Scientists have fully disclosed the question of what an allergic reaction is at the cellular level, talked about the types of allergens and types of reactions to them. But why one person is more susceptible to the same factors, why some simple things can cause such a violent reaction in the body that a serious life-threatening treatment is required, while nothing happens to another, it is not possible to fully figure out. For competent treatment of allergies, you need to consult a doctor and determine which allergy pills are right for you.
The article will talk about predisposing factors to allergies, its types, and most importantly, about the modern approach to treatment with antihistamines in tablet forms.

Why allergies are on the rise in the world
There are a large number of factors that provoke allergies. Many associate this disease with human progress:
- The deterioration of the environmental situation in the world has a negative impact on human he alth - this is one of the main factors. People living in the city breathe car exhaust and emissions from industrial plants on a daily basis. This explainshigher incidence in megacities than in remote towns and villages.
- The not always justified amount of medicines taken, a large number of household detergents, cosmetics, perfumes, the use of insecticides, herbicides and pesticides in agriculture also could not but affect human he alth due to the high allergenicity of all these chemicals.
- Heredity is an important factor in the development of allergies, very often individual sensitivity to something is passed on to a person from his previous generations.
- And, of course, the he alth of the digestive, nervous, endocrine systems, climate, lifestyle and diet play a big role.

Convenience of tablet forms
The best thing to do to avoid allergies is to limit exposure to allergens or stop eating them. Of course, this only applies if you know the allergen. It often happens that it is impossible to protect yourself from unpleasant manifestations that interfere with a normal life. For example, in the case of seasonal rhinitis or an allergy to flowering, only moving to another city or country will help. Naturally, not everyone has such an opportunity.
To stop an allergy attack, drugs that can be taken at any time or taken with you to use at the right time will help. Antihistamines in tablet form will just be very convenient. So what drugs are better to use in case of an attackallergies?

Allergy pills: 4 generations of drugs
Today, in the pharmacy you can buy drugs of four generations, the action of which is aimed at reducing the excessive production of histamine, that is, antihistamines. The newer ones - the third and fourth generations - have many advantages, but the first generations should not be forgotten: there are cases when their use is more justified.
First Generation | Second Generation | Third generation |
"Diazolin" "Suprastin" "Tavegil" "Fenkarol" |
"Fenistil" "Claritin" "Loratadine" "Semprex" "Kestin" "Histalong" |
"Telfast" "Fexofast" "Fexadine" "Zodak" "Cetrin", "Parlazin" "Ksizal" "Glenset" "Suprastinex" "Erius" "Desal" |
How generations of antihistamines differ
Note the main differences:
- 1 generation. The main shortcomings of the first generation of drugs are side effects: drowsiness after taking, tachycardia, the need to take 2-3 times a day, addiction, which requires a constant changeone drug to another.
- 2 generation. These drugs do not cause drowsiness and are more effective than the previous generation, but can negatively affect the myocardium and cause arrhythmias.
- 3rd and 4th generation. According to the instructions for use, the latest generation allergy pills are relatively safe in terms of side effects, do not have a sedative and cardiotoxic effect.

Indications for use
Allergy pills can be used in the following cases:
- year-round or seasonal allergic rhinitis, sneezing, bronchospasm;
- allergic conjunctivitis;
- rash, itching, redness on the skin;
- contact and atopic dermatitis in complex therapy.
First generation drugs
First generation drugs "Diazolin", "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Fenkarol" should not be written off, because, despite the above disadvantages, they are still used and are even in our home first aid kit.
Produced not only in tablets for allergies "Suprastin" and "Tavegil". These drugs have an injectable form, which means they can be used for urgent relief of an allergy attack: for example, as a first aid for Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. These drugs are often used for skin allergies, with severe itching, their sedative effect has a positive effect. Fast acting and low cost allergy pillsdetermine their widespread use today.
In addition, first-generation drugs are included in many combination medicines (for example, for colds, sleeping pills and others) and have been used to treat motion sickness, migraine and anxiety.
Second generation drugs
Compared to the first generation drugs, the drugs "Fenistil", "Claritin", "Loratadin", "Semprex", "Kestin", "Gistalong" have a longer action due to slower excretion from the body. Relatively weakly pass through the blood-brain barrier, so drowsiness is caused only in especially sensitive individuals.
According to the instructions of allergy pills, the negative effect of antihistamines on the heart muscle is enhanced in combination with antifungal drugs, some antibiotics and antidepressants. In addition, these drugs should not be taken with grapefruit juice.
The positive aspect of second-generation drugs are topical formulations.
Benefits of a new generation of antihistamines
Which generation of allergy pills to choose? Allergy medications should act quickly and for a long time, have a minimum of side effects and not interfere with your usual lifestyle. The third and fourth generation of drugs fully meet all the requirements.
Let's look at the new generation of antihistamines. Benefits of the best allergy pills:
- Drugs of this generation areactive metabolites of the previous series.
- This generation is two to four times more efficient than its predecessors.
- Do not have a hypnotic effect, do not have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels. Acting selectively, only on H1-histamine receptors, does not cause dry mouth and blurred vision.
- Eliminate all negative manifestations of allergies, have anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects.
- Take only once every 24-48 hours, the effect occurs within an hour, it does not cause addiction, in some cases, therapy can be continued even for several months.
- Eliminating all kinds of allergies, have a minimum of side effects.

3rd and 4th generation drugs
The list of new generation allergy pills includes the international generic name and the names under which they can be bought at the pharmacy. They have different forms of release for ease of use: drops, syrups, tablets. Consider the features of drugs based on each active ingredient:
- Fexofenadine. "Telfast", "Fexofast", "Fexadin". Available in allergy tablets for adults at 120 and 180 milligrams. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age (in the event that there are no other antihistamines, children under 6 years of age can be given a dosage of 60 mg per 2 doses per day). Use with caution in patients with kidney problems. It is strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. At a dosage of 120 mg prescribed for adultsfor allergic rhinitis, 180 mg tablets for skin allergies.
- Cetirizine. "Zodak", "Zirtek", "Cetrin", "Parlazin" in tablets of 10 mg of the active ingredient.
- Levocetirizine. "Ksizal", "Glenset", "Suprastinex" in tablets of 5 mg. Many of these drugs come in three forms: oral drops, tablets, and syrup. The action in 50% of cases occurs 12 minutes after ingestion, in 95% - after 1 hour. By agreement with the doctor, drugs can be taken up to six months (for example, with chronic urticaria). Excreted by the kidneys, therefore it is recommended for patients with renal insufficiency and the elderly to use with caution.
- Desloratadine. Erius, Desal. Available in film-coated allergy tablets for adults and children up to 12 years of age. "Erius" is available as a syrup, and "Desal" - in the form of a solution for oral administration. Preparations in the form of tablets are allowed from the age of 12, 1 tablet per day, regardless of food intake. Syrup "Erius" can be used for children from 1 year. Preparations are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, with caution - in patients with renal insufficiency. Clinical trials in the use of drugs for children under 1 year of age have not been conducted. It is believed that rhinitis in children under two years of age does not have an allergic nature, so differentiation at this age is quite difficult. Allergy pills of this group are best taken at the same time and washed down with water without chewing. Alcohol during treatmentit is forbidden. The drugs do not affect the speed of the reaction, so it is allowed to drive vehicles during the course.

Original new generation drugs and drug factories
Drugs "Telfast", "Zodak", "Ksizal" and "Erius" are original imported drugs, that is, their active ingredient was synthesized first of all other trade names. The pharmaceutical company-manufacturer conducted all the necessary clinical trials on them. For a long time, such drugs were protected by a patent. All other drugs of these groups are called generics, i.e. "repetitions", "copies". There are very good "repetitions" that are more affordable: for example, generics from factories in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Poland, France and other European companies are trusted.
Allergy Pill Reviews
From allergy drug reviews, it can be concluded that the use of first-generation drugs is not recommended for buyers suffering from seasonal allergies. These drugs affect the quality of normal life: when they are used, it is forbidden to drive a car, they cause severe drowsiness. Prices for allergy medicines range from 60 to 600 rubles.
Customers who cannot afford expensive treatment choose second-generation drugs, Claritin is especially in demand for its long-term effect, average cost, the ability to give children andTo old people. This drug has the least effect on the work of the heart and does not cause drowsiness. The drug "Fenistil" is popular for its versatility.
More and more people are learning about the latest generation of drugs and choosing the right pills among them. Many talk about their safety and effectiveness. For example, "Zyrtec" perfectly copes with skin itching, "Telfast" can be used for a long time without compromising he alth. Cheaper - "Fexofenadine". The drugs "Cetrin" and "Erius" are considered the safest and most effective.

At the end of the article
In conclusion, let's summarize. There are a large number of allergy pills on the pharmaceutical market. Remember that they only relieve the symptoms, they do not cure the cause. Be sure to visit a specialist, pass the necessary tests to prescribe the right treatment and identify the cause of the symptoms.