with chemicals;
  • only wear loose and comfortable shoes made from natural materials.

How to treat?

Now you know what warts are, how they look, why they appear and how to protect yourself from them. It remains only to find out what measures should be taken if you already have such education.

Treatment of warts begins with safe and inexpensive methods, most often these are traditional medicine. Unfortunately, not all of them are effective. Therefore, if simple methods do not help, they immediately move on to more expensive and aggressive intervention.

There are several medical ways to get rid of skin diseases. The best solution would be to consult a dermatologist. After examination, such a specialist usually prescribes drugs that increase immunity and calm the nerves. Also, the doctor may advise taking vitamin complexes.

If you decide to get rid of warts by radical methods, then only a doctor can correctly determine which of the existing methods suits you best (cryolysis, electrocoagulation, laser coagulation, surgical excision, chemical methods).

Folk remedies

In addition to traditional medicine, folk remedies are also used to eliminate all types of warts.

types of warts
types of warts

The most effective recipes will be presented right now:

  • Daily lubricate the growth with an infusion of wormwood.
  • Apply raw garlic 2 or 3 times every day.
  • Squeeze juice from dandelion or celandine. Lubricate the wart with them daily. The duration of therapy is about 3 weeks.
  • Some speciesmoles and warts are removed with tea tree oil. They should only lubricate the formations several times a day.
  • Soak raw onions in vinegar essence, then tie them to the growth and leave overnight.
  • Apply juice from sour apples or lemon every day.
  • Mix horseradish juice with s alt and use it for compresses.
