Valerian tincture: benefits and harms, instructions for use

Valerian tincture: benefits and harms, instructions for use
Valerian tincture: benefits and harms, instructions for use

Valerian drops are on the list of the most popular medicines. Preparations based on this plant can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. There is not only tincture of valerian, but also tablets. However, before use, you should seek the advice of specialists. In what cases is valerian tincture prescribed? The benefits and harms of this drug have been identified for a long time. So is it worth it?

valerian tincture benefit and harm
valerian tincture benefit and harm

Composition of the drug

This herbal remedy is very popular among the people. Valerian tincture, the benefits and harms of which have already been proven, has a sedative effect. The drug is produced mainly in the form of alcohol essence. It is made on the basis of the roots of the plant - valerian officinalis. The finished medicinal product has a characteristic aroma and taste. The drug itself is transparent, however, has a brown tint.

The medicine is poured by manufacturers into glass containers, the volume of which is 50 and 30 milliliters. It should be noted that the composition of the tincture includes 70% alcohol. It is for this reason that the drug should be kept away from children.

Roots and rhizomes of the plant contain approximately0.5 - 2% essential oil. This substance consists mainly of bornylizovalerianate and bornyl acetate. In addition, non-glycoside binuclear iridoid monoterpene epoxy esters are present in the drug. They are also called valepotriates. These substances are unstable. Often they are destroyed during the processing of raw materials, as well as during storage of the drug.

valerian drops
valerian drops

Valerian tincture properties

Valerian drops have several main medicinal properties. First of all, the drug produces a sedative effect. The active components of the drug are valepotriates. They have a calming effect. Also in the composition there is valeric acid, which contributes to the activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors. These substances are involved in the regulation of sleep.

Studies have shown that taking this medicine allows patients to get rid of insomnia. This improves the quality of sleep and reduces the time to fall asleep. For many insomnia patients, valerian tincture is preferred as it is safer than synthetic formulations.

Clinical studies have shown that a drug based on valerian officinalis can get rid of headaches and migraines, depression and nervous tension.

In addition to the sedative effect, the drug also has an antispasmodic effect. A drug based on this plant is recommended for those who suffer from spasms of the gastrointestinal tract.

how to drink valerian
how to drink valerian

Drug dosage

So, how to drink valerian? This medicine should only be taken on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to drink the tincture of the plant in its pure form. It is best to dilute it in a small amount of water.

An adult is usually prescribed 20 to 25 drops of valerian tincture at a time. There should be 3-4 doses of the drug per day.

Can children drink valerian? In this case, everything is more complicated. The dosage is very different from that of an adult. Experts do not recommend giving the drug to children. Their body does not perceive alcohol, which is part of the tincture. Therefore, it is wiser to consult a pediatrician before giving a drug to a child. In such a situation, it is also required to dilute the valerian tincture with water.

Drug benefits

Valerian tincture, the benefits and harms of which will be described below, has a sedative effect. As a result of its reception, a person may feel drowsiness. Despite this, the drug has positive properties, for example, a calming effect. Valerian tincture has a long and stable effect. The drug works gradually. It can be taken under conditions such as:

  • Insomnia and bad sleep.
  • Nervous and hysterical states.
  • Excessive excitability.
  • Spasm of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Migraines and headaches.
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leryanka price


Valerian, the price of which is from 12 to 20 rubles, can also harm a personwhen used incorrectly. Do not forget that this is a drug that has side effects and contraindications. When taking the drug, you should follow all the doctor's recommendations and instructions. Valerian tincture has a negative effect when overdosed.

Who should not take the drug? This list includes:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • Those who have an individual intolerance to one of the components of the tincture.
  • Suffering from chronic enterocolitis.
  • Contraindications should be considered before taking the drug.

Harm of the drug and overdose

Valerian, the price of which is indicated above, with prolonged use can cause a number of disturbances in the functioning of certain systems and organs of the human body. First of all, the gastrointestinal tract suffers. If the indicated dosages are exceeded, constant drowsiness is noted, as well as pronounced weakness.

In some cases, valerian tincture can cause an allergic reaction, reddening of the skin, rash. Such phenomena are often accompanied by itching.

It is important to know how much valerian you can drink at one time. This indicator, as already mentioned, depends on age (up to 25 drops for an adult). If an overdose occurs, then the victim should immediately do a gastric lavage. To do this, use ordinary boiled water. Potassium permanganate is not required in this case. Everything must be done quickly and accurately.

After an overdose of valerian tincture iscontact specialists for examination.

can i drink valerian
can i drink valerian

How is valerian tincture stored?

The benefits and harms of the drug are comparable. That is why many people use it. The drug based on valerian roots is stored in a dark place and only in the cold. Under direct sunlight, the drug loses its basic properties. The shelf life is no more than 2 years. The date of manufacture must be indicated on the container with the tincture.

It is not recommended to use the drug after the expiration of the periods indicated on the package. Otherwise, you can cause severe harm to your he alth.

Analogues of valerian tincture

Now you know how to drink valerian. If this drug is not in the pharmacy, then you can purchase its analogue. There are many drugs with the same effect. Here are the most popular:

  • "Valerian forte";
  • Valdispert;
  • tablets and liquid plant extract.
how much valerian can you
how much valerian can you

Can I make the remedy at home?

Valerian tincture is easy to prepare. You can even do this at home. Procurement of raw materials is carried out in early September. The plant is dug up along with the roots. After all, they are suitable for making tinctures. The roots should be thoroughly washed and cleaned of shoots. After that, the raw material must be dried. This should be done in a well-ventilated area and only in the shade.

Ready-made valerian roots should be crushed and thenpour 70% alcohol. In this case, proportions must be observed. For 1 part of raw materials, 5 parts of alcohol are required. It is better to use a glass container. After filling it should be closed tightly. The drug is infused for 2 weeks. It should be noted that the drug acts gradually. For the treatment of some diseases, it is required to take the tincture for a week.
