The drug "Immunomax" refers to immunomodulatory drugs, the pharmacological effect of which is aimed at strengthening the body's defenses and stimulating cellular phagocytosis.
The drug is produced in the form of a sublimated powder for making a solution, which is intended for injection. "Immunomax" is released from pharmacies in glass ampoules or vials. In total, there are thirty ampoules in the package with the attached instructions for the use of "Immunomax".
Injections have one active substance - acid peptidoglycan, at a dosage of one hundred or two hundred microunits. Ampoules of water for injection are also included with the preparation to dilute the powder.

Pharmacological properties
The drug has a powerfulimmunostimulatory effect. Under the influence of Immunomax, segmented nuclear neutrophils are activated, the body's resistance to viral diseases, as well as to herpes simplex viruses and papillomavirus, is enhanced. The drug is also highly effective against chlamydia, staphylococcus, Escherichia coli and salmonella. According to the instructions, Immunomax is still available in tablets.

The drug "Immunomax" is prescribed for people with weakened immune systems who often get sick. The main indications for the administration of this medicine are the following diseases and conditions:
- Papilloma virus is a disease of viral origin that damages intimate organs.
- Herpes is a recurrent infectious process caused by the herpes simplex virus and characterized by damage to tissues and nerve cells.
- Mycoplasmosis is a chronic disease caused by small bacteria that parasitize the human body.
- Ureaplasmosis is an infectious disease of various organs of the urinary tract.
- Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infectious disease caused by chlamydia.
- Viral infections.
This medication is also prescribed for people who are forced to use antibacterial agents for a long time to maintain and activate the body's natural defenses.

drug neededuse only under the strict supervision of a medical professional. Before starting treatment, it is important to thoroughly study the instructions for use for Immunomax, since it has some prohibitions:
- Individual intolerance.
- Under the age of twelve.
In other situations, the drug is well tolerated by people and has no serious contraindications for use.
How to use the drug correctly?
The solution is injected deep into the muscle once a day, after mixing the contents of the ampoule or vial with the solvent. The daily dosage of "Immunomax" is determined by the doctor for each patient purely individually, it depends on the severity of the clinical signs of the disease.
According to the instructions for use of Immunomax, adolescents over twelve years of age and adults are administered one hundred or two hundred units of the drug at a time. The duration of therapy varies from three to six days with a specific administration scheme: the first three days of the injection must be carried out every day, then, if necessary, rest for five days, after which the treatment should be repeated. Three injections of the drug are enough to maintain and activate a weakened immune system.

Can I administer the drug during pregnancy?
Clinical studies on the harmlessness of the effect of the active microelement on the fetus were not carried out, therefore, use "Immunomax" when"interesting position" is possible only after a thorough assessment of the benefits and risks to mother and child. Therapy is carried out under the close supervision of a medical specialist.
There is no information about the drug getting into breast milk and its effect on the baby's body, so if you need to use this drug, you need to decide on stopping lactation.
Adverse reactions
In many situations, "Immunomax" is well tolerated by people, in medicine there have been no cases of negative effects on the drug. Very rarely, minor allergic reactions may occur in hypersensitive patients.
According to the instructions for Immunomax, no cases of drug poisoning have been registered, but it is still not recommended to exceed the prescribed dosage.
Interaction with other drugs
There is no information about the drug compatibility of "Immunomax" with other medicines, but in order to avoid the appearance of harmful reactions in a person, several different drugs cannot be mixed in one syringe at once. If it is necessary to administer several medications at the same time, a separate syringe should be used for each.

The drug is strictly contraindicated in pediatrics for the treatment of children under twelve years of age.
According to the instructions for Immunomax, injections do not have an overwhelming effecton the nervous system and do not slow down the speed of psychomotor reactions, so the drug can be used to treat people whose work is related to driving a car or complex mechanisms. The average price of the drug is approximately 900 rubles.

Analogues of "Immunomax"
The following medicines are considered similar in their pharmacological effect to the drug:
- "Anaferon".
- "Arpetol".
- "Interferon".
- "Imunostol".
- "Immunoflazid".
- "Nucleinat".
- "Cycloferon".
- "Timalin".
- "Lavomax".
- "Promedin".
- "Echinacea compositum".
- "Dzherelo".
Before replacing Immunomax with one of its analogues, you should consult with your doctor, as these drugs may have certain contraindications.
Storage conditions
"Immunomax" in pharmacies can be purchased strictly according to the prescription of a medical specialist. Keep the powder in a dark place, away from children. If the integrity of the package is violated, the medicine is not recommended for use (according to the instructions).
"Immunomax": reviews
Reactions are mostly positive. The drug is widely used as an immunomodulator after the elimination of papillomas and warts, as well as during gynecologicalsurgical interventions. In such situations, it is advised by many doctors. Although, it is worth noting that there are those medical specialists who do not believe in the effectiveness of "Immunomax" and prefer other drugs that enhance immunity. But there is not a single review about the negative effect of the drug on the body.
Patients who have been treated with this drug have also left very positive feedback about it. They did not note any negative reactions when using "Immunomax". In many situations, combination treatment has been effective.
Some patients say that with the help of the drug they were not only able to cope with the disease, but also avoided seasonal colds.