Poisonous plants are actively used in traditional medicine to treat a number of diseases. However, they are in the greatest "demand" in homeopathic practice and in non-traditional therapeutic activities. Our ancestors knew that the most powerful healing powers are hidden even in plants, which can ruin a person's he alth or even lead to death if used improperly. In prevention and treatment, proportions must be observed. Only then will the poison become a healing healer, which will carefully direct the body's resources on the path to recovery.

Amanita tincture in the treatment of poisonous plants occupies a special place. The handsome mushroom loves mixed and coniferous forests of Europe and Asia. Meeting with him always causes a specific feeling of admiration and sacred horror. It is impossible to walk past a piercing red hat with snow-white patches and not stop. The mushroom seems to be dancing a ritual dance and lures with its velvet skirt. To succumb to the temptation and take it into a basket - you can, fly agaric tincture will be an excellent reward forthe attention given. But for the preparation of a festive dinner, you should use more edible mushrooms. Forget about the numerous tales when the thirtieth relative fed her beloved guests to the full with a fly agaric pie. This tale may have one end - severe poisoning and hospitalization.

Amanita contains special toxic substances - muscarufin, muscimol, muscaridine and others. They cause vomiting, dizziness, pain, salivation, suffocation and convulsions. In some cases, death may occur. However, these same toxic substances also have a therapeutic focus. Muscarufin has antitumor and antibiotic effects, muscarine is an excellent analgesic. The poisonous mushroom also contains antihistamine (antiallergic) substances. Treatment with fly agaric tincture is widely used in the treatment of skin allergies and neurodermatitis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, tuberculosis, joint diseases, in gynecology and oncology, psychiatry and neurology. The French even make sleeping pills from a poisonous mushroom.

Amanita tincture is used in the treatment of a huge number of diseases. This original method has few contraindications - pregnancy, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, individual intolerance. It is not recommended to use tincture in the treatment of children under 16 years of age. In the rest - complete freedom, limited, of course, by the dosage. But how is this miraculous andmysterious medicine - fly agaric tincture? There is a traditional and proven recipe.
Fresh fly agaric (caps) chop and pour 40% alcohol solution in equal proportions. It is necessary to insist in a glass (plastic) sealed container either in the refrigerator or in the cellar for 40 days (required!). During the first five days, alcohol is added to the container as needed. At the end of the infusion period, the contents of the container are squeezed out and then filtered. By the way, the mushroom mass that remains can be used as a compress for the joints. Cake and fly agaric tincture are stored later in a dark, cool, secluded place.
Unfortunately, there is no universal treatment regimen. Each disease requires its own specific regimen, which is prescribed by a specialist. By the way, the drug "fly agaric tincture" can be bought at a pharmacy. Or better yet, wait for the mushroom season to come and go on an amazing journey for poisonous healers.