Weakened immunity can lead to many unpleasant he alth problems. For example, to the appearance of frequent colds. As a rule, to strengthen it, it is recommended to carry out many preventive measures - taking vitamins, hardening, etc. However, sometimes medications are also prescribed to maintain he alth. For example, as an immunostimulating agent, specialists often prescribe Isoprinosine tablets or syrup. Instructions, reviews and opinions of doctors about this medicine, as well as its analogues, we will consider in this article.
Indications for use
As a rule, doctors prescribe this drug as part of complex therapy for the treatment of infectious and viral diseases. Once in the body, it helps to restore the functions of lymphocytes, which support human he alth. Instructions for use "Isoprinosine" indicates that specialists can prescribe this drug for the following diseases:
- frequent or constantly recurring colds and SARS;
- sexually transmitted infections such as genital herpes or other typesthis disease caused by the Herpes simplex virus of all types;
- measles, if it is extremely severe and can threaten the patient's life;
- chickenpox or shingles are serious diseases accompanied by skin abscesses that cause severe pain;
- papillomavirus, especially if they appear on the patient's larynx, vocal cords or genitals;
- warts on the skin - prescribed as a prevention of their appearance after removal;
- Molluscum contagiosum is another serious viral disease most commonly seen in children under 10.

Form and composition
Instruction "Isoprinosine" indicates that the drug can be produced in the form of tablets or syrup, which is most often used for young children. The pills are intended for use by adults. Tablets do not differ in original appearance. These are biconvex pills, having a slightly oblong shape. They are painted white, although sometimes they can have a slightly different shade. Each tablet has a line that separates it into two parts. Patients report that they emit a slight but unpleasant amine odor, reminiscent of stale fish.
The instructions for use of "Isoprinosine" also indicate that the main active ingredient of the drug is inosine pranobex. At the same time, one tablet contains 500 mg of this component. To improve its action, wheat starch is added to the composition of the preparation,magnesium stearate, povidol, and also mannitol. They act as auxiliary components and are contained in the tablet in small quantities.

According to the instructions, Isoprinosine tablets are available in cardboard packs. The pills are packed in convenient blisters of 10 pieces. In one pack there can be 2, 3 and 5 such blisters. The shelf life of this drug is 5 years, but it must be stored exclusively in a dry and cool place. The drug is produced by an Israeli pharmaceutical company. You can buy it in a pharmacy only with a prescription from your doctor.
Who should not be prescribed the drug?
Like any other medicine, this remedy should be taken under the strict supervision of a specialist. However, doctors note that the drug does not have a very large number of contraindications, so it can be prescribed to a wide range of patients. And yet, the instruction "Isoprinosine" (500 mg) recommends refusing treatment with this medication if the patient has the following diseases:
- Urolithiasis of any severity, especially if the stones are of pronounced size;
- individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
- chronic kidney disease, including kidney failure, since the drug is excreted from the body with the help of this organ;
- cardiac arrhythmia, that is, an arrhythmia diagnosed by a doctor;
- gout or any other pathology of the body associated with a seriousmetabolic disorder.
Possible side effects
Instructions for the use of "Isoprinosine" (500 mg) indicates that the drug has a large number of side effects, but in practice they appear only in a small percentage of patients taking the drug. However, before starting the reception, it is still recommended to familiarize yourself with them, so that if suspicious symptoms are found, immediately consult a doctor. In this case, the specialist will either change the dosage, or even advise you to refuse treatment with the drug.
So, the instructions for Isoprinosine list the following possible side effects:
- Nausea, turning into vomiting, and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Quite often there is pain in the left side under the ribs. Symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation are much less commonly diagnosed.
- Headache and slight dizziness, the appearance of weakness. Sometimes patients may complain of either excessive sleepiness or prolonged insomnia.
- Severe itching - in practice it is common (up to 10% of patients). Some of the people who use the product scratch their skin, which only worsens their condition.
- Significant increase in the formation of urine in the body, which in practice is manifested by frequent trips to the toilet.
- Joint pain that occurs if the patient does take the drug when they have gout.

Also, the instruction "Isoprinosine" indicates possible manifestations of failures inliver function, which causes the drug. In practice, patients cannot feel this side effect, but it can be detected during tests. There is an increase in the amount of urea and alkaline phosphatase in the blood plasma. However, after stopping the medication, the indicators quickly return to normal.
"Isoprinosine": instructions for use
To achieve the maximum positive effect from the use of the drug, you need to use it strictly following the instructions of your doctor. You can not reduce or increase the dosage on your own. The drug is recommended to be taken strictly after meals, drinking a tablet or syrup with a small amount of drinking water. Do not take the pills with juice, tea or coffee, or carbonated drinks.
As a rule, doctors prescribe a standard dosage for both children and adults. The instructions for use of "Isoprinosine" indicate that patients over 18 years of age should take tablets 3-4 times a day. In this case, the exact amount of the drug depends on the weight of the patient (50 mg of the active substance per 1 kg), that is, approximately 6-8 tablets per day. The dosage may be increased if the patient is suffering from a severe infectious disease. In this case, the dose is doubled (100 mg of the active substance per 1 kg), and the tablets are taken 4-6 times a day. However, taking such a large amount of the drug should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Adults "Isoprinosine" instructionrecommends using until the complete disappearance of the clinical symptoms of the disease, as well as two more days for additional prophylaxis. It is worth noting that the doctor, at his own discretion, may extend the appointment if he deems it appropriate.
For the treatment of recurrent infectious or chronic diseases, the dosage is reduced to 500 mg per day, that is, the patient takes only 1-2 tablets per day. However, the course of admission is increased to one month. The dosage may also depend on the specific type of pathology. So, with the papilloma virus and cervical dysplasia, the drug can be prescribed in ten-day courses. The patient should take 2-3 tablets per day. In total, such courses should be held at least 2-3 times in a row.
At the same time, for both adults and children, the instructions for the use of "Isoprinosine" recommend that routine examinations be carried out with a constant intake of funds. For example, after two weeks of taking the drug, the patient is sent to take a urine and blood test in order to detect an increase in the concentration of uric acid in time. When taken continuously for several months, a liver test is recommended every 30 days.
Consequences of an overdose
As mentioned above, you need to take the drug, strictly following the dosage prescribed by your doctor. If you use an insufficient number of tablets, then there will be no positive effect from taking it. At the same time, the instructions for the use of "Isoprinosine" say that there have been no cases of overdose in practice. However, this does not meanthat the number of tablets used can be arbitrarily increased. If it still seems to you that you have significantly increased the dosage, then you should consult a doctor before any symptoms appear. When they appear, all the more you should not postpone going to a specialist, especially if a small child or a pregnant woman suffers from malaise.
Drug taken by young children
It is often given to young children suffering from frequent colds. What do parents need to know before taking the remedy? Firstly, the instruction advises children to take Isoprinosine in a reduced dosage. So, babies are prescribed half a tablet for every 5 kg of weight per day. Secondly, children under three years of age are not prescribed the drug in pills, because it will be difficult for them to swallow them whole. Instead, a syrup similar in composition is prescribed. It is also not recommended to take pills if the child's weight does not exceed 15-20 kg. At the same time, the drug should be prescribed only by a pediatrician, it is strictly forbidden to take it without permission, as it can harm the child's kidneys.

Can pregnant women use the drug?
Pregnancy is an extremely important stage in the life of any woman, during which close attention is paid to taking medications, because they can seriously affect the development of the fetus and even cause miscarriage. Instructions for use "Isoprinosine" does not recommend taking the drug during this period. Experts have not yet fully studied the effect,which pills refuse to develop in the womb of the baby. Therefore, if treatment is necessary, doctors usually prescribe a more gentle remedy. The safety of using the drug during lactation has not been proven, so it should also be discontinued during this period.
What does Isoprinosine's label say about interactions with other drugs?
As a rule, before prescribing any drug, the attending physician is always interested in what other drugs the patient is taking. After all, the simultaneous intake of incompatible medications can not only reduce the positive effect of treatment, but also seriously harm the body. Therefore, it is important to tell your GP about all medications you are taking.
However, the instructions for use call both tablets and syrup "Isoprinosine" a completely loyal remedy. Since they can be taken with many types of medicines. The only exception, perhaps, are immunosuppressants, due to the fact that they have the exact opposite effect, suppressing immunity, and not improving it. Accordingly, when taken simultaneously, the effectiveness of both drugs will be reduced to zero. With caution, you need to use the drug together with diuretics and other uricosuric agents, as they will further increase the formation of urine in the body. Because of this, a double burden will be imposed on the kidneys.

Otherwise, the drug does not affect the body in any way, including does not depress the patient's nervous system. Therefore, even with long-term usea person can freely engage in intellectual activities, drive a vehicle.
Main analogues of the drug
Any immunostimulating drug should be used under the strict supervision of a doctor and it is forbidden to replace it at will with a similar remedy. This is what the instructions say. There are many analogues of Isoprinosine with a similar effect. However, only one drug has in its composition the same active substance - Groprinosin. This tool is also available in tablets that contain 500 mg of inosine pranobex. It has similar contraindications and almost similar side effects. It is also forbidden to be taken by pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients suffering from acute liver failure. However, there is a high likelihood of unpleasant symptoms with an overdose. In this case, doctors prescribe a complex treatment, including gastric lavage. Sometimes patients complained of headaches and dizziness while driving.

And although both drugs have almost identical composition, side effects, contraindications and instructions for use, the analogue of "Isoprinosine" is less expensive and has a shorter shelf life. Both medicines are available by prescription only, so it is not possible to switch from one to another without informing your doctor.
Positive reviews of pills
"Isoprinosine" is quite expensive anda potent remedy, so many patients are in a hurry to get acquainted with the reviews of other people who have already been treated with this drug before starting to take it. They help to find out how much this tool in practice corresponds to the description presented in the instructions for use. It is worth noting that Isoprinosine reviews are most often positive, although patients note that it also has disadvantages. However, in general, the drug has a very effective effect on the body, helps to fight viruses and infections in a short time.
Patients note that the pills are especially good at dealing with the papillomavirus. Already 14 days after the start of the intake, these unpleasant rashes disappear without leaving scars and scars. Its versatility is also indicated as an advantage: with the help of the drug, completely different infections and viruses can be cured at the same time. Parents also note that the drug is well tolerated by young children. It is sometimes prescribed to strengthen the child's immunity, and after taking the course, the child really gets sick much less often.
Negative feedback from patients
Of course, "Isoprinosine" is not an ideal drug. Patients say that for all its effectiveness, they found many shortcomings. Because of them, treatment with the drug can hardly be called pleasant. First, they note the very inconvenient shape of the tablets, which were difficult for some patients to swallow without chewing. For young children, this has become an impossible task at all, thereforeparents broke the pills, despite the instructions of the attending physician. The unpleasant odor coming from the tablets and their bitter taste are two more serious drawbacks that patients note. After taking the drug, in their opinion, an unpleasant aftertaste remains in the mouth for a long time.
Of course, patients are sure to mention the high cost of pills. A package (20 pieces) will cost about 600-700 rubles. The course of admission can last several weeks, while sometimes you need to take 3-4 tablets per day. That is, you will have to purchase several packs at once, which can seriously hit the patient's budget.
Reviews about the occurrence of adverse or allergic reactions are quite rare. This indicates the safety of the tool, but it is still impossible to exclude their possibility. Thus, we examined in detail the drug "Isoprinosine", instructions and reviews. For children and adults, it is an effective remedy for infectious diseases, but should only be used under the strict supervision of your doctor.