Often, against the background of antibiotic therapy, stress, malnutrition, poor environmental conditions, many people have problems with immunity, and, as a result, troubles begin associated with impaired functions of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. For example, candidiasis is a common diagnosis in women who have a weakened immune system. To get rid of this kind of problems, the drug "Ecofemin" was developed. Instructions for use, reviews and features of taking the drug will help answer the question of whether it is effective or, conversely, useless.
What is Ecofemin?

The product contains live lactobacilli, which actively fight pathogenic microflora, help restore immunity, normalize metabolism and bowel function. Dairyacid is one of the components of the drug, it prevents the development and reproduction of many bacteria. Indications for use are as follows:
- treatment of dysbacteriosis at any stage of the disease. Can be used to treat this disease in infants;
- normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and restoration of the vaginal microflora. Used to prepare for planned gynecological operations and childbirth;
- it is also recommended to use this drug in the treatment of antibiotics to prevent imbalance of he althy microflora in the body.
Contraindications to the use of the therapeutic agent "Ecofemin"

Contraindications are allergic reactions to components, thrush - candidiasis, children's age (for the form in tablets). In general, Ecofemin has several types of dosage forms that must be taken correctly for the best effect:
- tablets should be taken 30-40 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease;
- in case of violation of the microflora of the vagina and preparation for gynecological planned operations, candles, applications and irrigation are used. Use the drug until the symptoms of the disease disappear and the balance of beneficial bacteria is restored;
- the necessary course of treatment and its duration, as well as the dosage form of the drug, is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the severity and form of the disease.
The opinion of patients about this drug

Reviews "Ekofemin" has both positive and negative. There is no unequivocal opinion about its effectiveness. First, you can consider the opinions of patients about the drug with a plus sign.
- This remedy, namely the Ecofemin gel, has good reviews. Women note that he does an excellent job with his work. This drug is recommended by gynecologists for the prevention of dysbacteriosis.
- One form of this drug is used by many mothers to treat colic in young children. It is no secret that the baby's alimentary tract is not yet sufficiently developed and is not fully populated with beneficial bacteria - in this case, Ecofemin helps the beneficial flora develop. The result - colic stops.
- the drug rarely causes allergies - this was also noted by many buyers of the medicine, leaving reviews.
"Ecofemin", however, has some negative characteristics associated with its intake. So, some say that they do not notice any effect at all from its use, even for a long time. Many are prescribed this medicine while taking antibiotics. In this case, much depends on the state of he alth of the patient himself, as well as the type of the main drug (antibiotic). Often debilitated patients really need more potent agents to restore microflora. It is also noted that a few patients, but still have allergic reactions to its use. For example, severe allergies - and such reviews come. "Ecofemin" in such cases is replaced by another remedy, butonly after consulting a doctor. If the patient is initially prone to the manifestation of such side effects, then the self-prescription of any drugs can be simply life-threatening. You can also hear other testimonials from patients. "Ecofemin" is quite expensive - many complain about the unreasonably high price, namely, about 550 rubles (more or less - depending on the form of release). There are drugs and cheaper…
Conclusions and conclusions

So, we have examined what the drug "Ecofemin" is. Instructions, reviews - positive and negative, other characteristics of this tool are also given in the article. Of course, this drug is a modern way to treat problems associated with an imbalance of beneficial bacteria and pathological, harmful to he alth. The advantage of Ecofemin is that it has practically no contraindications and is available in several dosage forms, which makes it available in the treatment of many diseases. But price is a sore point for many patients. Given that there are a large number of drugs with a similar effect, you can ask your doctor to prescribe you another drug that will be cheaper.