The importance of science in the life of the whole society is very difficult to deny. Scientists and their developments have given society everything that it now enjoys and enjoys. The developments of scientists in various fields make it possible to defeat deadly diseases, fight mental disorders, create unique “smart” equipment and even robots. The possibilities of science are truly endless. New faces always bring new ideas with them, which become the basis for future developments. However, many developments are based on simple and proven methods.

Many wise men of the past said that there is a macro-, microcosm. At that stage of development, people could not realize the full depth of these words. After all, the macro- and microcosm really exist and interact very closely. Tiny changes in cell structure can be caused by global changes in the solar system. Today it is very difficult to prove or disprove such a relationship, but studies of the world of bacteria and cells suggest that a cell is a small Universe.
Microscopy is the scientific study of objects using a microscope. Translated from Greek, this word means "small, small." Microscopy can be divided into several subspecies: optical,multiphoton, x-ray, laser and electronic. The purpose of this method of research is to increase observation of the object and register the changes noticed.
History of the microscope
At the beginning of their historical development, microscopes were optical instruments that used visible light beams. Such devices were very weak for observation and were suitable only for the simplest operations. The idea of the emergence of an electron microscope arose at the moment when scientists thought about replacing electromagnetic radiation with an electron beam. This event became a reference point for the development of the electron microscope, which greatly expanded the possibilities of observing the object.
Microscopy Methods
In order to correctly and thoroughly examine any object, it is necessary to work according to a certain algorithm. Such algorithms are developed once and used for years. In order to study the world around us with the help of special equipment, it is necessary to master special methods. Microscopy methods are a combination of various algorithms, following which one can thoroughly and systematically study a specific object of the microworld. The passage of a beam of light through a microscope is accompanied by some changes in the initial characteristics, which may be caused by the structural structure of the object. This process may be accompanied by a series of optical effects such as reflection, absorption, refraction, dispersion, etc.
Light microscopy methods
Light microscopy is a system of methods that use differentoptical effects for reliable display of results. The visible elements and the nature of the resulting image will largely depend on the lighting. In total, there are a large number of microscopy methods: bright field, oblique illumination, interference contrast, dark field, polarization method, phase contrast, ultraviolet, luminescent, infrared microscopy, confocal microscope.

All these methods have certain advantages and disadvantages. When working with a sample, one or another method should be chosen based on its adequacy in a given situation. The strengths and weaknesses of each method are not important in general, the main thing is that the method is applicable in given conditions.
Microscopy and medicine
The use of microscopy in medicine has great potential. Today, thanks to microscopes, it is possible to examine various cells of the human body in order to accurately determine the state of he alth. The cells of the body give the most accurate and reliable result, which until recently was impossible to obtain, since microscopes could not provide comprehensive information.

The use of such devices is very promising, because the methods of treatment and diagnostics can dramatically change and completely move to a new level. Research using microscopes has been known and used for a long time, but science is on the verge of treating a person with cells. This is a unique opportunity that will allow you to move away from the usual methods of treatment and forget about medicines. The cell is the most powerful element in the body. Talking about the benefits of transplanting he althy cells to a sick person is simply pointless, because it is obvious.
Urine test
General urinalysis is a set of measures that are aimed at studying the properties of urine and its physical and chemical composition. Important indicators in this case are color, smell, reaction, transparency, density, as well as the content of various substances in the urine. Microscopy of urine sediment allows you to determine the presence of s alts, cellular elements and cylinders. It should be understood that urine is the end product of the kidneys, which can very accurately reflect the state of metabolic processes and blood in the body.
Urine sediment analysis
Urine microscopy allows you to create a more complete picture with a full examination of the body. Also, a smear is often used for the usual and differential diagnosis of diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys. During treatment, urine microscopy may be prescribed to evaluate the effectiveness of the doctor's intervention. Urinalysis allows you to identify specific or potential problems in the body's water and electrolyte balance, as well as in the metabolic process. Urinalysis is very effective in diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in infectious and inflammatory processes in the body. Sometimes urine microscopy is used to monitor the patient's condition during therapeutic or surgical treatment.
Microscopic examination of blood
Blood cells are formed inred bone marrow and then released into the bloodstream. Each blood cell performs a specific function. Leukocytes are needed to fight infectious cells, erythrocytes contribute to the enrichment of oxygen cells and the removal of carbon dioxide from them, platelets are very important for hemostasis. Under normal conditions, the human body produces the normative value of all cells, which does not go beyond certain limits. In the event of any complications or illness, blood cells can change their size, shape, color and quantity. Only through accurate microscopic examination can one determine the condition of the cells and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Blood is the life-giving fluid of the body, which ensures the exchange of useful substances between all cells. A blood smear microscopy is an examination performed under a microscope. A preparation prepared from one drop of blood is being studied. This procedure is included in the general blood test or leukocyte formula and is not performed separately.
Smear microscopy
What is a blood smear for? Microscopy of a blood smear gives the specialist very important knowledge about the state of human he alth. With this analysis, you can determine the quantitative ratio of red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells, as well as their shape and size. In addition, a clinical blood test allows you to determine the quantitative expression of immature leukocytes, which is a very important point in a number of diseases. Also, a blood smear allows you to qualitatively diagnose diseases that can beassociated with violations of the functions of blood, its formation, coagulability, as well as the destruction of blood cells. A very important task of a microscopic blood smear is to regularly monitor the condition of blood cells, their maturity after radiation and chemotherapy, with problems with hemoglobin, as well as with leukemia.

A blood smear is prescribed if a general blood test has shown that the quantitative expression of leukocytes, immature or atypical cells is increased. Biomaterial from blood or capillaries can be used for a smear.
Biology and microscopes
Biology greatly expands the possibilities of using microscopes. As mentioned earlier, cytology relies heavily on modern and powerful microscopes. Microscopy in biology opens up unprecedented scope for experiments and research for scientists. Modern developments allow us to talk now about what kind of future awaits us.
Microscopy in biology has a very wide application. The devices allow us to study organisms that are inaccessible to the human eye, but are very important for scientific experiments. In biology, the most commonly used method is electron microscopy, which gives an image due to the directed flow of electrons. At the same time, even a light microscope makes it possible to study living biological objects.
Phase-contrast microscopy is one of the methods that is widely used in microbiology, parasitology, and hematology. It allows you to study the cells of microorganisms, plants, animals, count the cells of the bone marrow,blood. It should be noted that phase-contrast microscopy can only indicate the contours of objects.

The method of microscopy in biology is used very actively, since almost all varieties are applicable for biological research. Interference microscopy makes it possible to study transparent liquids and objects, as well as to give their qualitative analysis. This is possible due to the fact that the light beam, passing through the device, bifurcates: one part of it passes through the object, and the other part passes by. Thus, the two beams interfere and merge to form a complete image.
Microscopy in various fields of application
The scope of microscopy is very wide. Despite the fact that initially microscopes were intended for research in the field of biology, today their sphere of influence has expanded significantly. Microscopy is a set of methods that has found its application in the analysis of solid and crystalline bodies, the structure and structures of surfaces. Microscopes are also actively used in medicine not only for diagnostics, but also for performing microsurgical operations. Moreover, it is known that scientists have developed an underwater laser microscope, the purpose of which is to search for extraterrestrial life on Europa.
Also, one should not forget about the rapid development of nanotechnology, which is unthinkable without microscopes. The development of this industry leads to the fact that varieties of microdevices are constantly being improved. Moreover, there are new types of microscopes that are designed to study a certainWednesday.
Summing up some results, it should be said that microscopy is a promising area that is developing more and more actively every year. Interest in human stem cells, as well as the development of nanotechnology, leads to the fact that microscopes become an integral part of any research work.