Diagnosis of bursitis or inflammation of the synovial bag for many sounds like a sentence. And only people who understand medical terms understand that the disease is not terrible, but rather unpleasant, causing severe discomfort in the damaged area and a general inability to move normally. To understand what you have to deal with and how to avoid this kind of inflammation, let's turn to the right sources.
What is this
The bursa, or bursa, is a small, sac-like cavity formed by the synovial membrane and is an important component of the entire joint. Bursae are located between the soft tissues of the body (for example, muscles or tendons, as well as fascia) and bones, where the tendon is thrown over a nearby muscle or bone, thus eliminating or softening the friction process.

The inner cavity of the synovial bursa is filled with synovium, a special fluid produced by a special membrane inside this cavity. Synovial fluid protects against mechanical friction, shock and unnecessary stress resulting from movement during various work of the human body.
Types of Bursa
Synovial bags can be divided into several types,based on location:
- Axillary bursae are located at the points of attachment to the joint capsule, that is, between bone and muscle tissue, providing protection for the joint.
- Hypodermis are located in places where the bone experiences strong pressure from the outside, such as the elbow or kneecap, the protruding bone on the side of the ankle.
- Dry bursae give joints mobility as they often communicate with their cavities.
- Subfascial. Some physicians do not separate them from subcutaneous ones, considering them a variety. At the same time, this type of synovial bags is located not in the subcutaneous tissue, but under the fascia, thus preventing excessive muscle friction.
To make it easier to understand and navigate what a bursa is and where it is located, consider the anatomical drawings below.

Dry tendinous and subcutaneous synovial bags are located so that they protect the joint from all sides as much as possible, preventing excessive friction of the bone against a dense surface or stretched muscle, tendon. They are formed in infancy, and as they grow older and increase the load, new ones form throughout the body.
Synovial fluid in the joints
This is a product of the synovial bursa, which fills the internal cavity of the joint, providing its lubrication, nutrition and interaction with all components. The synovial fluid looks like a mucous thick mass, which has an almost transparent color and, according to some parameters,composition similar to blood plasma. If the color of the synovium is cloudy or with blood, it means that there are inflammatory processes in the joint or periarticular muscle tissues.

The synovial membrane of the bag is quite sensitive to various changes in the composition of the blood, infections and injuries. Its volume directly depends on the amount of hyaluronan in its composition, which is known as hyaluronic acid. This substance provides the viscosity of the synovium, and also does not allow it to go beyond the joint, ensuring its safety. Also, hyaluronic acid is currently considered the most important substance that retains water inside the cells. This means that joint problems are often associated with a lack of this substance, which, in turn, indicates the importance of maintaining a water regime.
Which joints are most affected by bursas
Most of all synovial bags in the joints that experience the most stress: knees, ankles, shoulders and hip joints, because in the structure of each of them there are from three to ten or more synovial bags that ensure proper functioning. The most common reasons for their defeat are:
- injuries;
- inadequate physical and sports activities;
- infectious diseases;
- pathologies of the spine;
- osteophytes;
- malnutrition, bad habits and lack of water in the body;
- disturbed metabolism;
- autoimmune diseases;
- stresses that cause all the previousfactors.
Pathologies of the synovial bursa
The most common disease is inflammation of the synovial bursa (bursitis), which most often manifests itself against the background of an injury or inflammation in the body caused by various factors. With bursitis, the area of the damaged area swells, the local temperature rises and the mobility of the joint is limited. Sometimes a person's general condition worsens due to infection in the damaged area.

The synovial bursa of the ankle joint is also prone to inflammation, especially in people who create a total load on the legs: dancers, runners, acrobats, athletes whose activity is associated with jumping or sudden movements of the legs. Former injuries especially affect the bursa: dislocations, torn ligaments and fractures, as well as parallel diseases and even incorrectly chosen shoes. In such cases, you should especially carefully monitor the condition of the joints and the whole organism as a whole.
If bursitis is an inflammation of the joint bag, then synovitis is an inflammation of the synovial membrane, that is, the very inner layer of the bag that secretes the fluid necessary for the joint. As a result, the affected membrane begins to actively produce an increased dose of synovia, which does not leave the joint capsule. And if the disease develops against the background of an infection, then the synovitis becomes purulent, which is very dangerous both for the joint itself and for the nearby soft tissues.

All types of inflammation are accompanied bysevere pain, announcing that a fluid has accumulated in the joint bag, overflowing with toxins, which irritate the nerve receptors, causing their reaction - pain.
How to identify inflammation of the bursa
The initial stage of inflammation of the synovial bag of the knee joint, for example, often proceeds almost asymptomatically, as the wise organism tries to solve the problem on its own. But if the weak signals of the body are carelessly ignored, then a sluggish illness can develop into a more serious problem and chain a person to bed.
When inflammation enters an acute stage, the affected area swells, and the bursa itself is easily palpable with fingers: it has an elastic structure of an oval or round shape, sometimes reaching a size of 10 cm. The skin necessarily turns red and the temperature rises either in the damaged area, or in the whole body and swollen tissues do not allow the joint to fully work: it is not possible to bend or completely straighten the affected joint, moreover, there is severe pain. The presence of these factors already indicates the need for immediate contact with a traumatologist, surgeon or orthopedist, who will identify the cause of the disease and prescribe a course of treatment that eliminates the problem. The most accurate result, of course, will be revealed by the doctor by prescribing a puncture of the synovial bag, but before that, he may offer to do an ultrasound or artoscopy.

When summing up, it is necessary to once again emphasize the importance of a drinking regimen and an active, but adequate lifestyle,proper, and therefore he althy nutrition and strong immunity for the he alth of not only the whole body, but also its individual segments, such as the synovial bag of the knee, the fluid it produces.