The article will describe the methods of cytological research. The purpose of this analysis is to determine the type of fixed lesions, their benign or malignant nature. Let's take a closer look at this issue.
The cell is the main building material of the body. The level of human he alth and its ability to withstand various pathologies directly depends on its quality. The study of cells allows you to identify the onset of pathological changes, control the course of therapy and the stability of the result. The study of cell structure is called cytological.

The essence of such studies
The essence of the cytological method is to analyze the features of the cellular composition of a certain biomaterial using a microscope: changes in the cytoplasm, nuclei. As a rule, cytology is understood as a study of a gynecological nature, however, this research method canbe used to study juice from the prostate gland, prints of removed tissues, synovial fluid, sputum.
What is revealed during this analysis?
The cytological method of research allows to reveal violations in the hormonal functions of the ovaries. And the study of smears taken from the vaginal fornix and uterine cervix makes it possible to detect oncological diseases in the early stages and precancerous conditions. In addition, the study allows to detect cancer of the prostate, bladder, stomach, lungs and other organs. It is also possible to identify the histological form of a tumor formation, determine the prevalence of a malignant formation, and recognize metastases. But the goal of a cytological study is not only cancer, but also autoimmune pathologies, inflammatory, viral diseases. With this analysis, you can also monitor the rate of tissue regeneration.

Indications for conduction
A gynecologist, oncologist, surgeon, therapist can prescribe a cytological method of research. The main indications for this are:
- Suspicion of viral infection, cancer, inflammation process. In this case, the study is necessary to clarify the proposed diagnosis.
- Confirmation of oncology during tissue resection.
- Tracking the dynamics of therapy for various pathologies.
- Monitoring of therapeutic results.
- Prevention screening.
- Monitoring the condition if there is a possibility of relapse. ATmandatory cytological studies are carried out after the cure of cancer.
What is the difference between cytological and histological research methods? More on that below.
The difference between cytological analysis and histological examination is that cells are studied, not tissue sections. This means that the final conclusions are made on the basis of changes that have occurred in the nucleus, cytoplasm, nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, the formation of complexes and cell structures.
A variety of biological material can be used for research - it all depends on which organ is being examined.
Biomaterial for research

As a rule, the cytological method of research (unlike the histological method, when parts of tissues are taken for research, as a rule, by biopsy or their resection) does not involve intervention in the patient's body: almost all biomaterials can be obtained in a painless way. Researchable:
- Scrapings taken from ulcers, eroded surfaces, fistulas, wounds.
- Smears, swabs from the cervical canal and cervix. The cytological method of research is used most often here.
- Amniotic fluid.
- Breast discharge.
- Secret from the prostate.
- Urine.
- Sputum.
However, the collection of some biomaterials may cause discomfort to the patient. But such a procedure is carried out quickly, and most often it is possible to collect the necessary material during otherresearch, which eliminates new painful procedures.
Invasive method
In an invasive way, the following materials are collected for the cytological method of study:
- Points from the serous and articular cavities (collection occurs with a thin needle).
- Cerebrospinal fluid.
- Blood.
- Washings from various organs during endoscopy.
In addition, prints of tissues that were removed during the operation or taken for the purpose of histological examination may be subjected to cytological examination.
Received biological samples can be examined by different methods.

Basic methods of cytological examination
Different clinics may use different methods of such research, the main ones being:
- Light microscopy. This method is based on analysis using an optical microscope. The material to be examined must be transparent or translucent so that the light beam can penetrate it. Modern light microscopes make it possible to magnify a sample by 3,000 times. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not allow the study of cells whose size is less than 200 nm. Light microscopy allows you to consider the general plan of the cell, the processes of its life cycle. Microscopy can be light, dark fields, fluorescent, ultraviolet. This technique is suitable for the analysis of various strains of bacteria, altered tumor cells. Method accuracyalmost equal to 100%.
- electron microscopy. It is carried out using an electron microscope and allows you to get an increase in the studied samples up to 500,000 times. In addition, the electron microscope gives high-definition results (the cells are preliminarily etched with special substances). This technique makes it possible to consider viruses, the structure of cell membranes, other micro-objects, for example, ribosomes, the interaction of antigen and antibodies.
- Centrifugation. This technique is used for a detailed analysis of the chemical composition of cell organelles. The samples pre-crushed in the homogenizer are placed in a centrifuge, after which its rotation is started. The organelles are deposited in layers on the bottom of the centrifuge. After that, the fractions are separated and the cell structures are studied. It is in this way that it is possible to obtain material for cytochemical research.
- Tagged atom technique. Autoradiography makes it possible to observe the biochemical processes occurring in individual cells. To do this, oxygen, carbon and other atoms in cells are replaced with radioactive isotopes, after which their localization, behavior, and movement are recorded with special partings.
- Method of X-ray diffraction analysis. It is necessary for the analysis of the spatial arrangements of protein chains, RNA, DNA in cellular structures.
- Method of cell structures. It involves growing cells in a nutrient medium and their subsequent study.
- Microsurgical technique. Assumesimplantation or removal of various organelles from the cell, introduction of third-party molecules, artificial exchange of organelles between cells.

Pathologies detected by such analysis

The main disease traces of which are searched for by cytological examination is cancer. In addition, cytology can detect precancerous conditions and the following pathologies:
- Heart attacks.
- Pathologies of the central nervous system of an inflammatory nature.
- Fetal maturity (if amniotic fluid testing is in progress).
- Non-malignant diseases (congestive heart failure, tuberculosis, pneumonia).
- Presence of viral antigens and infectious agents in biomaterial samples.
- Inflammatory processes, including various meningitis.

Thus, the methods of cytological diagnostics are one of the most informative ways to study the state of various organs that are known to medicine today. They allow timely detection of oncological diseases, precancerous conditions, and other diseases.