Balm in Greek means a remedy. It is an alcoholic drink with a strength of 40-45 turns, which is infused with medicinal herbs. It is taken for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. For example, the Shuya balm "Old Shuya" combines the taste of various fruits, herbs and roots, and has a brown color. This drink is popular among consumers, especially in the autumn-winter period. Shuya balm is the choice of those who care about their he alth.
Drink description
Shuysky balsam – Healing brown alcoholic drink, 43% alcohol, produced in 0.25 liter containers. It has a bitter taste, reminiscent of a medicinal mixture, where each component complements each other. The aroma of the drug has many shades of different herbs, flowers, as well as honey and spices.

Shuysky balm composition is as follows:
- Birch buds, gravel root.
- Clove flower buds, knotweed root and ginger.
- Galgan root, cinnamon.
- Mint leaves, pine needles, orange oil.
- Heath grass, yarrow, chaga.
- Linden, calendula, dandelion flowers.
- Vanilla, honey, sugar, color.
- Apples, prunes and rowan.
- Hydroalcoholic liquid.
All these components give the drink a lot of organic acids, minerals, tannins, alkaloids, carbohydrates and proteins, as well as fats and glucosides.
When to use
Shuya balm is recommended for use in such cases:
- Overfatigue and weakness of the body.
- Increased mental or physical stress.
- Decreased appetite.
- Cold diseases.
- Wet cough.
- Cholelithiasis.
- Excitability of the nervous system.
- In the complex therapy of angina.

Well suited "Old Shuya" as a prevention of gastrointestinal pathologies. On the basis of the drink, rubbing, compresses are made, which help get rid of pain in the joints and muscles.
How to use it correctly
As a treatment or prevention, the balm should be taken at a dosage of up to 20 milligrams per day, no more. With a sore throat, you can gargle with a balm in the throat and mouth, after diluting it with warm water.
When overworked astonic drink is consumed in the amount of 30 milligrams after a meal. It is taken as an aperitif to increase appetite.
For the prevention of colds, 2 teaspoons of the drink are added to tea. Such a drink will also help to remove phlegm from the bronchi.
It is allowed to use it in the amount of 150 milligrams per week. It is not recommended to abuse alcoholic beverages.
Restrictions on application
Before using the Staraya Shuya balm, you need to study its composition. It is not recommended to take alcohol for those who have a high susceptibility to its components. In order for the drink to fully show its medicinal properties, it is consumed in a certain dosage. If it is exceeded, alcohol poisoning may occur.
Also, you can not take the balm for those who suffer from kidney and liver failure, children and women during the period of bearing and breastfeeding a child.
Reviews about this drink are mostly good. Many people use it for colds, adding it to tea so that the taste of the drink is not so bitter. Despite the fact that the balm is quite strong, it is easy to drink.
Some say that the drink contains beaver stream, which is a good cure for many diseases and helps to strengthen male power.

Shuisky balm is produced by the Shuiskaya vodka plant. It includes twenty kinds of medicinal plants and herbs. The drink can be consumed both in its pure form andadd to tea or coffee. It helps to cure colds faster, but only if the dosages are observed.