Patch "Wantong Artiplas": instructions, composition, indications for use

Patch "Wantong Artiplas": instructions, composition, indications for use
Patch "Wantong Artiplas": instructions, composition, indications for use

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system have recently been often diagnosed in medicine. Osteochondrosis, excessive tension of muscles and tendons after power loads, osteoarthritis (in ICD-10 it is designated by the numbers M15-M19), polyarthrosis - all these unpleasant phenomena are increasingly affecting people of different ages. In addition to taking pills and injections, external medicines are also used in the treatment of these diseases. One of them is the Wantong Artiplas patch, the instructions for which say that it contains only natural ingredients.

Characteristics and description of the drug

"Wantong Artiplas" - a medical plaster for joints, presented in the form of a strip of natural perforated cotton fabric, which has a sticky layer of brown plaster mass with a specific smell. From above it is covered with a protective paper layer. The medication is an anti-inflammatory agent. Plaster "Wantong Artiplas" indications for use has the following:

  1. Complextreatment of osteoarthritis.
  2. Therapy of osteochondrosis.
  3. Elimination of joint pain.
  4. Elimination of inflammation and swelling.
  5. Normalization of local blood circulation.
  6. Increased muscle tone.
treatment of osteochondrosis
treatment of osteochondrosis

Wantong Artiplas patch contains the following components:

  1. Borneol - 0.05 grams.
  2. Methyl salicylate - 0.02 grams.
  3. Diphenylhydramine hydrochloride - 0.018 grams.
  4. Extract of a mixture of vegetable raw materials (roots of Kuznetsov's aconite, angelica, corydalis, lovage, Corydalis flowers and others) - 0.225 grams.

As additional components, the composition of the product includes rosin, rubber, petroleum jelly, lanolin.

patch vantong artiplas composition
patch vantong artiplas composition

According to the instructions, the Wantong Artiplas patch has a size of 7x10 centimeters. It is placed in a box. Three bags are packed inside, inside of which are medical stickers in the amount of two pieces.

Therapeutic action

The product has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant effect. Its action is due to local reactions, including the improvement of blood circulation in the affected area.

The natural components that make up the patch eliminate pain and inflammation in a short time, have a mild effect on the affected joints, and eliminate muscle tension after power loads. The drug does not cause dependence and withdrawal syndrome.

Many are wondering what it is -diphenhydramine hydrochloride, which is part of the product. This substance has antihistamine efficacy, has a local anesthetic and antispasmodic effect, and relaxes muscles.

Wantong patch
Wantong patch

Methyl salicylate and borniol are anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

After application, the patch mass begins to melt, the active ingredients penetrate the skin, begin to act on the joints. The maximum therapeutic effect can be observed four days after the start of therapy, in the future, the effect of the drug only intensifies.

Patch "Wantong Artiplas": instructions for use

The product is used externally. First you need to remove the protective paper, stick the patch with the sticky side on clean, undamaged skin. You need to wear it from 12 to 24 hours. Do not use a new patch every four hours. The course of therapy is two weeks. On the recommendation of a doctor, it can be repeated.

medical plaster for joints
medical plaster for joints

Restrictions on application

According to the instructions, the Wantong Artiplas patch has some contraindications:

  1. High susceptibility to ingredients.
  2. Open wounds.
  3. Inflammatory skin conditions such as dermatitis or eczema.
  4. Violation of the integrity of the skin.
  5. Children under 18.
  6. The period of bearing and breastfeeding a child.

The doctor will tell you more about the medication.

Appearanceadverse reactions

Usually, the remedy is well tolerated by patients if used correctly. If the patch is not removed in time, an allergic reaction may develop. The substances included in the preparation can provoke irritation, redness, swelling and itching of the affected area.

If such phenomena are observed, it is necessary to remove the patch, rinse the skin with running water, lubricate with cream or petroleum jelly. Before sticking the next patch, you need to give the skin a rest.

More information

According to the instructions, the Wantong Artiplas patch, when used simultaneously with NSAIDs, will have an enhanced effect.

If local allergic reactions occur, it is recommended to lubricate the affected area with Vaseline before the next use of the patch.

Store the drug in a dry place where the air temperature does not exceed twenty degrees. Shelf life is three years from the date of issue.

osteoarthritis therapy
osteoarthritis therapy

Cost and purchase of medication, analogues

According to the instructions, the Wantong Artiplas patch is an anti-inflammatory agent. Recently, it was added to the list of painkillers, so it can not be purchased in all pharmacies in the country. The cost of the medication ranges from six hundred and sixty to seven hundred and fifty rubles, depending on the pharmacy chain. You can also buy the product on the official website of the manufacturer. The drug is dispensed only by prescription.

The patch today has no analogues, as it was created according toinnovative formula.

Medic reviews

According to many doctors, the negative symptoms of osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis are stopped with regular use of the patch. In this case, it is necessary to follow all the prescriptions and recommendations of the attending doctor. To completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease for a long period of time, two or three courses of treatment are recommended.

mkb 10 osteoarthritis
mkb 10 osteoarthritis

According to doctors, the drug has a cumulative character, the therapeutic effect begins to appear on the fourth day of treatment.

Many doctors recommend the patch as an alternative to pills and injections, the action of which is aimed at relieving pain. Nevertheless, the patch cannot replace the entire complex of therapy, but it can speed up the healing process.

Patient testimonials

Patient reviews are mostly positive. Many note the effectiveness of the drug, it helps to eliminate pain and inflammation in osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. But it must be used in complex therapy. Of the minuses, there is a high cost of the medicine and a small number of patches in the package (only 6 pieces), as well as a sharp unpleasant odor.

Other people note that it is convenient to use, it does not have a warming effect, does not stain clothes, and is safe because it contains natural ingredients. Good for those who have problems taking pills due to gastrointestinal disturbances.

There are also negative reviews aboutpatch. Some people note that it only works when you wear it. If you take it off, the pain comes back again. These people compare it to a regular pepper patch, which costs a lot less. For some patients, he did not help at all, they prefer massage and gymnastics.

treatment of diseases
treatment of diseases


Patch "Wantong Artiplas" - a Chinese remedy that is used to treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Most of the reviews about it are positive, but patients are confused by the cost of the drug, which, in their opinion, is very high. The medicine has a natural composition. It also has a specific smell. Therefore, many people recommend using it at home, you should not go to work with it.

According to the instructions, the Wantong Artiplas patch begins to show a therapeutic effect on the fourth day of therapy. Doctors recommend using the product for at least two weeks.

Today, not all pharmacies can buy medication, but it is sold on the official website of the manufacturer. Doctors recommend this remedy to their patients as it is effective and safe.

You should not engage in self-treatment, be sure to consult a doctor who will tell you in detail about the patch and how to use it correctly.
