In the article, we will consider instructions for use, price, reviews and analogues for the Fitolax tool.
This is a herbal laxative that promotes bowel movement and is beneficial to the overall digestive system.

You can use this medication for preventive purposes, with the development of constipation, as well as as part of a complex treatment of pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by difficulty in the formation of fecal masses and their excretion. Before using this medication, it is recommended to read the annotation. If constipation is observed regularly, a medical examination is necessary. Reviews about "Phytolax" abound.
Pharmacological properties
The effect of the drug begins within the first hours after taking it. The substances contained in this laxative act gently and gradually and, as a result of irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, contribute to the normalization of bowel movements.
In addition, the drug has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system, eliminating some types of inflammatory processes, pathogenic microorganisms and removing toxic substances.
According to reviews, the price of Fitolax is quite acceptable.
The pharmacological properties of the drug are determined by the following:
- strengthening the intestinal walls;
- beneficial effect on the digestive tract;
- eliminate toxins and other harmful substances;
- stopping the inflammatory process;
- improvement of metabolic reactions;
- strengthening the secretory functions of the digestive glands;
- eliminate and prevent spasms in the intestines;
- stabilization of blood cholesterol levels;
- antispasmodic and diuretic effect;
- eliminate stagnant process in the intestines;
- controlling the amount of gastric juice;
- elimination of decay processes in the large intestine;
- destruction of certain types of bacteria that can infect the digestive organs;
- irritation of receptors located on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.
So it says in the instructions for use. Price and reviews to"Phytolax" will be presented at the end of the article.

Forms and composition
The product comes in fruit-flavoured chewable tablets that are convenient to take as there is no need to drink liquid. One blister is placed in a cardboard box, it contains 20 tablets.
The medicine contains:
- dried apricot;
- plantain extract;
- leaves and senna extract;
- dill seeds.
The content of dried apricot in the medicine does not exceed 160 mg, senna leaves - no more than 40 mg, plantain - 7 mg, senna extract - 90 mg, dill seeds - 8 mg.
Fitolax medicine is also produced in the form of bars. This form of the drug is more palatable, and it is easier to use bars than the drug in tablet form. However, it must be remembered that the bars act on the digestive tract somewhat milder than tablets, and provide a slight laxative effect.
This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews of Fitolax.
The bars contain only natural ingredients: several varieties of dietary fiber, beets, prunes, dill, psyllium seeds. Bars do not contain dyes and preservatives, only natural ingredients. It is allowed to use in the amount of no more than two pieces per day for adult patients, in childhood they are contraindicated. The therapeutic course of this drug is 14 days. If necessarya specialist can prescribe a second course of taking the remedy. This also describes the instructions for Fitolax. Reviews and the price of the drug are presented below.

In addition, this pharmaceutical product is available in the form of bags (tea) and is a biologically active food supplement. One sachet contains senna leaves, chamomile flowers, dill seeds, tea leaves, dried apricot pieces and natural strawberry flavor. The drug is also available in the form of syrups.
The use of tea is especially useful, and besides that, it is also quite tasty and fragrant. The active ingredients in the complex only enhance the effect of each other, naturally helping the intestines to empty. Chamomile relieves symptoms of inflammation, intestinal spasms, kills pathogenic microflora, removes gases from the intestines, and helps to normalize digestion.
This information can be found in the instructions for use for "Phytolax". True, you won’t be able to find the price and reviews there.
Indications for use
The drug does not belong to the category of drugs and is an active biological supplement with pronounced medicinal properties, the main of which is aimed at stabilizing the processes of excretion of feces from the intestines. If the main cause of constipation is the pathology of the digestive system, then it is necessary to eliminate them through complex therapy, and this remedy will not cope with this task. In this case, the drug is used as an auxiliarytherapeutic formulation.
Price, reviews and analogues to Fitolax are of interest to many.
Indications for its appointment are:
- constipation (various etiologies);
- dysmotility of the digestive organs;
- Intestinal atony.

How to use
When using the "Fitolax" laxative, it is necessary to take into account the time of its exposure. The therapeutic effect is observed after about six hours. It is recommended to take the drug in tablets at bedtime, while the laxative effect will be observed in the morning. If you take these tablets in the morning, the process of bowel movement will occur in the evening.
According to reviews, the use of Fitolax is quite simple.
Medicine dosages can be adjusted and increased by a specialist based on the clinical picture of each individual patient condition.
Drug schedule:
- Children over 12 are given one tablet each;
- adults - two tablets (in certain cases, the dose can be increased to five tablets once);
- in the form of a tea, the drug is recommended to be taken twice a day;
- in the form of bars, the daily norm of the Fitolax medicine is 1 piece (with persistent constipation, you can increase up to 2 pieces);
- syrup can be used to prevent constipation and at the first sign of constipation (the concentrate should be added to drinks and consumed several times a day, the average dose is 1 tsp permug of water).
The treatment course with this remedy, regardless of the form of release, is 14 days (repeated admission should be agreed with the doctor).
Reviews on Fitolax tablets are mostly positive.

Drug Interactions
This medicinal product should not be used simultaneously with other medicinal products belonging to the category of laxatives, as their effect is greatly enhanced. If it is necessary to supplement this composition with others, such a therapeutic complex must be agreed with a specialist.
Adverse reactions
The medicine belongs to the group of active biological food supplements based on herbal substances. According to reviews of "Phytolax", with proper use, the risk of adverse reactions is minimal. They most often occur when there are certain contraindications.
Side effects of the remedy are manifested, as a rule, in the form of allergic rashes, increased symptoms of pathologies of the digestive system or pain in the abdomen.
This is confirmed by the instructions and reviews for Fitolax.
There have been no cases of development of symptoms of an overdose of this drug in medical practice, which is due to the absence of potent substances in its composition. However, if laxatives are abused for a long time, the risk of diarrhea and, as a result, dehydration of the body increases.
Contraindications for prescribing
When using laxatives, side reactions often occur that are very unsafe for the fetus and the proper course of pregnancy. "Phytolax" is produced on a plant basis, but in the presence of certain diseases, its use is strictly contraindicated. The use of the drug with identified contraindications can provoke a deterioration in the condition and the development of complications.
This medication contains substances that increase the tone of smooth muscles. During pregnancy, a similar effect extends to the uterus, which can contribute to miscarriage. The drug has some age restrictions and is not suitable for the treatment of young children.

In addition, do not use this medicine in the presence of the following diseases:
- acute bowel obstruction;
- uncontrollable vomiting (in particular, with impurities of blood);
- high sensitivity to substances from the composition of the drug;
- gastric ulcer;
- any stage of pregnancy and lactation;
- umbilical hernia in the acute stage;
- internal bleeding in the genital area in women;
- hemorrhoids at the last stage;
- children under 12;
- ulcerative colitis non-specific;
- peritonitis (as well as other inflammatory processes localized in the abdominal cavity).
Pregnancy prescription
The drug "Phytolax" is prohibiteduse during pregnancy and lactation. In pediatrics, the drug is also not used for the treatment of children under 12 years of age, since the substances that make up its composition can harm the he alth of the child.
During pregnancy, the medicinal properties of Fitolax may have the opposite effect. The increased uterine tone that occurs after the use of the pills creates a high risk of miscarriage.
Analogues of the drug
This active biological additive has several analogues. These include:
- Goodluck;
- Guttalax;
- "Duphalac";
- Lavacol;
- Osmogol;
- "Lizalak";
- Microlax;
- Weakcap;
- Relistor;
- Forlax;
- "Defenorm";
- "Endofalk";
- Softovak;
- Glycelax.
Information about analogues is not presented in the instructions for use. Reviews of "Phytolax" are given below.
Harm and benefit of the remedy
If we talk about the benefits of this medicine, it cannot be underestimated, since this remedy has a natural composition and helps to effectively get rid of constipation of any etiology, without resorting to serious laxative medications. However, the formulation may be harmful in some cases.
Reviews about "Phytolax" are better to read in advance.
Firstly, long-term use of the drug causes addiction in the patient, intestinal motility is weakened, and after that it becomes very difficult to normalize the independent work of the organ. Secondly, the drug often causesallergic reactions, which in certain cases are dangerous to he alth and life. And thirdly, when using the remedy, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the contraindications that exclude the possibility of treatment with this medicine, otherwise alarming symptoms often occur on the part of many organs.

Reviews about "Phytolax"
The considered active biological additive is very popular today. And this is confirmed by the feedback not only from specialists, but also from the patients themselves.
Most people who have used this laxative have found it to be highly effective in treating constipation and some other digestive ailments with similar symptoms. They note that the Phytolax medicine has a mild effect on the intestines, has a mild laxative effect, which, as a rule, is not accompanied by severe abdominal pain and diarrhea provocation, and this distinguishes herbal medicines from chemical ones. Patients are satisfied that the drug practically does not cause adverse reactions, is based on extracts or directly parts of useful plants, so they are sure that it is absolutely safe for the body. Some patients noted a slight deterioration in well-being associated with the occurrence of abdominal pain, flatulence.
There are also reviews about the price of Fitolax. For most consumers, this remedy seems affordable.
A separate category of patients was dissatisfied with this laxative,because it did not help them to eliminate constipation. This applies primarily to the elderly, as well as patients with various chronic pathologies of the intestines and, in general, the digestive system. They did observe some loosening of the stool, but this effect was very short-lived and weak.
Reviews about "Phytolax" are also available from doctors. The drug costs about 200 rubles. The price depends on the region and the pharmacy chain.
Experts say that this medicine is recommended for use with non-long-term constipation, the absence of concomitant diseases, then it works quite effectively. If a person has a variety of chronic gastrointestinal disorders, doctors recommend stronger laxatives, as well as complex therapy to eliminate the underlying pathology.
According to reviews, the benefits and harms of Fitolax are a moot point. For some, this drug is indispensable, because it quickly relieves constipation. It is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects. And for some, the remedy is not suitable, as it causes abdominal pain and other unpleasant symptoms.
However, in the above cases, patients find the natural and safe formula very effective in solving such problems. Also, doctors allow the use of this remedy in some exceptional cases for children from seven years old, but it is advisable to give the child either bars or tea. In these dosage forms, the drug for children is not harmful if they have no contraindications and allergic reactions to it.
We reviewed the instructions for use for"Phytolax", price, reviews and analogues.