Hemorrhoids is a disease in which more and more people are at risk. The reasons, including malnutrition, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, can be listed for a very long time. But if the disease is already there, then treatment is needed.
The most popular drug was candles "Relief" analogues, reviews of which you can see below. The article will also offer an overview of several analogues of the drug from a Russian manufacturer.
What are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are a pathological condition of venous nodes near (and inside) the rectum. They become inflamed and increase in size, causing discomfort when sitting and bowel movements. Later, minor bleeding may join. Depending on the stage of the disease, the treatment protocol may include drug therapy or surgery.
Due to both its effectiveness and advertising campaign, a popular drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids has recently becomecandles "Relief" (analogues, cheap generics and composition - in the following sections).
The active substance of the candles, as the manufacturer claims, is shark liver oil. This component has analgesic, soothing, anti-inflammatory properties. You can briefly read about the composition and instructions in the next section.

"Relief" candles: instructions, analogues, contraindications
There are three types of these candles, they differ in composition and, accordingly, action.
- "Relief" - is intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids, has a healing effect, eliminates itching and swelling, stops bleeding. The main active ingredient in its composition: phenylephrine, shark liver oil plus excipients (cocoa and thyme butter, vitamin E and glycerin).
- Relief Advance. This type of suppositories is intended for pain relief. Benzocaine in its composition relieves pain and discomfort, while shark liver oil stimulates the healing process.
- Relief Ultra. Contains hydrocortisone and zinc. This type of suppository is designed to eliminate itching and severe inflammation. It is prescribed as an emergency option for short courses of therapy, after which it is recommended to switch to Relief.
Contraindications to the use of Relief Ultra suppositories are bacterial or fungal infections in the anus. Corticosteroids significantly reduce local and general immunity, in the presence of infections, their use can worsen the situation. It is forbidden to use candles of this type for tuberculosis and sugardiabetes.
Analogues of drugs should be chosen only after consulting a doctor. These can be candles "Anuzol", "Hemorol", "Natalsid", "Proctosan Neo" and others.

General action
Suppositories of three types have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. They relieve inflammation and itching, locally anesthetize, normalize blood circulation in the nodes, stop bleeding and promote healing. Their biggest disadvantage is the price, so very often patients are looking for analogues. "Relief" - candles, which, as you saw above, have a rather extraordinary composition. Having studied the composition of about 15 types of suppositories with a similar effect, we found only one preparation with shark liver oil in the composition - the Canadian "Hemorron". Thanks to the search for analogues, we were able to create a classification of suppositories for hemorrhoids according to the main active ingredient, which will be useful for patients to know.

Analogues ("Relief"): candles with a similar effect, grouped by composition
With some exceptions, suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids can be divided into separate groups according to their composition and the main active ingredient:
- hormones of the adrenal cortex (corticosteroids) - "Proctosedyl", "Doloproct";
- antithrombotic drugs - "Hepatrombin G", "Proctosan Neo";
- various plant extracts and extracts, beladona extract -"Anuzol", "Betiol", "Pileks", "Bellasauca extract";
- mixed preparations that combine corticosteroids and plant extracts, or antithrombotic substances - "Proctosedyl".
Suppositories for hemorrhoids with hormones in the composition. Pros and cons
Corticosteroids have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. They quickly relieve pain and inflammation. But there are downsides to taking them. Intervention in the hormonal background always has consequences. It is undesirable to use hemorrhoid suppositories with hormonal components for a long period, as this increases the likelihood of side effects.
Many analogues of Relief contain glucocorticosteroids. This option has the most contraindications, since it is necessary to approach treatment with non-steroidal hormonal drugs very thoroughly and seriously. These suppositories are prescribed if there is a pronounced inflammation or itching. After the condition improves, it is recommended to switch to treatment with suppositories, which do not contain these substances.
Analogues of "Relief" of Russian production
The Russian analogue of Relief is the suppositories produced by the Nizhpharm corporation: Anuzol, Anestezol, Proktozan, Natalsid and suppositories with sea buckthorn oil for healing wounds and anal fissures.
These preparations are different in composition and action, the choice in favor of a particular remedy should be made by a specialist - a proctologist or a surgeon. Treatment at the early stages of the disease gives less and less chance of the disease to "take root" andcause you a lot of trouble. Details on each of these drugs can be found below.

Candles "Anuzol" and "Anestezol"
An analogue of "Relief" - candles, Russia has been producing for several decades. They are much cheaper, their effect is proven. The main substance is of vegetable origin.
The main active ingredients are belladonna extract and zinc. These suppositories anesthetize, dry wounds, normalize blood circulation. They also have an antiseptic and astringent effect.
Analog of candles "Relief" from hemorrhoids - "Anuzol" - among the possible side effects has constipation and a feeling of thirst, sometimes tachycardia and dilated pupils, dizziness and a state of permanent fatigue, drowsiness.
The drug is contraindicated in children and pregnant women, as well as patients with severe sensitivity to one or more components of the drug.
If you are looking for analogue candles for Relief Advance, which can replace the drug and are cheaper, then you should know that they are offered by the pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm. This type of suppository is intended not only for treatment, but also for pain relief. As part of "Anestezol" - benzocaine, it relieves pain, swelling, irritation and itching.
Anestezol suppositories are designed to relieve pain and relieve itching and discomfort with hemorrhoids or proctitis (paraproctitis), anal fissures and postoperative conditions. The main component of the drug benzocaine is an anesthetic, it relieves pain and spasm. Contraindication for use is thrombophlebitis.
Side effects: allergic reactions and burning sensation in the anus are possible. Patients have also reported stool disorders.

Candles with belladonna for hemorrhoids
What other inexpensive analogues does "Relief" have? Candles with plant extracts should also be recommended by a specialist. You should not assume that such products do not have side effects and contraindications.
Contraindications to the use of such candles:
- individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug;
- childhood;
- pregnancy or lactation.
Suppositories with belladonna are suitable for people with hemorrhoids in the early stages. If the disease is already progressing, you need more serious complex treatment.
Suppositories "Proctosan Neo"
The complex composition of these candles has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. The drug consists of several active ingredients: bismuth subgallate, titanium dioxide and lidocaine. The last component is an anesthetic, it reduces pain and spasms, reduces discomfort.
Bismuth subgallate disinfects and has an astringent effect. The composition also contains bufeksamak - a synthetic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory component. Together, these substances enhance the effect of each other, anesthetize, reduce discomfort, stop bleeding, normalize blood flow and lead to the healing of ulcers and cracks.preanal area.
Suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids of the first and second degree, with anal fissures and microtraumas, proctitis and other inflammatory processes of the rectum.
Contraindications to the drug: children's age and pregnancy, individual sensitivity to the components. Side effects are mild, it may be an allergic reaction in the form of itching or hives.

"Hemorron" with shark oil - description and reviews
Are you looking for analogues for the drug we are considering ("Relief")? Candles "Hemorron" are closest in composition to the original remedy. The complex effect of the drug is due to components similar to Relief - phenylephrine and shark liver oil.
Suppositories eliminate swelling and inflammation, reduce pain and discomfort.
Contraindications to candles are tachycardia and high blood pressure. Nor should they be used in liver failure.
Side effects are minor. Among them - increased blood pressure, bradycardia, the effect of tinnitus. Feelings of nervous excitement, causeless fear, insomnia and irritability are also possible. If the side effects get worse, stop taking the drug.
Good old "Heparin ointment"
One of the old and already well-established remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids is Heparin Ointment. She is a good analogue of the Relief Ultra and Relief Advance candles. It is prescribed for hemorrhoids and anal fissures withbleeding. Removes inflammation, normalizes blood circulation in the affected area, relieves discomfort. The main effect of the ointment is also aimed at reducing the formed blood clots and preventing the emergence of new ones. It also contains benzocaine, which relieves pain and discomfort.
Indications for the use of the ointment:
- Chronic external hemorrhoids;
- hemorrhoids that arose during complicated childbirth;
- prevention and treatment of inflamed veins.
This ointment is a pretty good analogue of "Relief". Russia does not produce candles with this composition, the medicine is available only in this form.
Contraindications to the use of the ointment are general hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to one or more components of the ointment, as well as necrotic processes.
Side effects are possible in the form of redness, increased temperature of the tissues at the site of application and allergic reactions.

In conclusion
As you can see, not only Relief candles can be used to treat external and internal hemorrhoids. Analogues (cheap, but no less effective) can be found in pharmacies. However, be sure to consult a specialist, self-medication can be ineffective at best, dangerous to your he alth at worst.