If you need to get a urine test but have a fear of urinating in public or have trouble emptying your bladder, you may need to force yourself to do so in some way. In case of fear, some foods that stimulate urination, as well as psychological help, will help you. But under certain circumstances, which are accompanied by pain in the bladder, medical attention may be required. So, let's look at how to force yourself to pee.

Urine stimulation
You need to sit on a chair and lean forward so that there is pressure on the abdominal muscle. It will put pressure directly on the bladder. You can also press on the lower abdomen. Lean forward, put your hands there, gently press on the part of the body. Do not touch the bladder itself, otherwise you will provoke the outflow of urine to the kidneys.
You can also tap your belly with your fingers at bladder level. Necessaryquickly pat your fingers on the abdomen in the area that is below the navel. This should be done a little faster than once a second for about half a minute. If necessary, look for the most sensitive area and keep patting until you feel the urge to urinate.
Stimulate the hips or genital area. Stroke your inner thigh or twitch your pubic hair to stimulate the nerves that control your bladder.
Drinks and food
Speaking of how to force yourself to pee, you should pay special attention to certain foods and drinks. Consider them separately.

More water
So how do you force yourself to pee? If the doctor has ordered you a urine test, you should drink water the day before. Perhaps this is the simplest, harmless method. Before forcing yourself to pee this way, pay attention to the following factors:
- Water will not harm the body, because it simply removes excess fluid through the kidneys. If you don't know how to force yourself to pee, start by drinking a couple of glasses of water before visiting the clinic.
- If you have heart failure or other conditions that cause swelling, you should limit your fluid intake. You should also reduce your water intake if you have chronic kidney disease or are undergoing hemodialysis.
Eating fruits
Continuing to look at how to force yourself to pee for tests. certain fruitshave diuretic properties. A diuretic is a substance that promotes the production of urine and leads to the most frequent urination. There are many fruits that are diuretic natural remedies. Therefore, if you are wondering how to make a child or yourself pee, then you should eat the following fruits before taking tests:
- Citrus fruits promote urination. In the case of regular use, such products also reduce blood pressure, prevent the penetration of infection into the organs related to the urinary system.
- Watermelons. After eating a couple of slices of juicy and sweet watermelon, you will probably want to pee soon.
- Some foods that are made with fruit, such as cranberry juice or apple cider vinegar. On the eve of your test, drink a glass of juice or eat a salad dressed with apple cider vinegar.

Using herbs
How to make your child or yourself pee for tests? Some herbs also promote urination. They can be drunk as a natural diuretic. These include:
- Antioxidants contained in parsley improve urination in humans.
- Cilantro has a diuretic effect, and also reduces blood pressure, normalizes digestion in humans.
- Garlic has many he alth benefits. It boosts immunity and can also serve as a natural diuretic.
- Ginger will prevent the accumulation of fluid in the humanbody. If you want to stimulate urination, use ginger as a condiment by adding it to various dishes.
Please note: if you are looking for an answer to the question of how to make a baby pee, then it is better to use the massage methods described above for these purposes. Vegetables can be consumed by adults and older children. These include the following:
- Cucumbers, celery have a large amount of fluid, which is necessary for urination.
- Carrots serve as a light good snack, while they have diuretic properties. To avoid any urinary problems, eat one raw carrot or a jar of baby carrot puree, which is sold in grocery stores, before taking the test.
- Cabbage, like the aforementioned cucumbers, contains a lot of fluid that promotes urination.

Drinking tea or coffee
How to make a child pee in a jar? You can give him weak tea to drink. Adults can use coffee for this purpose.
The fact is that these drinks are diuretic. So, shortly before taking tests, drink a small cup of black or green tea or black coffee. But it is necessary to observe moderation, that is, not to consume too much caffeine, in particular, before the upcoming visit to the doctor. A large dose of this substance can provoke a temporary increase in blood pressure in a person, which will affectpressure gauge in the specialist's office.
Relieve constipation
How to force yourself to pee if you don't want to because of your constipation?
If you are constipated, this can put pressure directly on your bladder and also on your urethra, preventing you from urinating. Add foods that are high in fiber to your diet. You also need to exercise more. But if the problem persists, see a doctor.
Try not to hold back the urge to defecate, as this can only aggravate constipation.

How to overcome fear of urination in public?
And how to make a boy or girl pee for tests if the child is simply afraid to do it in a public place?
First of all, you need to practice muscle progressive relaxation. Many children experience a problem with urination in a public place. If you, too, are experiencing urination anxiety in the clinic, relaxation will help. We should try to calm down before peeing in a public toilet.
Find a way to help you or your child get your mind off the urge to urinate. So, your body will perform its natural function without difficulty. The progressive muscle relaxation technique will help with this.
Alternately relax different muscle groups. You should start by relaxing the neck, shoulders, then you need to move on to the muscles of the arms, hips, torso. Gradually go down, getting to the shins,feet. Try to focus on the sensations in the muscles, while forgetting that you are currently going to use a public toilet. After relaxing your muscles, eliminating all disturbing thoughts from your head, you can easily urinate in the clinic.
Find a way to distract your child or yourself from all kinds of disturbing reasoning. Try to occupy your own mind or your child's mind with something else, while not thinking about urination. Thus, you will greatly facilitate the whole process. If you are going to use a public toilet, take your mind off the thought.

If you have a smartphone with you, then read the news, let your child watch cartoons, listen to music. So, you can easily get distracted or distract your child.
Try to think of something else. Imagine some kind of sports competition in your thoughts, try to remember your favorite musical melody, poem. You can also imagine a beautiful landscape, call to mind a calming picture, for example, the interior of a children's bedroom. You can also hum a song you like in your mind. In a word, anything with which you can distract yourself, not think about the need to use a public toilet, will do.
Hold your breath
When you hold your breath, the amount of carbon dioxide in your blood increases, reducing overall stress.
To do this, exhale 75% of the air, then hold your breath. You have to hold it for 45 seconds. Repeatthis procedure 3-5 times to see if it helps.
See a therapist for help
If the need to use a public toilet causes you anxiety quite often, and also leads to various kinds of inconvenience at work, in other places, then you can seek professional help from a psychotherapist.
Fear of defecation in public toilets has been successfully treated with medication, behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy. The psychotherapist must study your case, after which, based on the condition, medical history, he will select the most appropriate method of treatment.

To do this, you can contact any paid clinic or look in your area for a free or less expensive center for psychological help. If you are studying at some large educational institution, you should keep in mind that such centers often operate at such centers.
Final part
If you are unable to urinate at all in a public toilet for testing, you should seek emergency medical attention. The specialist should put in a catheter that will relieve you of excess fluid in the bladder. Next, you need to take tests that will help find out the root cause of the difficulty, and, of course, determine the course of treatment.