Gel "Ginofit": composition, indications, instructions for use, reviews

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Gel "Ginofit": composition, indications, instructions for use, reviews
Gel "Ginofit": composition, indications, instructions for use, reviews

Video: Gel "Ginofit": composition, indications, instructions for use, reviews

Video: Gel
Video: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | PCOS | Nucleus Health 2025, January

"Gynofit" is a moisturizing vaginal gel for intimate hygiene based on lactic acid. It also contains glycogen. Against the background of its use, there is a decrease and maintenance of the pH level of the mucous membranes of the genital organs at the level of physiology. This ensures favorable conditions for the life of normal vaginal microflora.

Gynofit gel effect is achieved due to its balanced composition. Lactic acid is present in the vagina normally. It creates a slightly acidic reaction in the vaginal environment, thereby inhibiting the reproduction of pathogenic flora, and is a natural moisturizing factor.

instructions for use
instructions for use

Glycogen is a polysaccharide which, along with lactic acid, is a physiological and natural substance for the vagina. Under the influence of normal vaginal flora, glycogen is transformed into glucose, and then into lactic acid,which is necessary to create a normal acidic environment.

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose is used as a stabilizer and sealing agent in the production of Ginophyt. Propylene glycol effectively retains moisture in tissues. Sodium lactate, levulinic acid and anisic acid are essential for acidity regulation.

Medical preparation, which is an intimate gel based on lactic acid, is intended for use as a means of personal hygiene. The use of the drug to restore the microflora of the vagina allows you to maintain the natural acid level in the intimate area of a woman. It should be used when the climate changes, with prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse, during the period after menstruation, after sexual contact, visiting the pool. The gel is applied intravaginally.

Pharmacological form

Gynofit Moisturizing Gel is packaged in microsyringes, which have a volume of 5 ml. Each small syringe is packaged in a sterile plastic bag.

Additional syringes are placed in cardboard packs of 6 or 12 pieces.

Gel Composition

Among the components of Gynofit vaginal gel:

  1. Lactic acid.
  2. Propylene glycol.
  3. Glycogen.
  4. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
  5. Sodium lactate.
  6. P-anisic acid.
  7. Levulic acid.
  8. Demineralized water.

The composition is described in detail in the instructions.

drugs to restore the microflora of the vagina
drugs to restore the microflora of the vagina

Indications for use

Gynofit Gel is recommended for use in conditions that are accompanied by a violation of the acidity level of the vaginal mucosa, as well as an imbalance of the vaginal microflora and require additional acidification:

  1. Some common pathologies (anemia, Sjögren's syndrome, diabetes mellitus).
  2. Climacteric hormonal disorders (with natural or artificial menopause), changes due to surgical interventions on the ovaries and uterus, in the lactation period.
  3. Decrease in local immunity due to overwork, stress, acute viral or respiratory disease.
  4. Use of certain medications: contraceptives, cytostatics, hormones, antibiotics.
  5. Pathologies of the genital organs of an infectious-inflammatory nature.
  6. Pathologies of the digestive tract, accompanied by the development of dysbacteriosis.
  7. Frequent change of sexual partners.
  8. Failure to follow the rules of personal intimate hygiene.
gynofin gel
gynofin gel

Terms of Use

According to the instructions for use, the Ginofit gel should be administered intravaginally, that is, into the vaginal cavity. This should be done after the implementation of the hygiene procedure. The introduction is carried out using a microsyringe, which has a special physiological shape and an applicator tip.

Before using the product, carefully remove the microsyringe from the disposable polyethylene package. Usegel should be according to the following instruction:

  1. It is necessary to shake the contents of the microsyringe, turning it up and down.
  2. Turn the tip up, break off the seal.
  3. Lie on your back, insert the microsyringe applicator into your vagina.
  4. Squeeze its contents into the vaginal cavity.

Don't flush. One syringe is designed for a single use. Moisturizing gel can be used in cycles or as needed.

gynofit gel instructions for use
gynofit gel instructions for use

Adverse drug effects

According to the manufacturer's instructions, Ginofit gel rarely provokes the development of any side symptoms. A mild burning sensation is likely to occur (usually on first use). With further application, it soon disappears.

If a woman is prone to allergic reactions, she has an increased sensitivity of the mucous membranes to external influences, there are damages in the vagina caused by the use of local contraception, insufficient care, improper hygiene, then the use of the gel can provoke reactions in her mucosal irritation. In such cases, the use of the drug is recommended to stop. Reuse is also undesirable.

hygiene for women
hygiene for women


Contraindications for the use of Gynofit intimate hygiene gel by a woman are as follows:

  1. Private intolerance to the components of the gel.
  2. Availabilitydamage in the internal genital organs, in the vagina, on its mucous membranes.
  3. Postpartum conditions.
  4. Infectious lesions of the genital tract.
  5. Genital neoplasms.

More information

Lactic Acid Intimate Moisture Gel is for intravaginal use. The product does not contain spermicidal components, therefore, it cannot be used as a means of preventing conception. It is allowed to combine the product with latex. When using an intimate gel, the use of daily pads is recommended. If the gel accidentally gets into the eyes, rinse them thoroughly with running water.

If the individual packaging of the product is damaged, its use is strictly prohibited.

gynofit gel reviews
gynofit gel reviews

Gynofit gel reviews

Meeting reviews of intimate gel are usually positive. Girls note that the product is convenient to use thanks to special applicators and packaging for single doses. The drug only in rare cases provokes side symptoms, has relatively few contraindications, effectively moisturizes the vaginal mucosa, helps to normalize its pH balance. Another advantage of the tool is the possibility of using it not only in courses, but also as needed. In addition, the components of the gel do not destroy the latex, which means that women can use "Ginofit", being protected by condoms.