The drug has an effect that is manifested by the acceleration of metabolic processes occurring in neurosensory organs and in the myocardium. Before starting therapy, you need to find out what the drug "Trimetazidin-Biokom MV" is. Instructions for use, composition of the medication - useful information that you should read.

Medication release form, its components
The drug belongs to modified release products, is available in the form of coated tablets, is made on the basis of trimetazidine dihydrochloride. The blister contains 10 tablets, in a pack they can be from 1 to 6. One tablet includes 35 mg of the main component. Formulated with magnesium stearate, povidone, aerosil, hypromellose and calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate.
Titanium dioxide, macrogol are among the components of the tablet shell"Trimetazidin-Biocom MV". Instructions for use informs that in addition to these substances, the shell consists of hypromellose and red iron oxide.

Pharmacological action
Antihypoxic agent allows you to return normal metabolism to cells in which negative changes have occurred due to the development of a pathological condition (ischemia, hypoxia). Tablets eliminate the reduction in the amount of ATP inside cells, improve the condition of ion membrane channels, transmembrane movement of sodium and potassium ions. It is possible to maintain cellular homeostasis during the period of treatment with the use of the drug "Trimetazidine-Biocom MV". Instructions for use informs that the drug reduces the rate at which the oxidative process of fatty acids occurs, due to which more active glucose oxidation is carried out, and myocardial protection from ischemia is performed. The action of the drug is based on switching the oxidative process from fatty acids to glucose.
The drug, supporting the normal course of metabolic processes, has a positive effect on neurosensory organs and the heart, reduces the severity of disturbances in the ionic transmembrane flow during the development of ischemia. By acting on the tissues of the heart, the drug helps to reduce such indicators as migration, infiltration of polynuclear neutrophils. Regarding the action of the drug "Trimetazidin-Biocom MV", the instructions for use include data that reflect a positive effect on the myocardium, damageddue to ischemia. The drug has absolutely no effect on hemodynamics.

Absorption occurs almost completely and quickly. Communication with plasma proteins is insignificant (16%), the bioavailability index is 90%. From the moment the pill is taken to the moment when the level of the active substance in the body becomes maximum, it takes about two hours. It is known that the drug easily passes through histohematic barriers. The elimination half-life is approximately five hours. The drug is removed from the body by the kidneys, most of it does not change its form.
"Trimetazidine-Biokom MV" (tablets) instruction allows you to use for the implementation of long-term treatment of coronary artery disease. Its purpose is shown in the following cases:
- the need for preventive measures in case of angina attacks;
- dizziness associated with vascular lesions;
- cochleo-vestibular disorders of an ischemic nature (deterioration of the hearing organs);
- chorioretinal vascular pathologies accompanied by ischemia.

Prevention of angina pectoris can be performed using a single drug or through the implementation of complex therapy.
Regarding cases when taking the medication "Trimetazidine-Biocom MV" is undesirable, instructions for use,reviews contain data showing the impossibility of treatment with the drug in such conditions:
- excessive sensitivity to the main component and other ingredients of the product;
- breastfeeding;
- bearing period.
Because the safety of the drug in children (under 18 years of age) and the effectiveness of treatment with its use have not been established, this drug is not prescribed to such patients.
The drug is contraindicated in severe liver dysfunction and kidney failure, in which such an indicator as creatinine clearance is significantly reduced (is 15 ml / min or less). Not only indications and contraindications determine the possibility of treatment with Trimetazidine-Biocom MV. The cost also plays a certain role when choosing a medication for therapy. We will talk about it a little later.

Drug treatment
The size of a single dose is determined by the doctor (usually not less than 40 mg, but not more than 60). 2-3 doses of the drug are required per day. The duration of therapy is set separately for different cases.
Side effects
Before you start therapy, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible adverse reactions of the body as a result of taking Trimetazidine-Biocom MB tablets. Instructions for use of the drug on which the treatment is based, side effects include allergies, manifested as itching, and skin rash, othersreactions that are not normal for the body. In the course of treatment, in very rare cases, some patients experience nausea, vomiting, and gastralgia.
Severe overdoses have not been reported and are unlikely to occur. Facial hyperemia and hypotension may occur as a result of exceeding the recommended dose.
Special Instructions
Treatment does not interfere with the ability to drive or engage in activities that require rapid physical and psychomotor responses.
Pills are not suitable for treating angina attacks and should only be used prophylactically by patients suffering from angina attacks.
During treatment in patients with coronary heart disease, there is a decrease in the daily requirement for nitrates.

The cost of the drug, analogues, reviews
Must be studied before starting treatment with "Trimetazidine" instructions for use. The price is also important information and is taken into account when choosing a drug for the treatment (prevention) of heart problems (IHD). The approximate cost of the medicine is 100-165 rubles. for 30 tablets and 189-208 rubles. for 60 tablets.
As an analogue, you can use "Preductal", "Antisten" or "Trimet". Perhaps treatment with drugs "Medarum", "Rimecor". The doctor can replace the medication by prescribing Precard, Angiosil, Trimitard MV. There is a possibility of treatment with Triducard,"Predizin", "Trimectal" or "Metagard". Judging by the reviews, the most popular analogue is Preductal, this drug is effective, but it costs more than Trimetazidine. Instructions for use, price show that it is beneficial to be treated with the drug, reviews confirm the effectiveness of such therapy.
In the reviews of the drug, it is reported that the drug eliminates pain in the heart well, it performs its task perfectly. As a result of taking the drug, according to patients and doctors, positive changes are noted, for example, the body of people who have undergone therapy perceives physical activity better. Many people claim that after a few days of treatment, their shortness of breath disappears, tachycardia disappears, and blood pressure returns to normal. Usually, improvements are noted on the fourth day of treatment, which is based on the use of Trimetazidine-Biokom MV. Instructions for use, the price show that the drug is not only affordable, but also effective, moreover, it has a minimum number of possible adverse reactions that usually do not develop. The appearance of side effects is observed in rare cases.

So, we have provided comprehensive information about the drug "Trimetazidine-Biokom MV". Analogues, price, instructions, reviews of the medicine are now known to you. The drug should be prescribed by a specialist and used in the dosage prescribed by him. The need to change the drug is also determined by the doctor based on many factors. Complianceof all recommendations allows you to make the treatment the most effective without harm to he alth.