The article discusses ointments for the healing of trophic ulcers.
When it comes to trophic ulcers, it should be said that this is not so much a separate disease as damage caused by a prolonged loss of the ability to regenerate, which is the result of defects in the supply of the skin area with blood and tissue rejection. Ulcers can appear on different parts of the body, depending on the patient's diagnosis. They are characterized by long healing (over 1-2 months) and regular exacerbations. The formation of trophic ulcers is typical for the lower extremities (especially for the ankles), but they can also appear in other areas of the skin and mucous membranes. The main unpleasant symptom is the inability of inflamed tissues to regenerate.

Ointments come to the rescue for trophic ulcers.
When varicose veins form skindefects that do not heal for a long time and develop against the background of blood stasis with the expansion of the venous walls. They are quite dangerous, since such injuries on the lower extremities are observed in fifteen percent of people who suffer from this disease. The appearance of such ulcers is due to the level of development of varicose veins, when the valves of the deep and saphenous veins are completely destroyed. You can permanently eliminate this ulcer with a laser. Therapy of the damaged epidermis should be combined with getting rid of varicose veins. Specially created therapeutic ointments and dressings help the ulcer disappear only with varicose veins. With varicose veins, ulcers respond quite well to treatment. A more severe case is post-thrombotic ulcers, as they are more difficult to eliminate, but still quite possible.
The article will talk about the most popular and effective ointments for trophic ulcers, as well as folk methods of treatment. Stagnation in the veins, which is formed by the discharge of blood into the superficial vessels from the deep ones, is the main reason for this manifestation of varicose veins. Blood that stagnates in the skin and becomes saturated with toxins, causes discoloration, as well as the formation of ulcers. Those that are associated with varicose veins are most often located on the lower leg and ankles. If there is no competent medical intervention, then relapses can occur, as well as ulcers of the epithelial type.

Causes of disease
For the most partcases, the source of the disease are such pathologies:
- sudden venous insufficiency (with thrombophlebitis due to varicose veins);
- narrowing of the arterial lumen due to diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension;
- lymph outflow defects;
- violation of tissue innervation (with some diseases and injuries);
- against the background of chronic skin diseases and injuries.
There are many causes of ulcers, and diagnostic results must be taken into account, since subsequent therapy depends on this. Against the background of diseases such as varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, obesity, small defects in the integrity of the skin can lead to trophic ulcers on the leg. Treatment with ointments should be comprehensive and timely.
Features of a trophic ulcer
Trophic ulcers do not heal for a long time, and this is very exhausting for the patient. Pathology rarely occurs unexpectedly, usually it is preceded by symptoms such as swelling, pain, heaviness, a long burning sensation and itching occur a little later, convulsions may also appear at night. After some time, the skin becomes purple or purple in color, engorgement and pain are felt on palpation. Due to venous blood stasis, tissue trophism (the ability to receive oxygen and nutrients) deteriorates. Decay products build up as tissues die without being nourished.
Why do we need ointments for a trophic ulcer?
Expediencyapplication of ointments
Since pathology in all cases is a consequence of defects in the body, you need to focus on eliminating the root cause. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment are excluded. Ulcers heal after they clear, become red and bleed on palpation.

Gel dressings and ointments are used for trophic ulcers. The number of dressings is about once a day, and washing is no longer so necessary. To improve the outflow of blood, the injured leg is raised twenty degrees at night, and compressions during the day. Along with the treatment of the main diagnosis in trophic ulcers, local treatment and physiotherapy procedures with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory measures are effectively performed.
Sclerotherapy is also widely used, in some cases one-stage plastic surgery is used. In difficult situations, amputation helps, preserving the patient's viability and leg function, and prosthetics are carried out. The best therapeutic tactic is conservative procedures combined with surgical measures. Against a secondary infection, ointments are required for trophic ulcers on the legs, which contain antibiotics.
When applicable?
Treatment with ointments is used at any stage of the disease. When choosing medicines and prescribing a therapeutic course, specialists are based on the root causes of the disease and possible provoking sources.
Course application of ointments helps:
- avoid insome cases of surgery;
- improve trophism;
- nourish the skin and tissues;
- normalize material metabolism, blood circulation and venous outflow;
- stimulates the appearance of new normal cells;
- clear wound necrosis, promote speedy healing;
- fill cells with nutrients and collagen.
You need to know that the greatest effectiveness is noted at an early stage. In advanced situations, treatment only with ointments for trophic ulcers on the legs will not be enough for recovery.
Trophic ulcer with varicose veins is distinguished by the following stages: appearance, further progress, purification, granulation in the core of the ulcer and peripheral scarring, granulation and subsequent scarring of the pathology.
Let's take a closer look at the use of ointments at various stages of the disease.

First phase
Different by the appearance of "lacquer" skin and redness in the patient, determined by severe swelling. After that, liquid begins to appear in drops, pale spots form, that is, dead epidermis. If the skin is not treated at this stage, scabs form under the spots, which deepen and form ulcers. The stage can last from several hours to several weeks, which is determined by the stage of varicose expansion, prevention and treatment. Typical signs of the first stage: difficulty in movement, pain, high temperature. Disinfectants, cleaners andnutrition-improving ointments in the treatment of trophic ulcers on the leg.
Recommended products such as "Actovegin" and "Solcoseryl" in various forms: first, a 20% gel is applied (1-4th day), then a 5% cream (4-11th day), ointment 5%. No less effective is the Algofin ointment, which contains antibacterial components of a broad spectrum of influence - chlorophyll derivatives. Levomekol and Levosin have a healing and antimicrobial effect.
Second phase
At this stage, as at the end of the first, the secret and appearance of the ulcer is determined by the effectiveness of therapy and the addition of infection. A typical trophic ulcer has rounded edges, fibrinous, bloody, purulent and mucous discharge. Of central importance is the cleaning of the wound (up to one and a half months). In the second phase, after the onset of granulations, Ethonia, Thiotriazoline, Methyluracil-D, Wundehill and Betadine are used. The latter, due to iodine in the composition, does an excellent job with viruses and fungi, and also promotes granulation. Ointment for trophic ulcers of the lower extremities "Vundehil" restores tissues, eliminates purulent formations and necrosis, "Ethonia", in addition, anesthetizes.
Means effective in the third phase
Regarding the third phase, it must be said that its duration is determined by the size of the ulcer, the general treatment and the quality of the procedures performed. Without active therapy, scarring will not be completed, everything will start again. At this stage, epithelialization is formed, that is, a “new” epidermis appears. In the third stage, ointments are used that he altrophic ulcers and characterized by a pronounced ability to activate recovery - "Alantan Plus", "Mefenat", "Kuriozin", "Bepanten". The last ointment contains panthenol, which is also used for various inflammations of the mucous membrane and skin.
Drugs in the fourth stage
At the fourth stage, the size of the ulcer decreases, its scarring ends. The phase continues until complete recovery. At this time, it is recommended to use ointment of calendula, comfrey, St. John's wort (10%) and other means to get rid of the disease. There are also folk recipes for the treatment of trophic ulcers. Which ointment is most effective?
Oil-vegetable ointment
This ointment is used for trophic ulcers in diabetes, and other forms of pathology.
It includes: one carrot, one onion, half a glass of unrefined sunflower oil. The onion needs to be peeled, cut into small cubes, grated carrots and added to the onion. The mixture is fried over low heat in the entire amount of oil. The golden mixture obtained as a result must be squeezed out and applied to the ulcers, like lotions. The procedure is repeated at least three times a day.
What other ointment for the treatment of trophic ulcers can you make yourself?
Yolk ointment
Through its use, chronic ulcers are also treated, the main thing is proportions. Fresh chicken yolks are placed in the container, a five percent solution of iodine is added in a ratio of one to one. The ointment is mixed until dark yellow. It should be stored at room temperature in a dark place. pour tea on the woundspoon, make sure that it does not fall on he althy skin. Then a clean napkin is applied, the wound is bandaged. Should be changed every twelve hours.
Ointments for trophic ulcers in diabetes mellitus
Drugs used to treat affected areas:
- "Streptolaven".
- Levomekol.
- Vishnevsky's ointment.

Remedies to be used after a weeping wound has healed:
- Tocopherol ointment.
- Curiozin.
- "Actovegin".
- Algimaf.
- Solkoseril.
Reviews on ointments for trophic ulcers
There are a lot of reviews about these products. They are mostly positive. But, the effectiveness of a particular ointment depends on the timeliness of therapy, the stage of the disease and other individual characteristics.
An ulcer is an unaesthetic and unpleasant phenomenon, which is dangerous with complications. Like any pathological process, it is very important to be treated on time and pay special attention to pre-existing diseases and tendencies.
According to reviews, ointments are the most effective and affordable means of assistance, the dignity of which patients consider ease of use and a variety of choices. At the same time, it must be remembered that after a complete cure, you need to monitor your lifestyle.
Almost all ointments used for trophic ulcers have their own contraindications. When choosing them, you need to read the instructions, but even betterconsult a specialist.
- Such drugs as "Levomekol" and "Levosin" are characterized by high sensitivity of patients to their composition.
- "Solcoseryl", "Chloramphenicol" cannot be used for excessive wound granulation and hypersensitivity to their components;.
- Ofloxacin is not used during pregnancy as there is no evidence of its safe use and no effect on the fetus;.
- During breastfeeding, women cannot use Mefenat, it is prescribed only for medical reasons. An allergic reaction is also a side effect.
- "Streptotinol" cannot be prescribed if the patient is excessively sensitive to active ingredients and strong purulent secretions.

Side effects
With trophic ulcers, ointments sometimes cause allergic side effects, for example:
- Levomekol, Streptonitol, Solcoseryl can cause itching, burning and redness.
- Erythromycin ointment and "Methyluracil" - to soreness in the affected areas.
If unpleasant side effects appear, the use of ointments should be stopped and other analogues should be selected together with the attending physician.
It is hard to imagine what kind of disease can cause trophic ulcers on the legs. Often the reason lies in the ordinary infection with bacteria and microbes, the introduction of pathogenic microflora under the skin, which can cause inflammation.
Howeverit happens that trophic ulcers are a complication of such serious diseases as hypertension, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, in which degenerative processes occur in the hematopoietic system.
Trophic ulcers are treated for a long time and difficult. They get wet, heal poorly, are able to necrotic for several years. The degree of the underlying disease and the age of the patient also affect.

For prevention
With the help of the ointment, blood circulation processes and inhibition of inflammation processes should be activated. Otherwise, osteomyelitis and gangrene begin.
Recommended for prevention:
- avoid purulent discharge from wounds;
- treat cracks and affected areas with antiseptics in a timely manner;
- avoid cold feet;
- wear shoes that fit and are comfortable;
- protect your skin from cuts and injuries, infectious lesions, ultraviolet radiation.
When choosing drugs, you need to adequately analyze the condition of the ulcers, the degree and stage of the disease, the symptoms in order to achieve the desired effect.
The article discusses effective ointments for the healing of trophic ulcers on the legs.