One of the best antibiotics that inhibit the growth and cause the death of microorganisms in dysentery, abscess pneumonia, Bruss' disease, typhoid fever and other serious human diseases is Biomycin. Instructions for use describe it as a drug that can simultaneously act on various microbes and is often used for rabbit pasteurellosis for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. In addition, "Biomycin" is used to stimulate the growth of young animals as a feed additive.

Medication description
"Biomycin" is an antibiotic produced by the microorganism Actinomyces aureofaciens. The drug is produced in the form of a yellow crystalline powder, bitter in taste, but odorless. Poorly soluble in water (at a temperature of +18 only 1.3%), yellow solutions; pH indicator (pH) ranges from2, 7 to 2, 9.
The drug is stable in a slightly acidic environment and in air, but is easily destroyed in solutions of alkalis and strong acids. The chemical structure makes it possible to attribute "Biomycin" to the group of tetracyclines, which also includes "Terramycin", "Tetracycline" and "Oxytetracycline".
The activity of the drug is determined by the results of biological standardization and is expressed in units of action (ED) or in terms of weight. One unit is equal to 1 mcg of chemically pure chlortetracycline hydrochloride.
Ointment "Biomycin" instructions for use describes how a suspension of solid particles in the aqueous phase of the emulsion. This is due to the slight solubility in water.
"Biomycin", having a wide antibacterial spectrum, is effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as rickettsiae and some types of viruses.
Indications for use
"Biomycin" in the form of a solution, ointment or powder can be prescribed for intramuscular injection, as well as external and internal use. With the help of this antibiotic, many infectious diseases are treated (malignant carbuncle, necrobacteriosis, Balkan influenza, dysentery, coliparatyphoid infections). At the same time, the semi-finished products of the drug, which are added to the feed, accelerate the growth of young animals. "Biomycin" instructions for use for animals recommend using for acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pulmonary diseases of lambs, calves and piglets, as well as for pullorosis of chicken birds.

This broad-spectrum antibiotic can also be used to heal mechanical damage to the integument of aquarium fish.
As for contraindications, the use of "Biomycin" is unacceptable in case of hypersensitivity to its constituent components.
Dosage and method of administration
"Biomycin" (powder) instructions for use recommends using for the preparation of solutions for intramuscular injection. Despite the fact that the drug itself has an excellent therapeutic effect, the best effect is achieved when taken simultaneously with sulfanilamide drugs (calculated as 0.1-0.2 g per rabbit).

In the treatment of hemorrhagic septicemia, the recommended dose of antibiotic is determined taking into account the weight of the animal (20 to 25 thousand units of Biomycin are needed per 1 kg). The duration of therapy for pasteurellosis is 3-4 days, provided that the drug is injected into the body of sick rabbits twice a day.
In the chronic form of hemorrhagic septicemia, treatment is performed differently: for the first 3 days, the animal is given drugs with a wide spectrum of bacteriostatic action, which are part of the group of sulfanilic acid amide derivatives, then the same number of days - "Biomycin", and at the end again sulfanilamide funds.
When taking antibiotics, avoid feeding rabbits silage, which can cause diarrhea.
Biomycin solution is administered to animals in latentperiod some time before vaccination. The interval between the first and second injection should be at least 8 hours. Thanks to the use of Biomycin, the animal is saved from possible death.

An antibiotic is administered internally to rabbits for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, less often for colds. The recommended dosage in these cases is 0.1-0.15 g twice a day with a duration of treatment of 3 to 5 days. In order to prevent the occurrence of coccidiosis, "Biomycin" instructions for use allow you to give rabbits mixed with food at the rate of 0.01 g per animal. Prevention is recommended to continue for 5 days.
Within 1.5-2 months to accelerate the growth and development of young animals, starting from the age of 20 days, you can give 0.005-0.1 g of the drug "Biomycin". Instructions for use in veterinary medicine indicate that if the recommended dosages and terms of antibiotic use are not observed, rabbits may die. This is due to poor tolerance of the drug.
Side effects
Exceeding the recommended doses of "Biomycin" can cause poisoning. If the drug is used longer than the prescribed period, stomatitis, vomiting, diarrhea and edema may occur. With the appearance of such side effects, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug or completely abandon the use. The veterinarian will help you make a decision after the degree of intolerance to the drug is established.
"Biomycin": instructions forapplication for chickens
According to laboratory data obtained at the Belarusian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, with the use of feed "Biomycin" for two months, the growth of chickens accelerated by 25.5%, with the use of a pure drug - by 21%. When feeding birds with fodder and fodder fortified means, their weight increased by 27-29%.
The weight of broilers fed with "Biomycin" up to two months of age ranges from 1.5 to 1.7 kg. This is quite logical, because under the action of antibiotics, the growth and development of chickens is accelerated. This drug is in great demand among people involved in raising poultry for sale, because when taking Biomycin, the growing period is reduced from 91 days to 70.

Approximately the same reaction to an antibiotic in turkeys, ducklings and goslings. "Biomycin" is recommended to be given not in its pure form, but with food.
Cost of the drug and storage conditions
"Biomycin" (instructions for use indicates this) must be kept in a dark and dry place where the temperature does not rise above 20 degrees. The shelf life of the drug is not more than six months.
Despite the fact that the reviews about this antibiotic are mostly positive, some people involved in breeding farm animals are forced to abandon the use of "Biomycin" because of the difficulties that arise with its acquisition in Russia. Veterinary pharmacies offer mainly foreign analoguesdrug.