What helps "Citramon P": a detailed description of the drug, indications and contraindications for use, other useful information

What helps "Citramon P": a detailed description of the drug, indications and contraindications for use, other useful information
What helps "Citramon P": a detailed description of the drug, indications and contraindications for use, other useful information

The drug "Citramon P" has long been one of the most popular medicines in domestic pharmacies. Most consumers note its affordable price and excellent pharmacological properties in the context of relieving headaches. However, an acceptable price component, which determines the availability of Citramon P, and the high effectiveness of the drug can play a cruel joke on people who do not take into account its side effects and contraindications. The following information is aimed at highlighting the nature and principle of action of this popular drug, as well as specifying what Citramon P helps with.

Description and principle of action of the drug in question

what does citramon help with
what does citramon help with

The drug "Citramon P" belongs to the group of combined drugs. He isanalgesic agent, which contains three active substances:

  • acetylsalicylic acid, the action of which is to reduce fever, relieve pain (primarily inflammatory), moderate inhibition of platelet aggregation and thrombosis. In addition, ASA has an anti-inflammatory effect. The substance is contained in an amount of 0.24 g in 1 tablet;
  • paracetamol acting as an analgesic. It helps reduce fever and is characterized by weak anti-inflammatory properties. The substance is contained in an amount of 0.18 g in 1 tablet;
  • caffeine, the effect of which is to dilate blood vessels, reduce platelet aggregation, increase the reflex excitability of the spinal cord, excite the respiratory center. It helps to reduce drowsiness, as well as increase mental and physical performance. The substance is contained in an amount of 0.03 g in 1 tablet.

The excipients of "Citramon P" include cocoa bean powder, calcium stearate, potato starch, citric acid monohydrate, talc.

Release form and indications for the use of the drug "Citramon P"

difference between citramon and citramon
difference between citramon and citramon

This drug is available in the form of tablets, which have a flat-cylindrical shape and are characterized by a brown color. They are noticeable inclusions, and their smell resembles cocoa. If you know what Citramon P helps from, the use of the drug can be made as safe as possible for he alth. Indications for the use of thisdrugs include a variety of manifestations of pain of varying intensity, including headache and toothache, migraine, arthralgia, neuralgia, myalgia. It is recommended for febrile syndrome, including influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Acceptance and dosage of the drug

citramon p for headache
citramon p for headache

It should be noted that the medicine "Citramon P" is dispensed without a prescription, but this does not exempt the consumer of this remedy from some of the rules for its use. Tablets are taken orally during or after meals. It is permissible to take 3-4 tablets per day. The maximum period of taking the drug "Citramon P" for headaches (as an anesthetic) is 5 days. These tablets are especially effective in combating migraine, which consists in a sharp expansion of blood vessels and a severe headache in one part of the head. In the case of toothache caused by inflammatory processes, the drug "Citramon P" not only helps to get rid of pain, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can be taken during the menstrual cycle, which helps relieve pain and eliminate spasm, and in diseases of the joints, which reduces pain and relaxes muscles. Taking the drug "Citramon P" from the temperature (as an antipyretic) should be limited to 3 days. Other dosages and timing of taking the tablets should be discussed with the doctor in advance.

Contraindications to the use of the drug "Citramon P"

citramon n on temperature
citramon n on temperature

Even if you have complete information about what Citramon P helps from,you can not start taking the drug without familiarizing yourself with a number of its contraindications. The drug is not recommended for patients who have any problems with the liver. It is known for its ability to suppress the activity of the cells of this organ. Also, people should refrain from taking Citramon P tablets, whose medical card contains references to ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, hemophilia, portal and severe arterial hypertension, renal failure, vitamin K deficiency, and glaucoma. It is contraindicated in patients with increased irritability and sleep disorders, as well as in persons who are about to have an emergency surgical intervention. The drug is not recommended for children under 15, pregnant and lactating women.

What is the difference between Citramon and Citramon P?

The difference between Citramon and Citramon P is the presence of paracetamol in the second tablets. Thus, with a careful study of the properties of the drug "Citramon P", it can be noted that taking the drug will be appropriate in the fight against pain and fever. Learn in the instructions for use how it works, what Citramon P helps with and what are the contraindications to taking it - and you will be able to resist the ailment that depresses you.
