"Kombilipen" is a drug that is administered for acute neuralgic pain. This is a new generation multivitamin. It quickly and effectively eliminates pain. In an acute attack of neuralgia, the injection form of the drug is more often used. How to prick "Combilipen"? And what is the duration of the course of therapy? We will consider these issues in the article.
Composition and action
Before you understand how to properly inject Kombilipen, you need to understand the composition and effect of this drug on the body. This combination medicine contains the following active ingredients:
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine). This substance contributes to a faster transmission of impulses in the nervous tissue. It also has analgesic properties. Thiamine acts similarly to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but much milder. Vitamin B1 normalizes the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, and also slows down cell aging.
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). This component complements and enhances the action of thiamine. Pyridoxine has a positive effect on peripheral nerves and normalizes the production of neurotransmitters. Also, vitamin B6 increases efficiency and improves memory.
- Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). This component strengthens the myelin sheath of nerve fibers. It is involved in the production of acetylcholine, a substance that improves signal transmission from neurons to muscles. In addition, cyanocobalamin stimulates the formation of red blood cells and prevents the development of anemia.
- Lidocaine. It is a local anesthetic that is often used in dental and surgical practice. When applied to the skin, lidocaine causes loss of sensation. When injected into the muscle, the anesthetic provides a pronounced analgesic effect. Also, this component contributes to better absorption of B vitamins.

It can be concluded that "Combilipen" is both a multivitamin complex and an anesthetic. Vitamins improve the condition of peripheral nerves, and lidocaine relieves pain.
The drug contains very high doses of B vitamins. All of its active ingredients complement and enhance each other's action. Therefore, the separate use of thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin will not give the same strong analgesic effect. Conventional multivitamin complexes contain much smaller doses of active ingredients.
Injection solution and tablets
The drug is produced in the formsolution for injections and tablets. In addition to the active ingredients, the injection form contains benzyl alcohol, water, caustic soda, potassium ferricyanide, and stabilizer E451. The solution has a pinkish color. It is packaged in 2 ml ampoules.

The tablet form is produced under the trade name "Kombilipen Tabs". It contains only a complex of B vitamins. The tablets contain twice as much pyridoxine as the injection solution. However, they do not contain lidocaine, so they have a less pronounced analgesic effect. The tablet form is used primarily for maintenance therapy.
How much can you inject "Combilipen"? This question is often asked by patients. Usually, injections are prescribed at the first stage of treatment, when it is necessary to stop the pain syndrome. The course of injections continues until the acute pain disappears. As soon as the patient's condition improves, doctors recommend switching to the tablet form of this medicine.
When is it necessary to inject "Combilipen"? How to use this pain reliever correctly? The drug contains high doses of active ingredients. Therefore, it can be administered only on strict medical grounds and under the supervision of a physician.
The injection form of the drug is used to relieve pain in the following neurological pathologies:
- sciatica;
- sciatica;
- diseases of the spine (including those withosteochondrosis);
- neuralgia of the facial nerve;
- polyneuropathy of various etiologies;
- lumbar, cervicobrachial and radicular syndromes;
- intercostal neuralgia;
- nocturnal calf cramps.

Tablets "Combilipen Tabs" have the same indications for use. But they are used after the removal of acute manifestations of pathology. In addition, the tablet form is prescribed for the relief of pain in herpes zoster.
Before injecting "Kombilipen", you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of this medication. This drug should not be used by people who are allergic to B vitamins and lidocaine. Otherwise, after the injection, negative reactions may occur. Also, the drug is contraindicated in patients with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, including those with vegetovascular dystonia.
This drug is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. Its active ingredients pass into milk and also cross the placenta. Huge doses of B vitamins and an anesthetic can cause fetal developmental disorders. If the active substances penetrated into mother's milk, they can provoke a sharp deterioration in the baby's well-being.
How to inject "Combilipen" for children? This remedy has limited use in pediatric practice, since benzyl alcohol is included in the injection solution. It is extremely rare for doctors to prescribe this drug to adolescents over 12 years of age for relief.neuralgic pains. Therapy is carried out under close medical supervision of the child's condition. However, in most cases, doctors try not to prescribe this remedy to patients under 18 years of age, since the effect of the drug on the developing organism is not fully understood.
Unwanted effects
The use of the drug is rarely accompanied by the appearance of side effects. However, allergy sufferers may experience the following negative manifestations:
- skin itching;
- rash;
- excessive sweating;
- anaphylactic shock (in severe cases).
In patients with vegetovascular dystonia or heart pathologies, dizziness and tachycardia may occur after the injection. This is how the body of a patient with weak vessels reacts to the introduction of lidocaine. In such cases, the course of injections should be stopped and another drug for pain relief should be selected.
It is not uncommon for patients to give themselves injections. How to inject Kombilipen at home to avoid negative reactions? The first two injections are best done on an outpatient basis. After the injection, you must remain under the supervision of a doctor or nurse for 30 minutes. In this case, specialists will be able to provide the necessary assistance in case of anaphylactic shock or an allergy attack.
If after the first two injections there are no negative reactions, then in the future you can make injections yourself. However, if you are prone to allergies, doctors recommend taking the entire course of therapy only in a treatment room.
How many timesto prick "Kombilipen" during the day to prevent the occurrence of side effects? The dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor individually for each patient. However, even with severe pain syndrome, the daily dose of the drug should not exceed 4 ml.
Administration of an excessive amount of medicine can cause intoxication. An excess of B vitamins and lidocaine negatively affects well-being. In this case, the following signs of an overdose occur:
- nausea and vomiting;
- tachycardia attack;
- dizziness;
- pre-fainting;
- fever;
- excessive sweating;
- confusion.
If after the injection the patient has such symptoms, then it is urgent to call a doctor or an ambulance. Washing the stomach and taking sorbents in this case will not help, since the drug is injected and immediately enters the bloodstream.
Recommended dosage
How often can you inject "Combilipen"? The drug effectively eliminates discomfort, but this does not mean that it can be administered with every pain attack during the day. Most often, doctors prescribe 2 ml of medication (1 ampoule) 1 time per day. This is usually enough to stop the pain.
In especially severe cases, with the permission of the doctor, the frequency of injections can be increased up to 2 times a day. This daily dosage (4 ml) is the maximum allowable. In no case should it be exceeded, this can lead to serious intoxication.
The drug is prescribedalso for the prevention of exacerbations in chronic pathologies of peripheral nerves. This helps to improve the condition of the nerve fibers and prevent the recurrence of the pain syndrome.
How often can you inject "Combilipen" for prophylactic purposes? To prevent an exacerbation of the pathology, it is enough to inject 2 ml of the drug once every 2-3 weeks. During remission, more frequent use of the drug is not required.
Introduction rules
The drug is only allowed to be administered intramuscularly. How to prick "Kombilipen", following all the rules? The injection solution must be injected deep enough into the muscle. It is necessary to mentally divide the buttock area into 4 squares, and make an injection in the outer upper part. Before injection, the skin must be disinfected. The needle must enter at least 2/3 of its length into the muscle tissue.
If the patient injects himself, then it is allowed to inject the drug into the upper third of the leg. This area contains few blood vessels and nerve endings. Therefore, even an inexperienced person is unlikely to be able to harm himself with an inept injection.
In this case, it is very important to inject the medicine to a sufficient depth. Otherwise, the solution will accumulate under the skin or in fatty tissue. This can lead to swelling, hematoma and lack of therapeutic effect. After the injection, the injection site should be wiped with cotton soaked in an alcohol solution.
Duration of therapy
Only a doctor can determine exactly how many days to inject Kombilipen. It depends on the type of pathology, the severity of the patient's condition andthe severity of the pain syndrome. In acute diseases, the course of injections takes from 5 to 10 days. In the future, the patient is transferred to maintenance therapy.
If within 10 days the treatment did not lead to a decrease in pain, then further use of the drug is inappropriate. In this case, Kombilipen must be replaced with another medicine.
If the drug is used for prevention, then the duration of its use is determined by the attending physician. In this case, the drug is administered once every few weeks, and an overdose is unlikely. Therefore, the prophylactic course can be quite long.
Possible treatment regimens
After stopping the acute pain syndrome, the patient is transferred to maintenance therapy. The following treatment regimens are used:
- The patient continues to receive injections of the Combilipen drug, but much less frequently. Gradually, it is transferred to a prophylactic dose and 2 ml of the solution is injected once every 2-3 weeks.
- Injections are completely canceled and the drug "Combilipen Tabs" is prescribed. Tablets should be taken 1 piece after meals 1 time per day. The course of treatment lasts 14 days.

How to inject "Kombilipen" with other medicines? This tool is often used as part of complex therapy. However, the vitamin preparation is not compatible with all medicines. It must not be administered simultaneously with the following medicines:
- other drugs withB vitamins;
- adrenaline and noradrenaline-based products;
- drugs for Parkinson's disease.
During the course of injections, you must stop drinking alcohol. Ethanol significantly impairs the absorption of vitamins.
It should be remembered that the injectable form of the drug "Combilipen" can not be mixed in the same syringe with other drugs. This remedy is chemically incompatible with many medicines.
Combined use with "Diclofenac"
Is it possible to inject "Combilipen" and "Diclofenac" at the same time? These drugs are quite compatible and can be used as part of complex treatment. Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory drug with strong analgesic properties. Both drugs complement each other.
This combination of drugs is usually used for pain syndrome provoked by an acute inflammatory process (for example, with sciatica). It is important to remember that these two drugs must be drawn into different syringes. With complex treatment, the dosage of the drug "Combilipen" remains the same as with monotherapy. Diclofenac injections are given once a day every other day.

How much to inject "Combilipen" with "Diclofenac"? The course of combination therapy is carried out according to the following scheme:
- 1st day. Give one injection of each drug.
- 2nd day. Enter only "Combilipen".
- 3rd day. The drugs are used together, as on the first day.
Thus, the combined treatment lasts 3 days. Further, the course of therapy with a vitamin preparation is continued, and Diclofenac is canceled.
Combilipen and Mydocalm: combination therapy
Combined treatment with Kombilipen and Mydocalm is often prescribed. These drugs belong to different pharmaceutical groups. Mydocalm is a muscle relaxant that relaxes skeletal muscles. This combination of drugs is indicated for pain associated with muscle tension and stiffness, for example, with a pinched nerve, osteochondrosis, spondylitis.

How often to inject "Combilipen" with "Mydocalm"? To relieve pain, it is usually enough to give one injection of each drug per day. In this case, for each medicine you need to use a separate syringe. In severe cases, injections of the drug "Mydocalm" are done twice a day. The course of combined treatment can take from 1 to 5 days.
Combilipen and Milgamma: which is more effective
"Milgamma" has the same composition as the drug "Combilipen". This remedy also contains B vitamins and lidocaine. These two medications should never be used together as their combination can lead to hypervitaminosis and lidocaine overdose.

Patients often wonder which of the two drugs is better. Both drugs have the same list of indications and contraindications. They contain the same active ingredients. These drugs differ only in manufacturers. "Combilipen" is a domestic remedy, and "Milgamma" is produced in Germany. In terms of effect on the body and effectiveness, these drugs are almost the same.
It can be concluded that the drug "Combilipen" is an effective pain reliever. However, such a potent medicine can be used to relieve pain only as directed by a doctor. It is very important to give injections correctly and not to exceed the recommended dosage. This will help avoid unpleasant side effects.