Oral contraceptives are a large group of pills designed to prevent unwanted conception. The effectiveness of this category of contraceptives is estimated at approximately 98%. The effectiveness of drugs is due to synthetic hormonal compounds included in the composition of medicines.
General information
Oral contraceptives are drugs that provide multi-stage protection of the body and prevent uncontrolled conception. Under the influence of active compounds, ovulation slows down, that is, the pills affect the maturation of female germ cells. In addition, the viscosity of the mucosa in the uterus is corrected, which prevents the attachment of a fertilized cell if conception occurs. Consequently, pregnancy becomes almost impossible.
Oral contraceptives are a convenient and modern method of planning procreation. It is worth finishing the current course of the drug, and soon the ability to become pregnant returns. Usually,conception is possible already in the next menstrual cycle, somewhat less often - in the next few months. Also, women taking such pills admit that during the course the quality of the skin becomes better, the nails become stronger, the hair becomes beautiful. This is due to the regular supply of the required amount of hormonal compounds to the body.
Oral contraceptives are not only an effective method of controlling the fact of pregnancy, but also a way to treat a number of diseases. Drugs are prescribed by a doctor for certain endocrine disorders associated with hormonal imbalance. It is possible to use such pills for diseases of the reproductive or endocrine system only after instrumental examination, analysis of biological fluids and examination by a qualified gynecologist, endocrinologist.

Varieties: Combinations
Oral hormonal contraceptives come in several types. The most popular are COCs, that is, combination drugs. They simultaneously contain synthetic substitutes for progesterone, estradiol. Under the influence of the drug, the maturation of female germ cells slows down, the mucus in the cervical canal becomes more viscous. This prevents the penetration of the male germ cell into the uterine cavity. There are several types of COCs. The division into groups is due to the content of active compounds. Allocate mono-, two-, three-phase medicines.
List of monophasic oral contraceptives: Diane-35, Silest, Regulon. To the samethe group includes the popular drugs Novinet, Femoden and Logest. Such tablets during the entire course of administration provide a standard amount of some synthetic hormone to the body.
Biphasic drugs are two types of pills in one package. Some supply estrogen to the body, while others supply progestin. A good example is Anteovin. Finally, three-phase drugs are medicines in which three substances are combined at once. Representatives of this group are "Klaira" and "Three-regol". This also includes drugs "Trikvilar" and "Trisiston". In some cases, the gynecologist recommends stopping at Trinovum.
Types and categories: microdose
Sometimes a doctor recommends taking microdosed oral contraceptives. Such medicines contain gestagens, ethinyl estradiol. They are sold under the names:
- Chloe.
- "Minisiston 20 Fem".
- Lindinet-20.
This format is best suited for girls who have not yet had childbirth. The drugs are recommended for regular sexual activity. Choosing for yourself the first oral contraceptive, it is worth taking a closer look at this particular group of substances. It has minimal negative effects. When choosing drugs to control conception for women over 35 years old, but before the onset of menopause, doctors also advise choosing this class of medications.
Low and high concentration
The use of low-dose oral contraceptives is indicated during the active reproductive period. Sometimes they are prescribed to correct gynecologicalpathologies. On sale drugs are presented under the names:
- Jannine.
- Yarina.
- Femoden.

Finally, there are high-dose release options. These are single-phase drugs, each copy of which supplies the body with a standard amount of hormonal substances. On sale are presented under the names "Ovidon", "Non-Ovlon". They are practically not used to control conception, but are sometimes prescribed as a therapeutic course for a number of pathological conditions.
Drugs: progestin
These medications are known as "mini-pills". On sale they are presented under the names "Charosetta", "Exluton", "Microlut". The effect of oral contraceptives in this category is the most gentle, sparing, but the effectiveness is somewhat less than that of combined formulations. The mini-pill includes a synthetic progestogen, similar in structure to the progesterone generated by the female ovaries. Under the influence of mini-pill, viscous mucus in the cervical canal is corrected. The substance thickens, preventing the penetration of male germ cells into the female reproductive organs. Also, under the influence of the drug, the ability of the fallopian tubes to contract decreases, therefore, even if the egg is fertilized, penetration into the uterine cavity becomes more difficult for it. At the same time, the drugs control the quality of the uterine mucosa, preventing the fixation of the fertilized cell on the walls of the organ.
Can oral contraceptives thiscategories to be ineffective? Studies show a success rate of 95%, which is three percent less than the combined remedies.
Usage nuances
As a rule, mini-pills are advised to take during breastfeeding and when it is impossible to use combined formulations. This category of contraceptives is indicated for women 35 years of age and older, as well as ladies who smoke. For the drugs to be effective, you will have to take them every day at exactly the same time. It is allowed to use them in long courses.
The action of oral contraceptives of the "mini-drink" class is ensured by the regular intake of active compounds into the body. Violation of the schedule leads to the ineffectiveness of the course as a whole. This, according to many, is a key drawback. Neglect of a strict regimen of use, violation of the regimen can cause unwanted pregnancy. In addition, the drug does not prevent sexual infections, therefore, this type of contraception is applicable only if there is a permanent sexual partner.
Have listed oral contraceptives and side effects. The most common is spotting spotting. This does not signal pathologies and should not be frightening, but the fact itself is assessed extremely negatively by many women. For some, the breasts become rougher while taking the mini-pill.

Contraceptives: when indicated?
Estrogen-containing oral contraceptives are notonly means of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Often, doctors recommend taking such drugs for menstrual cycle failures and a number of pathological conditions that affect the reproductive organs. In particular, oral contraceptives are indicated for cysts, fibroids and adenomyosis. They are taken if a woman suffers from severe premenstrual syndrome, and the period of bleeding is accompanied by disturbing soreness. Oral contraceptives help relieve menalgia, algomenorrhea.
The best oral contraceptives help relieve the condition of those suffering from anemia with a lack of iron in the body. These drugs reduce the chance of ectopic conception and prevent osteoporosis in middle-aged women. If a hormonal imbalance has caused acne or acne, hormonal pills are also prescribed to correct this condition.
No way
Controlling monthly oral contraceptives are prohibited for women who smoke more than 15 cigarettes per day. It is unacceptable to use such drugs at the age of 35 and older without first consulting a doctor. Contraindications may be severe hypertension, hepatic tumor, cirrhosis and hepatitis, as well as other liver pathologies. Severe diabetes mellitus, kidney disease and ischemia are contraindications to the use of oral contraceptives.
Treatment with oral contraceptives is prohibited when detecting blood clots in deep veins, after a stroke and heart attack. If systemic lupus erythematosus is detected, such drugs will have to be completely abandoned. Notthey are used in the presence of endometriosis or tumor processes dependent on the hormonal background, as well as migraine, the causes of which cannot be identified. Contraceptives containing synthetic hormones are contraindicated in cases of bleeding in the uterus, if the causative factor cannot be determined. Do not use such pills before surgery or shortly after it, during the period of bearing a child.

You can, but carefully
Hormonal contraceptives are allowed to be used strictly under the supervision of a doctor if a woman suffers from excess weight, tumors in the pelvic area. Certain restrictions are associated with varicose veins and migraines, the presence of mental disorders and diseases, including depression and a tendency to epileptic seizures. With caution, use formulations with severe premenstrual syndrome. The doctor's control requires taking the drug against the background of smoking.
Especially careful should be women whose close relatives suffered from blood clots in deep veins. There is a possibility that the lady taking the pills is also prone to such a pathology.
Are there any cons?
Most of all women, of course, are worried about whether it is possible to get pregnant after oral contraceptives. Although this group of drugs has a number of undesirable effects, fertility is usually not one of them. At the same time, it must be taken into account that there are some dangers, and they are associated to a greater extent with the uncontrolled use of compounds. Taking pills without consulting a doctorwithout undergoing special studies and not passing tests, there is a higher chance of disrupting the work of the reproductive system with synthetic hormones, which in the future may cause difficulty in conceiving.
Of the more common side effects, it is worth noting bloody spotting. In some women, against the background of the use of tablets, menstruation becomes longer, more plentiful or scarce. According to reviews, oral contraceptives provoke such phenomena only for the first few months, after which the condition returns to normal.
There are cases when, during the period of using pills, women were disturbed by discomfort in the mammary glands, a headache, nausea, decreased sexual activity. Such phenomena in the predominant percentage of cases are temporary, soon disappear and indicate the body's addiction to the composition. If it drags on and the phenomena bother you for a very long time, the doctor may recommend that you abandon the remedy. Then the described phenomena should disappear after the abolition of oral contraceptives.

Dangers: what are they?
The use of hormonal contraceptives is associated with the likelihood of gaining excess weight. The most modern formulations contain a minimum dosage of hormonal compounds, so the risks of such an undesirable effect are minimized. To avoid weight changes, while taking the pills, you should review your diet in favor of a he althier diet, as well as dilute your daily routine with a reasonable amount of physical activity.
Quite rarely in the backgroundthe use of oral contraceptives in women briefly raises the pressure. For those suffering from hypertension, the incidence of this effect is estimated at 5%. With confirmed cholelithiasis, the likelihood of an attack of pathology increases.
How to start taking?
Before the start of the course, you should come to the doctor's office. The doctor will examine the client, study the medical history, collect information about various he alth disorders that have been suffered before or are currently disturbing. The woman will be sent for analysis for oncocytology, the state of the mammary glands will be examined using an ultrasound device, an ultrasound scan of the reproductive system will be done and blood samples will be taken for a biochemical study. As a rule, a coagulogram is prescribed. Sometimes the doctor recommends a blood test to identify the specifics of the hormonal background.
In some cases, additional examinations may be ordered. The choice in favor of a set of specific tests is at the discretion of the doctor and depends on the nuances of the woman's condition. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe hormonal contraceptives without a preliminary examination. It is also unacceptable to choose such drugs for yourself - this significantly increases the likelihood of developing undesirable effects. In addition, self-administration and withdrawal of oral contraceptives can cause fertility. This can be avoided by working with a qualified doctor.
Hormonal birth control: benefits
With a high level of effectiveness, such drugs have many other positive qualities that made them sopopular in today's society. If you start taking it in the first six days of a new menstrual cycle, the medicines give an almost instant contraceptive effect. The process of their application is not associated with the adjustment of sexual intercourse, does not affect its features. Using the pills is easy and convenient, just as easy to stop taking them. In addition, combination formulations have been successful in addressing some of the causes of fertility.

Combined oral contraceptives help relieve menstrual pain. Often, women note that the duration of bleeding is reduced, the volume of discharge decreases. The cycle itself acquires a clear regularity. Slowing down ovulation helps prevent ectopic pregnancy, which is especially important if a woman has previously had such a phenomenon. The probability of malignant processes in the ovaries decreases, the risk of degeneration of endometrial cells is less. It has been proven that regular use of contraceptives reduces the risks of inflammatory processes in the pelvic region: this is due to a decrease in the volume of blood released during menstruation, which means that the volume of the medium that is nutritious for the pathological microflora becomes smaller. Thickening of mucous secretions in the cervical canal prevents penetration into the uterine cavity not only of germ cells, but also of pathological microbes. A number of drugs eliminate the causes of fertility and are prescribed when it is impossible to get pregnant: after a certain period of time, the drug is stopped taking, and in the nexta few months usually comes the conception so desired for a woman.
How to use correctly?
The correct use of oral contraceptives is the daily use of one tablet at the same time consistently. Some drugs need to be used 21 days in a row, others - 28 days. After the 21st capsule, nothing is used for seven days, during this period withdrawal bleeding occurs. As a rule, the packaging of the drug is calendar, the days of the week are marked. This sequence must be strictly followed.
Some drugs are available in 21 capsules per cycle. They begin to be taken on the first day of the cycle, using one piece every day, after which a week-long break is necessary. During sexual intercourse during these seven days, additional protection is not required. If the release option with 28 capsules in a pack is chosen, it is necessary to strictly follow the sequence indicated on the package, and start taking the next pack as soon as the first one is over. As a rule, the last seven tablets are so-called pacifiers that do not contain hormonal components.

Maximum attentiveness
Urgent referral to the doctor requires a situation if taking pills has caused speech or visual disorders or provoked severe pain in the abdomen. An abnormal reaction of the body is weakness, a feeling of numbness, soreness in the legs, chest, severe coughing and impaired respiratory function. It is extremely rare that birth control pills provoke a nervous state, in womendizziness and headache, nausea. All these reactions of the body require a visit to a doctor for qualified help.
Do I need this?
As can be seen from the many responses, women who use contraceptives under the supervision of a doctor are usually satisfied with this practice. The state of he alth becomes better, monthly bleeding is easier to bear, and the contraceptive effect is reliable. Occasionally there are negative reviews in which ladies complain about weight gain. This is more common among those who take pills without permission.
As can be inferred from various reviews, the ranking of the most popular drugs is headed by:
- Three Mercies.
- Microgynon.
- "Janina".