Gel "Dalacin": analogues and substitutes cheaper

Gel "Dalacin": analogues and substitutes cheaper
Gel "Dalacin": analogues and substitutes cheaper

"Dalacin" is an antimicrobial agent that belongs to the group of lincosamides. It has a wide spectrum of influence. The drug is produced in several forms and is used in many branches of medicine.

The acne medication is available in a 30 gram aluminum tube with detailed instructions in a cardboard box. The gel is a transparent viscous mass without any pronounced aroma and impurities.

The main active ingredient of the drug is clindamycin phosphate. As additional components are:

  • polyethylene glycol;
  • allantoin;
  • methylparaben;
  • carbomer;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • water;
  • propylene glycol.

The cost of the drug varies from 400 to 900 rubles.

dalacin gel analogues
dalacin gel analogues

Pharmacological properties

"Dalacin" is for external use only. The drug is in most cases used in dermatology and cosmetology to eliminate acne and purulent exudate.

Active ingredientthe drug, when penetrating the skin, gets deep into the pores, adversely affecting pathogens. The drug dries up the rash, activates the process of early crust formation without scar formation, and prevents further spread of the infection.

Under the action of the Dalacin gel, the patient eliminates signs of the inflammatory process, eliminates edema and hyperemia. In a small amount, the active ingredient of the drug penetrates into the bloodstream.

dalacin gel analogues cheaper
dalacin gel analogues cheaper


Gel "Dalacin" is usually prescribed to people for therapy and prophylactic purposes in the following conditions:

  1. Adolescent acne vulgaris.
  2. Furuncle (acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding connective tissue caused by pyogenic bacteria, mainly Staphylococcus aureus).
  3. Carbuncle (acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue around a group of hair follicles and sebaceous glands, tending to spread rapidly).
  4. Impetigo (an infectious disease caused by staphylococci and streptococci).
  5. Pustular lesions.
  6. Erysipelas (an acute infectious disease caused by streptococcus bacteria).
  7. Open wounds.
  8. Abscesses of the skin.

The drug is also used to prevent the formation of deep scars after trauma or severe acne in adolescents. What substitutes are cheaper andAnalogues gel "Dalacin" from acne has?

dalacin acne gel analogue
dalacin acne gel analogue

Drug substitutes

List of analogues cheaper than Dalacin gel:

  1. "Curiozin".
  2. "Klindovit".
  3. "Baziron".
  4. "Skinoren".
  5. "Zerkalin".
  6. "Clindamycin".
  7. "Zinerite".

Patients should consult their doctor before starting to use an analogue drug.


The drug belongs to antibacterial drugs. "Zerkalin" is used externally to eliminate acne.

dalacin gel analogues cheaper list
dalacin gel analogues cheaper list

The drug is produced in the form of a solution. "Zerkalin" is applied to the skin in the affected area evenly twice a day. The epidermis is washed with clean water and dried before use. The duration of therapy varies on average from 6 to 8 weeks, if necessary, it can be extended up to six months.

Before starting treatment with a solution, it is important to read the annotation to the drug. There are a number of features that you need to listen to:

  1. It is necessary to avoid getting "Zerkalin" on the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  2. If this happens, rinse your eyes with plenty of water.

The cost of "Zerkalin" is 300 rubles.


This is one of the most famousantimicrobials, which are used in the elimination of acne. Moreover, often the drug is not used in the form of tablets, but as a gel for application to the skin. And only in the most difficult situations, the doctor may advise the use of "Clindamycin" for acne in the form of tablets for oral administration.

Acne cream must be used pointwise. It is applied, as a rule, on inflamed areas twice a day, and not on the entire surface of the skin. The reason - the drug can cause dryness and irritation.

This Dalacin gel analogue has certain limitations:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Increased drug sensitivity.

Not recommended for use while breastfeeding. Clindamycin is used with extreme caution in case of kidney and liver damage. The price of the medicine varies from 150 to 200 rubles.


The medication is intended for external application. It is actively used in dermatology to eliminate acne and complications after them.

dalacin acne gel analogue cheaper
dalacin acne gel analogue cheaper

"Curiosin" is considered to be an activator of regenerative processes of damaged tissues. Thanks to hyaluronic acid, when applying the drug on the epidermis, an invisible frame is created. In addition, under the action of this substance, the production of fibrillar protein and elastin is stimulated.

Zinc hyaluronate affects mainly the sourcelesions, drying the rashes and slowing down the spread of bacteria in them. With the constant use of the drug, people with problem skin noted an improvement in its condition. The cost of Curiosin ranges from 480 to 660 rubles.


The drug is produced in the form of a gel for external application with antiseptic and keratolytic effects. "Baziron" is used to eliminate acne, including those complicated by a bacterial infection. The medication is used only externally.

dalacin gel analogues and reviews
dalacin gel analogues and reviews

Keratolytic effect of the gel is due to the following pharmacological properties of the main component:

  1. Inhibition of sebum production by the corresponding glands of the skin.
  2. Improve the separation of dead cells of the upper layer of the epidermis.
  3. Faster oxygenation of the skin in the acne area.

With these antiseptic and keratolytic properties, the gel exhibits pharmacological action against acne. Due to the complex effect of additional substances of the drug, benzoyl peroxide water is dosed into the epidermis, and skin hydration improves. The price of a medicine varies from 640 to 820 rubles.


The drug has an antimicrobial effect and is used to eliminate acne. The drug is used only externally.

dalacin gel analogues and composition
dalacin gel analogues and composition

"Klindovit" is necessaryApply to a cleansed and dried area of the skin with a thin layer three times a day. To obtain the greatest pharmacological effect, it is important to use the drug for 6–8 weeks, and if necessary, up to six months. The cost of Klindovit ranges from 370 to 500 rubles.


The drug is a topical agent with a pronounced bactericidal effect. It is used to treat rosacea, as well as acne vulgaris and increased skin pigmentation.

"Skinoren" is for external use only. The drug is used to treat patients from 12 years of age. The duration of treatment is determined by a medical specialist on an individual basis.

gel dalacin analogues and substitutes cheaper
gel dalacin analogues and substitutes cheaper

Before using the medication on the skin, it is important to make sure that they are clean and dry. The medicine "Skinoren" is applied in a thin layer to the affected area twice a day: in the morning and evening hours.

Treatment with the drug is not recommended to stop as soon as the first improvements appear, as this can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Cream or gel must be used constantly after cleansing and toning the skin.

People with increased fat content of the epidermis and acne are recommended to use "Skinoren" in the form of a gel, people with excessive pigmentation are usually prescribed a cream. The price of the medicine fluctuates around 600 rubles.


Antimicrobiala remedy that is designed to eliminate acne. "Zinerit" has antibacterial, as well as antiviral, restorative and comedolytic properties.

The composition of the analogue of the gel "Dalacin" includes two active ingredients. The first is erythromycin, which has a bacteriostatic effect on acne-causing pathogens. In addition, the preparation contains another active ingredient - zinc acetate, which reduces the production of sebum secretion. The effectiveness of the complex relationship of these two substances in the treatment of acne is confirmed by numerous responses about Zenerite.

gel dalacin analog zenerite
gel dalacin analog zenerite

According to reviews of the analogue of the Dalacin gel, this drug is produced in the form of a lotion and powder for preparing a solution. The medicine is intended for external application. Before use, the solvent is poured into a vial of powder, and then shaken well.

The remedy for acne must be applied with the applicator in a thin layer on the broken epidermis, while tilting the bottle and slightly pressing on it. According to the annotation, "Zinerit" should be used twice a day: in the morning and in the evening after washing. The recommended single dosage of the drug is about 0.5 ml. The duration of treatment varies from 10 to 12 weeks. The positive effect of "Zinerit" is noticeable after 2 weeks of therapy. The cost of the medicine is 490 rubles.
