How to restore the intestinal mucosa: causes of the problem, medications, alternative methods of treatment, advice and recommendations from gastroenterologists

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How to restore the intestinal mucosa: causes of the problem, medications, alternative methods of treatment, advice and recommendations from gastroenterologists
How to restore the intestinal mucosa: causes of the problem, medications, alternative methods of treatment, advice and recommendations from gastroenterologists

Video: How to restore the intestinal mucosa: causes of the problem, medications, alternative methods of treatment, advice and recommendations from gastroenterologists

Video: How to restore the intestinal mucosa: causes of the problem, medications, alternative methods of treatment, advice and recommendations from gastroenterologists
Video: Foods that lower Cholesterol #shorts 2024, July

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are very common today. Improper diet, low physical activity and bad habits take a serious toll on the stomach and intestines.

restore the intestinal mucosa after a burn
restore the intestinal mucosa after a burn

Many today are concerned about the question of how to quickly restore the intestinal mucosa and improve the functioning of the stomach in order to forget about pain and discomfort. When a person encounters problems in the gastrointestinal tract, he needs to immediately respond and take actions that will help bring the intestines in order. This article will talk in detail about how to restore the intestinal mucosa and stomach with the help of medicines and folk remedies. And also further advice from gastroenterologists will be presented, which will help to put the digestive system in order as soon as possible.

Causes of problems with the intestinal mucosa

The intestine is a very important organ that is especially susceptible to variousdiseases. The intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed due to a number of facts, which ultimately brings discomfort and pain to a person. Before understanding how to restore the intestinal mucosa, it is necessary to consider the main causes of its dysfunction. So, the manifestation of the inflammatory process may appear in the following cases:

  1. When the gastrointestinal tract is affected by various parasites. In this case, pathogenic organisms affect the intestinal walls, including the mucous membrane. Parasites absorb nutrients, and as a result of their vital activity, they leave behind damage in the form of ulcers.
  2. When infected with infectious diseases that cause inflammation. These include various viruses, dysentery, E. coli and others.
  3. In the absence of he althy microflora. Beneficial bacteria (lacto- and bifido-) ensure the normal state of the intestines, but in their absence, the mucosa undergoes disorders and inflammation. The most common reason for the absence of beneficial bacteria in the intestines is the use of antibiotics.
  4. With an unbalanced diet.
  5. For circulatory problems.
  6. With a genetic predisposition. Often bowel problems are inherited.
  7. For autoimmune diseases.
how to restore the intestinal mucosa
how to restore the intestinal mucosa

Due to the influence of the above factors, the cells of the mucosa die off, which is accompanied by inflammation, can cause pain and does not allow the intestines to perform their normal tasks.functions. Therefore, it is extremely important to recognize the problem in a timely manner, contact a specialist who will recognize the cause and tell you how to restore the intestinal mucosa. It is important to remember that the earlier treatment was started, the less damage will be done to the body.

How to restore the intestinal mucosa with medications

In order to restore the mucosa, official medicine uses drugs that are aimed at increasing cell regeneration. It is important to note that a gastroenterologist prescribes such drugs. You should not prescribe medications yourself, since the right choice will determine how effective the treatment will be and whether it will worsen the current situation. A number of medications that help with the restoration of the mucosa include the following:

  • "Misoprostol";
  • "Bifiform";
  • "Venter";
  • "Omeprazole";
  • "Novobismol";
  • "Sytotech";
  • "Lactobacterin";
  • "De-Nol";
  • "Lansoprazole".
lactobacterin dry
lactobacterin dry

Each of the above medicines has a different way of influencing the mucous membrane and is prescribed based on the reason, which is negatively displayed on the human condition. Even if the patient may not have obvious signs (pain or discomfort) of a malfunction of the intestinal mucosa, the doctor after the examination may prescribe any drug that will help to cope with disorders at the initial stage.stage.

How to restore the intestinal mucosa with folk remedies

As an addition to the therapy prescribed by a specialist, you can also use folk remedies that will help speedy recovery of the mucosa. Natural, natural remedies are a source of useful substances, so their use will help get rid of unpleasant problems with the intestines as soon as possible and help normalize the functioning of the mucosa. These folk remedies include:

  1. Celandine. This plant will perfectly help with hyperplastic processes and mucosal atrophy. Celandine should be consumed in the form of an infusion on whey, which is prepared as follows - 65 grams of sugar are diluted in 1 liter of whey, and then a gauze bag with dried celandine is placed. The infusion should be left for a day in a dark place at room temperature, and then consumed 2 weeks after meals 3 times a day, 50-100 milliliters.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil. This is a wonderful remedy that allows you to restore the cells of the intestinal and stomach mucosa.
  3. Natural juices of cabbage, beets, carrots and radishes. These products perfectly help restore the functioning of the intestinal mucosa. However, in some cases, the use of cabbage juice should be abandoned. A gastroenterologist will help you determine for sure which juice is best to drink.
  4. With high acidity, flax seeds help well, and with low acidity, infusions of plantain and parsley root.
  5. Vaseline oil may be prescribed during the recovery of the intestinal mucosa after a burn.
sea buckthorn oil
sea buckthorn oil

Diet for mucosal recovery

It is extremely important to adjust the power during recovery, as its quality will determine how quickly the problem can be overcome. There are several basic rules:

  1. It is necessary to exclude alcohol, fatty, spicy, fried foods.
  2. Plenty of dairy products should be taken.
  3. It is important to eat as much plant-based food as possible and as little animal-based food as possible.
  4. It is necessary to provide sparing nutrition - food should be warm, but not hot, not too s alty, pepper and other seasonings should be excluded, food should be mushy or liquid.
  5. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of flour and sweet products to a minimum.

A gastroenterologist will help coordinate nutrition and prescribe a diet from the treatment table, which is selected individually. It is important to follow all the recommendations and follow a diet, as this will help restore the functioning of the intestinal mucosa as quickly as possible.

Recovery foods

What do you need to eat to normalize the digestive tract? Products that restore the intestinal mucosa include the following:

  • kefir, acidophilus, curdled milk and other fermented milk products;
  • aloe juice;
  • beetroot juice;
  • potato juice;
  • pollock or hake fillet;
  • chicken fillet;
  • rosehip tea;
  • boiled vegetables.

Doctors advice

Gastroenterologists recommend for recoveryintestinal mucosa to adjust your lifestyle and nutrition. First of all, it is necessary to exclude foods that can act as intestinal irritants - alcohol, fatty meat, fried foods, etc.

products that restore the intestinal mucosa
products that restore the intestinal mucosa

It is important to drink plenty of clean water. It is best to opt for still mineral water at the time of recovery.

It is necessary to stick to the prescribed diet and try to eat at the same time. In addition to activities related to nutrition, it is important to pay attention to lifestyle. You should develop the habit of exercising, doing gymnastics, or at least devoting 1-2 hours a day to walking in the fresh air.


In conclusion of the consideration of the question of how to restore the intestinal mucosa, it is worth noting that the treatment of the intestinal mucosa is a process that takes a long time. It is important to take your he alth seriously, try not to interrupt therapy after relief, and stick to proper nutrition.

how to restore the intestinal mucosa with folk remedies
how to restore the intestinal mucosa with folk remedies

As a result of treatment, it must be remembered that an unpleasant condition can return again under the influence of negative factors, so you should follow the advice of doctors and value your he alth.
