High loads on the joints and ligaments lead to pain, the occurrence of dystrophic processes. There are many methods of treatment. The most important way to deal with pathology is medical therapy. It helps to eliminate inflammation, relieve symptoms, restore the functioning of the joints. What drugs for the joints are recommended for use? What are their pros and cons?

Effective analgesics
As the name suggests, these are drugs for joint pain. All analgesics are divided into several varieties:
- Medicines containing acetaminophen. These drugs are sold without a prescription in pharmacies. Tylenol is a member of this class. These medicines can relieve moderate pain.
- Opioid analgesics. They can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription.
- Combined drugs. The medicines contain: opioid,acetaminophen.
Mixed and opioid joint drugs:
- Oxycodone.
- Tramadol.
- Morphine.
- Methadone.
- Oxycontrin.
- Vicodin.
These drugs are prescribed by a doctor for severe pain. Taking medication is often accompanied by side effects. These medications are prescribed if the patient does not suffer from inflammation, but from severe pain. It is impossible to exclude the possibility of getting used to them.
The main advantage of this group is the absence of an unpleasant effect on the gastrointestinal tract and high efficiency in eliminating pain discomfort.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
The above group of drugs eliminates only pain. Non-steroidal drugs for the joints affect the body in a slightly different way. They allow you to get rid of two unpleasant symptoms of the disease: inflammation, pain.
Common representatives of this class are:
- "Aspirin".
- Diclofenac.
- Indomethacin.
- Ibuprofen.
- Diflunisal.
- "Nimesulide";.
- "Lysine monoacetylsalicylate".
- "Aceclofenac".
- "Sulindak".
- "Etodolak".
- Ketoprofen.
- Lornoxicam.
- Flurbiprofen.
- Nabumeton.
NSAIDs block prostaglandins, which provoke inflammation, but are also a protective factor for the stomach. That is why most of these drugs have a very negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

The best anti-inflammatory effects are drugs for the joints:
- Diclofenac.
- Flurbiprofen.
- Indomethacin.
Able to best relieve pain medications:
- Ketorolac.
- Diclofenac.
- Ketoprofen.
- Indomethacin.
Medications are the most aggressive towards the gastrointestinal tract;
- Piroxicam.
- Ketoprofen.
- Indomethacin.
Patients diagnosed with gastritis, ulcers, high acidity are often prescribed selective drugs:
- Celecoxib.
- Meloxicam.
- "Nimesulide".
The use of the drug "Diclofenac" can increase the risk of vascular and heart disease.
Use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)
These funds are included in the medication (with a diagnosis of "arthrosis of the knee") treatment. Drugs have different principles of action. However, the effect is always the same - the progressing disease slows down or stops.

This group includes the following medicines:
- Arava.
- Plaquenil.
- Imuran.
- Cytoxan.
- Neoral.
These medications are prescribed for patients who are at high risk of irreversible joint damage. They are in demand in the fight against psoriatic, rheumatoid, idiopathic,juvenile arthritis. Such drugs, even in the case of prolonged use, practically do not have side effects on the body, do not provoke addiction to them.
The big disadvantage of this group is the extremely slow action. Weeks and sometimes months of regular treatment are needed to get results. Therefore, they are prescribed by a doctor in combination with drugs that are fast-acting - corticosteroids, NSAIDs.
These drugs for the joints are not allowed to be used by patients with pathologies of the kidneys, liver, diagnosed with hypertension, after vaccination.
Chondroprotective drugs
These funds are able to protect the cartilage of the joints from destruction. And, as you know, this is necessary for the diagnosis of "arthrosis of the knee" treatment.
Drugs can achieve several positive results. When using chondroprotectors, the dosages of NSAIDs are significantly reduced, since these drugs have anti-inflammatory properties. At the same time, they are much better tolerated.
Chondroprotectors prevent the progression of pathology. This is shown by x-rays after long-term medication.
However, the results should be expected only after six months of regular therapy. At the same time, these medicines provide the best effect in the initial stages (1, 2) of arthrosis.

The most common drugs for joint rehabilitation:
- "Chondrolon".
- Structum.
- Chondroitin AKOS.
- Elbona.
- Dona.
- Artra.
- Teraflex.
Prescription of corticosteroids
These drugs mimic the action of the body's hormone cortisol, which is produced naturally by the adrenal glands. It is able to have a beneficial effect on many systems. In addition, the hormone perfectly controls inflammatory processes. The medicine is available in various forms: potions, tablets, injections, sprays, ointments, drops.
This group includes the following drugs:
- "Prednisolone".
- Celeston.
- Metipred.
- Diprospan.
When compared to NSAIDs, corticosteroids have a stronger anti-inflammatory effect. However, when using them, there is a high vulnerability of the body to infections.
It is strictly forbidden to use them yourself, reduce the dosage or completely abandon these drugs. This can lead to the inability of the adrenal glands to adapt to the changes undertaken. As a result, the hormone cortisol can drop to extremely dangerous levels.
Medicines injected into the joint
If the patient has pronounced discomfort, the doctor may prescribe drugs for joint pain, injected directly into their cavity.
The following glucocorticosteroids can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of inflammation:
- Diprospan.
- "Hydrocortisone".
- Celeston.
- Kenalog.
The introduction of chondroprotectors is considered optimal,which are "liquid prosthesis". Effective drugs for joint recovery:
- Dyuralan.
- Synvisk.
- "Ostenil".
- Fermatron.

These drugs for the treatment of the knee joint allow you to replace the necessary fluid, improve the nutrition of cartilage. The disadvantage of such medicines is their high cost.
Means of local influence
This therapy is very popular. The following drugs are widely in demand for arthrosis of the joints:
- Fastum Gel.
- Indomethacin ointment.
- Menovazin;
- Butadion ointment.
- Voltaren Gel.
- Diclofenac ointment.
Therapeutic compresses with the use of these drugs, which in most cases have the active substance of NSAIDs, must necessarily be included in complex therapy. Using only local exposure will not provide a high effect.
Preparations for ligaments and joints
Treatment isn't just for the joints. The ligaments often suffer as well. Today, many drugs and supplements have been developed to strengthen and heal joints and connective tissues. But, unfortunately, most of them are not effective enough. And some of these drugs do not even meet accepted quality standards.
Those preparations for ligaments and joints that the doctor prescribes will bring a greater effect. After all, the doctor will select a medicine that does not just eliminate the symptoms for a while, but a medicine that promotes recovery.connective tissue and cartilage.
Based on current research, the following drugs have been identified as most effective:
1. Glucosamine-Maximum is a chondroprotector containing two active substances: glucosamine and chondroitin. They are natural structural elements of he althy cartilage tissue, are well absorbed due to their natural nature and stimulate the processes of metabolism in cartilage cells, restoring the structure of cartilage tissue.
2. "Chondroitin sulfate". The drug also brings a favorable result for connective tissues and joints.
3. "Collagen". The tool effectively strengthens the joints, bones, improves the functioning of the ligaments. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the properties of the skin.
4. Vitamin D, calcium. These components must be consumed simultaneously. They help strengthen the skeletal system. A lack of vitamin D can cause inflammation of the joints and ligaments.
5. "Methylsulfonylmethane". This compound contributes to the elimination of pain discomfort and can suppress inflammation. However, it is characterized as a means of medium effectiveness, since it does not contribute to the restoration of connective tissues.

Let's look at some of the drugs that are in demand in the treatment of joints.
Preparation "Artra"
Effective combined remedy. The drug contains two active ingredients:
- chondroitin sulfate;
- glucosamine hydrochloride.
The drug is able to stimulate the regeneration of cartilage, reduce pain, relieve inflammation, improve joint mobility. The use of "Artra" allows the patient to completely abandon the use of NSAIDs.
The medicine is not prescribed for patients who have severe kidney damage. It is not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating women.
Drug "Indomethacin"
The drug is an active NSAID. This tool is widely in demand in the treatment of joint diseases, inflammatory pathologies of connective tissues. It perfectly eliminates pain discomfort.
However, despite the high efficiency of the drug, it has many contraindications. Therefore, before using this remedy, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
In addition, during treatment with Indomethacin, peripheral blood and the functioning of the liver and kidneys should be constantly monitored.
Means "Structum"
This drug is a representative of the group of chondroprotectors. The active ingredient of the drug is chondroitin sulfate. Thanks to him, the remedy is able to positively influence the metabolic processes in cartilage, protect them from degeneration, and reduce calcium loss. As a result, regenerative processes in bone tissues are significantly accelerated.
Medicine "Structum" effectively reduces pain, restores mobility of damaged joints. The positive effect of therapy remains in the patient for a long time.

The drug is absolutely nottoxic. Therefore, there are practically no contraindications. The remedy is not prescribed for young children, pregnant women and during lactation.
Today, any preparations for the knee joint or other joints are available. There are a great many of them. And each of them has its own therapeutic purpose, side effects and contraindications. To select the most suitable and effective medicine, it is recommended to take the advice of a medical professional.