Severe forms of chronically occurring dermatoses require complex treatment. And one of the methods of therapy is the appointment of external hormonal agents. They are indicated when the patient has severe inflammation, itching that does not go away, and conventional drugs do not help. Many now have a negative attitude towards hormonal drugs, but there are also drugs that do not have their negative properties. For example, methylprednisolone aceponate. Preparations based on it are much more effective than the previously popular hydrocortisone, but are safer for he alth.
Characteristics of methylprednisolone aceponate
At the present stage of development of medical science, there are no more effective drugs than glucocorticosteroids. But most of them have many side effects. Against the background of other hormonal agents of methylprednisolone, aceponate has many advantages:
- highly effective and quickly reduces inflammation;
- does not contain chlorine and fluorine, due to which it rarely provokes side effectseffects;
- its action lasts for 24 hours, so just a single application is enough;
- has a variety of release forms for ease of use at different stages of the disease;
- easy to use: odorless, does not stain clothes;
- safe at any age, as it is almost not absorbed into the bloodstream.

Therefore, methylprednisolone aceponate has now become one of the most popular glucocorticosteroids for external use. Its trade name may repeat the main active ingredient, but the Advantan ointment based on it is most often used.
Its beneficial properties
This steroid hormonal drug does not contain halogens, which cause most of the side effects. Due to the special structure of the active substance, it does not penetrate into the blood, but acts directly in the focus of inflammation. When applied to the skin of methylprednisolone aceponate, the following effects are observed:
- production of prostaglandins and other mediators of the inflammatory process decreases;
- itching and burning disappears;
- reduces pain;
- reduced swelling and redness of tissues;
- decrease in collagen formation;
- capillary permeability decreases;
- blood composition normalizes: the number of lymphocytes and eosinophils decreases.
When these drugs are prescribed
Like other hormonal drugs, only in severe forms of the inflammatory process is usedmethylprednisolone aceponate. Ointment and other forms of the drug are prescribed under such conditions:
- different types of eczema: bacterial, occupational or children's;
- atopic dermatitis;
- neurodermatitis;
- seborrhea;
- allergic or contact dermatitis;
- psoriasis;
- sun and chemical burns.

In addition, it is methylprednisolone aceponate that is used after endoprosthetics, implants and organ transplants. It helps their engraftment by suppressing the body's immune response to foreign tissue.
Methylprednisolone aceponate formulations
Another advantage of drugs based on this substance is that they are produced in different forms. This increases their efficiency.
- For dermatitis with dry and flaky skin, an ointment with a high fat content is used. It contains no water at all and is effective in the treatment of long-term chronic diseases.
- If the inflammation has not changed the moisture content of the skin, use the usual ointment "Methylprednisolone aceponate" 0.1%. It not only eliminates inflammation, but also effectively moisturizes the skin.
- The drug is applied under the bandage in the form of an emulsion. This form is convenient for sunburn, atopic dermatitis. It is the emulsion that is most often used in the treatment of children.
- With weeping eczema and severe inflammatoryprocesses, the agent "Methylprednisolone aceponate" is used - a cream with a low fat content. It can also be used on the scalp.

Where is methylprednisolone aceponate found
Preparations based on this substance are known to dermatologists, but not all patients are familiar with them. Among the cheaper remedies, an ointment with the same name or called "Methylprednisolone aceponate" can be noted. It costs about 60 rubles. Cream based on this substance - "Depo-medrol" can be purchased for 80 rubles. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, this drug affects the metabolism and improves the condition of the bone tissue. There is also Comfoderm ointment. It costs an average of about 300 rubles. But the most famous ointment is Advantan. It is more effective than other glucocorticosteroids and rarely causes allergic reactions. Although it costs more than 400 rubles, many people prefer to choose it for treatment.
Methylprednisolone aceponate: instructions for use
Use preparations based on this substance can only be prescribed by a doctor. It is not recommended to exceed the indicated dosage and frequency of application of the ointment. To prevent the occurrence of side effects, you can not use the drug on large surfaces of the skin (more than 50%) and near the mucous membranes.

The rules for the use of "Advantan" and similar drugs do not depend on the form of release. A thin layer of ointment or cream is applied to the affected skin once a day. It can be used under a bandage. The duration must be respected.treatment: children over 4 months - no more than 30 days, and adults - 3 months.
Side effects
This unique drug, unlike other hormonal drugs, very rarely causes negative reactions. It does not penetrate into the blood and does not accumulate in the tissues. Therefore, when using ointments based on it, there is no change in the level of cortisol and skin atrophy does not develop. But in some cases, with prolonged use or overdose, the following side effects are possible:
- burning sensation on the skin;
- appearance of rashes and pimples;
- allergic reaction;
- depigmentation of skin areas;
- rarely skin atrophy, erythema, hypertrichosis or folliculitis may occur;
- Glaucoma may develop if it gets into the eyes or frequently applied to the area next to them.
Contraindications to the use of such drugs
Not all patients can use drugs based on methylprednisolone aceponate. During pregnancy, it is prescribed with great care, only if it is impossible to cope with the disease without it. If the inflammatory process is caused by bacteria or fungi, then methylprednisolone aceponate can only be used in combination with antibiotics or mycotic drugs.

And hormonal treatment is contraindicated for such diseases:
- viral infections;
- allergic reaction after vaccination;
- tuberculosis, syphilis and other serious diseases;
- chickenpox, lichen andherpes;
- if there is rosacea on the body or rosacea;
- individual intolerance;
- children under 4 months old.
Mistakes when using methylprenisolone aceponate
These modern hormonal preparations differ from those used earlier in their safety. They do not contain chlorine and fluorine, so they can be prescribed even to small children and applied on the face. Because of this, many doctors consider methylprednisolone aceponate-based products to be weak and prefer others to them. In fact, the effectiveness of Advantan and similar drugs has been clinically proven. Some dermatologists and patients make other mistakes when using methylprednisolone aceponate in treatment.

- It is recommended to be applied during remissions for prevention. But this drug is active only for inflammation, it is useless on he althy skin.
- Many believe that repeated application of the cream will increase its effectiveness. However, methylprednisolone aceponate accumulates in the tissues, and its effect lasts 24 hours.
- To increase the effectiveness, some doctors prescribe antibiotics along with these drugs. But methylprednisolone aceponate, due to its unique composition, itself has bactericidal properties. Antibacterial agents are needed only if the disease is caused by microorganisms.
- Sometimes patients who are afraid of side effects dilute the drug with neutral ointments. But this can lead to a change in pharmacologicalproperties of the drug and reduce its effectiveness.
Methylprednisolone aceponate: analogues
Despite the advantages of the drug based on this substance and its high efficiency, not everyone can use it for treatment. Even if the patient does not have an individual intolerance to methylprednisolone aceponate and contraindications to its use, the price of the ointment is very high for many: "Advantan" costs 450-500 rubles. Therefore, some ask the doctor to recommend a cheaper drug that has the same effect.

There are several such funds: Sterocort, Metipred, Medrol, Urbazon and others. But we must remember that all of them are not as effective as, for example, "Advantan". Drugs based on betamethasone have a similar effect. These are ointments "Betasalik", "Diprospan", "Celeston", "Triderm" and others. If these drugs are intolerant, you can use Flucinar, which costs about 200 rubles, or Akriderm - about 120 rubles.
All hormonal preparations can be used only as directed by a doctor. Even if they do not have side effects like Advantan, ordinary acne or skin irritation is better to anoint with a safer remedy.