Such a well-known drug as "Growth Hormone", reviews in sports about which, when used correctly, is always positive, is a synthetic analogue of somatotropin naturally produced in the human body. Among the main properties of this substance, medical experts distinguish a powerful anabolic effect, that is, a very rapid increase in muscle mass. In addition, growth hormone has a strong anti-catabolic effect. This means that neither stress nor short-term nutritional disruption will lead to muscle collapse.

The drug "Growth Hormone", reviews of which make it very popular even outside the sports environment, in addition to the basic qualities indicated above, also has general properties. For example, it improves the body's use of energy, increases the metabolic rate, and reduces body fat. It is known that this hormone contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and injuries of various nature. Somatotropin increases the functionality of the immune system and the concentration of glucose in the blood. The drug "Growth Hormone", effectrejuvenation from which is quite real, popular with the older age category as the best source of restoring youth to the body.
For those under the age of twenty-six, this substance will help increase body height. All these positive properties allow us to conclude that the formulation of somatotropic hormone can fully complement the lack of its natural production. Nowadays, this drug has found wide application in those sports where the creation of lean muscle mass and relief is most valued, that is, mainly in bodybuilding. However, the drug "Growth Hormone", the price for one course of which can reach thousands of US dollars, is not available to everyone for financial reasons. For this reason, it is used by either professionals or we althy sports enthusiasts.

No matter how bright the prospects for a quick training result may seem, every beginner bodybuilder should be aware of the side effects of this drug before using this drug for sports purposes. Let's consider the most common of them. The first place is occupied by the so-called tunnel syndrome. This is a regular numbness of the limbs caused by the compression of nerve fibers by a growing mass. The second place is the accumulation of excess fluid. As a rule, all the gained mass is concentrated inside the muscle cell.

However, if you violate the rules of a he althy diet, subcutaneous edema is possible, including painful swellingfingers and toes.
The drug "Growth Hormone", reviews of which are negative in athletes who abuse it, can also cause an increase in the length of the limbs due to an increase in cartilage tissue and hypertrophy of internal organs, including the heart. Such side effects can only occur when using high dosages of somatotropin over a long period of time. As practice shows, the use of the drug "Growth Hormone", reviews of which are mostly positive, does not give negative consequences if the course of its administration is correctly drawn up.