Itching cream: review of drugs, application, effectiveness, reviews

Itching cream: review of drugs, application, effectiveness, reviews
Itching cream: review of drugs, application, effectiveness, reviews

Itching is one of the common signs of dermatological diseases. Often the cause of irritation on the skin becomes an allergic reaction, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. To combat this unpleasant symptom, various creams are used. There are many remedies for itching. This article will be devoted to their review.

Features of the use of external agents

Skin can itch everywhere: on the arms, legs, stomach, back, head and even in the intimate area. Creams for itching are sold in pharmacies. Some of them contain hormonal components in their composition, others act due to anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. Itching is not always a characteristic symptom of a particular disease. The cause of overthrow may be a lack of moisture in the cells of the epidermis - it is dryness that provokes discomfort.

The predominant part of the pharmacy range of creams for skin itching is completely safe, so there are not so many restrictions on the use of external agents. The main contraindication toapplication of an antipruritic drug may be an individual intolerance to any of the components in the composition, which manifests itself:

  • allergic reaction;
  • rash on itchy epidermis;
  • burning in the application area;
  • soreness;
  • puffiness;
  • hyperemia.

These manifestations usually disappear on their own, without outside intervention, as soon as the use of the drug is stopped.


If the cause of overthrow on the skin is a skin disease such as eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, etc., you can improve the patient's condition with the help of "Losterin". This is an anti-itch cream often prescribed by dermatologists. Also, the drug relieves swelling, redness. It contains urea, almond oil, glycerin, salicylic acid and panthenol. Successfully selected components have anti-inflammatory, exfoliating and antiseptic effects. "Losterin" is designed to moisturize the affected areas of the epidermis and restore its cells.

cream for itching and irritation
cream for itching and irritation

The advantage of this cream against itching of the skin is the possibility of using it for babies. There are no harmful flavors, hormones, chemical fragrances and impurities in this product. Applying "Losterin" is simple: the product is applied to itchy parts of the body 2-3 times during the day. If you believe the reviews of those who have already used this tool, it is quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy marks on the body or on clothes.

Losterin has no side effects. In addition, this creamcompletely non-toxic. The only contraindications are children under 3 months of age and individual intolerance to the composition.


It is difficult to find a more effective remedy for itching and irritation. Cream "Gistan" belongs to the group of antiallergic drugs. Among the active ingredients, it is worth noting dimethicone, lily of the valley oil, euphorbia, calendula, birch buds, violet and string. The whole combination of herbal ingredients purposefully acts against itching, quickly eliminates burning and swelling.

"Gistan" is an indispensable remedy for allergic eczema, dermatitis, diathesis in children. With it, you can get rid of the effects of insect bites and manifestations of photodermatosis. The cream is applied to itchy areas once or twice a day. The duration of treatment is on average 2-4 weeks.

Unlike the previous Losterin cream, Gistan has more restrictions on its use. According to the instructions, this remedy should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers and allergy sufferers. A side reaction to the composition of "Gistan" can be burning, itching, redness. The cream sometimes causes folliculitis, skin pigmentation decreases, and contact dermatitis develops.


The drug is produced in the form of an ointment. The tool has a powerful antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties. Unlike previous medications, Celestoderm-B contains corticosteroids. The hormonal cream contains betamethasone and gentamicin. The last component is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Thus, "Celestoderm-B" isa combined preparation that helps to simultaneously restore the diseased epidermis and prevent the attachment of a bacterial infection.

A local drug is prescribed for the treatment of complicated eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, including in the intimate area. Cream from itching is applied twice a day to the affected areas of the epidermis, and in case of a serious condition of the patient, the drug is used three times a day. If necessary, a sterile bandage is applied on top of the sore spots.

Despite the low likelihood of side effects from this cream, it is important to consider its unsafe he alth. Firstly, this remedy, like any other hormonal drug, can be addictive to the body. Treatment with "Celestoderm-B" should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor who will monitor pigmentation, the degree of thinning of the skin, the appearance of atrophic stripes.

cream for itching in the intimate area
cream for itching in the intimate area

Patients suffering from herpes, chickenpox, varicella versicolor should not use this product.

Creams based on natural ingredients

Itching is an unpleasant sensation. The more you comb the place that itches with your nails, the worse the person's condition will be. If you constantly want to itch, you need to find the cause of what causes itching. The cream will not get rid of overthrow and will be ineffective if the provoking factor is not eliminated.

Causes of itching on the skin can be exogenous and endogenous. In severe cases, due to strong scratching onthe skin may develop blisters or sores. If itching is the cause of temporary exposure to adverse factors, then it can be overcome with the help of safe natural preparations. For example, La Cree and Lanolin cream.

The first drug is a remedy with a restorative effect, eliminating not only itching, but also hyperemia, irritation and inflammation of the skin. As a rule, "La Cree" is prescribed for the treatment of diathesis, diaper dermatitis, and allergic rash in children. This anti-itch cream can be applied to any area of the body that suffers from scratching, especially the hands and face.

"La Cree" perfectly nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin, protects it from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures, eliminates red spots after peeling of the epidermis. The basis of this tool is vegetable raw materials, consisting of bisabolol, extracts of violet, succession, avocado oil, walnut and panthenol. Despite the fact that "La Cree" is a non-hormonal cream for itching and skin irritation, its use should be approached with extreme caution. According to reviews, the remedy often causes an allergic reaction.

The second drug that can be used even for babies is Lanolin cream. This product effectively nourishes the skin due to the content of a huge amount of fats and oils, beeswax. The drug allows you to eliminate the dryness of the skin, restore their elasticity and firmness, get rid of itching and flaking.

skin itching cream
skin itching cream

To get the maximum benefit from the cream, it should be applied in the morning andin the evening, that is, at least twice a day. The drug is left for 30 minutes, after which the remnants of the therapeutic composition can be blotted with a napkin.

Remedies for itching in a delicate place

It should be understood that the overthrow of the skin is the body's reaction to the impact of a certain stimulus. To get rid of itching in the intimate area in women, the cream may not be enough. It is necessary to find the cause of the skin irritation. In this case, external preparations will either provide temporary assistance, or will not bring any result at all. In most cases, ladies suffer from itching in the delicate area, but sometimes the problem takes men by surprise.

Find out what causes itching, only a doctor will help. If the constant desire to itch is caused by the course of a certain disease, then here you can’t do without passing the appropriate tests. Itching in an intimate place can be provoked by both ordinary skin irritation due to wearing uncomfortable synthetic underwear, shaving, and sexually transmitted diseases. In addition to the antipruritic cream, which will only temporarily help relieve the symptom, the patient may be prescribed additional drugs to restore the vaginal flora, eliminate dryness of the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation and swelling.

Cream to solve a purely female problem

Itching in the vagina should not be ignored by a woman. This is a good enough reason to visit a gynecologist in the near future and dispel all doubts about the cause.

The female genitourinary system is especially sensitive to variousirritants, responding with discomfort, burning, dryness in the vagina, pain. If the cause of such symptoms is an allergic reaction to synthetic fabrics, tampons, sanitary napkins, latex condoms, the woman is prescribed Vagisil. Its active ingredients are surfactant and laureth. In addition to them, the preparation contains vitamins A, D, E.

"Vagisil" gently affects the epidermis in the intimate area, creating a protective shell from external stimuli. Laureth relieves inflammation, eliminates redness and itching. Thanks to a successful medicinal formula, the cream is easily washed off and leaves no greasy marks.

Cream for intimate itching "Vagisil" perfectly masks unpleasant odors. This drug can be used by adult women and young girls. The scheme of application of this tool has no fundamental differences from its counterparts: a thin layer of medication is applied to the affected areas. You can do this 3-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

intimate cream for itching and irritation
intimate cream for itching and irritation

Get rid of the manifestations of thrush, which is inevitably accompanied by itching and irritation, intimate cream "Vagisil" will not help. With candidiasis, gynecologists prescribe Clotrimazole cream to their patients. This antifungal agent must be applied to the walls of the vagina twice a day. The principle of action of the antimycotic is to suppress the growth of microbes on the mucous membrane of the female vagina and reduce itching. "Clotrimazole" shows maximum activity against gram-positive bacteria.

For the purpose of warningrelapse should not abruptly stop the use of the cream. As a rule, it is necessary to continue using the drug for two weeks after all symptoms have completely disappeared. Side effects when using Clotrimazole are quite rare, but some patients may experience shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, burning, irritation, swelling of the vaginal mucosa after using this cream.

"Pimafucin" for men

This is one of the antifungal medicines given to the partners of women who are being treated for thrush. The main action in the composition of the drug is natamycin. Pimafucin is recommended for women for the treatment of vulvitis, balanoposthitis, vulvovaginitis.

Cream for itching in intimate places can be safely applied to the genitals, without fear of burning, irritation and redness, but it is advisable to avoid getting the substance on he althy tissues. The optimal frequency of applying Pimafucin cream is once a day. It is necessary to apply the composition until the main symptoms are eliminated.

Not much is known about adverse reactions with this drug. The most common reaction in men and women is irritation and a slight burning sensation.

For speedy wound healing

Regeneration processes associated with the restoration of dermatologically affected or mechanically damaged tissues are always accompanied by itching and burning. Traditional pharmacology offers a wide range of drugs to relieve discomfort,associated with the wound healing process.

Actovegin is considered one of the most effective. This tool, as you know, is available not only in the form for external use. "Actovegin" is intended to improve the nutrition and blood supply of the skin. The main active component of this drug is deproteinized gemoderivate, which is isolated from the blood of young calves. There should be no questions about which itch cream to use for bedsores, ulcerations, dryness and cracks in the skin, most dermatologists advise Actovegin.

itching redness from the cream
itching redness from the cream

The course of treatment with this drug is an average of 14-20 days. To get rid of itching and irritation, Actovegin cream is applied to dry and clean epidermis twice a day. Side effects from the use of the composition are extremely rare, which cannot be said about the manifestations of allergies. Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the use of the cream.

Another remedy that helps restore the integrity of the skin is Dexpanthenol E. As part of this cream, the active substances are dexpanthenol, a-tocopheryl acetate. You can buy a cream for itching and burning without a prescription. In case of intolerance to the components of the drug, you can not use it. Most often, "Dexpanthenol E" is applied to areas with mild damage caused by mechanical, thermal or chemical effects. In addition, it helps to get rid of dermatitis, dry skin. The drug can be used from infancy.

In order for the cream to bring the expected effect, it must be appliedin a small amount only on the affected areas of the epidermis. One use per day is enough. The duration of the course of therapy depends on the severity of the disease. A reaction in the form of urticaria occurs with an allergic reaction to the remedy - in this case, it is better to refuse further use.

What to use for allergic itching

Allergy sufferers know firsthand about itching. This problem haunts many patients whose body reacts to a particular stimulus in a pathological way. Itching accompanies most external allergic reactions, but you can get rid of it, and special creams will help with this.

Against itching, first of all, you should try non-hormonal remedies. Among such drugs, the most popular are formulations based on lanolin (an example is the Lanolin cream, which was mentioned above). It is a safe remedy that can be used in combination with other substances.

With allergic itching, Triderm cream is also considered effective. Judging by the name, it is easy to guess that this drug contains three active ingredients: betamethasone dipropionate, gentamicin and clotrimazole. Thanks to well-chosen compounds, it is possible to achieve an anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. The cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin several times during the day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms.

Unlike Lanolin cream, Triderm has a number of contraindications and side effects, so use iton its own is undesirable. The reaction to the drug can be acne and irritation on the skin, dryness and peeling, the development of dermatitis. This product is not used for infectious skin diseases, tuberculosis, chickenpox, syphilis, herpes, in children under 2 years old.

The problem of dry epidermis is most often encountered by women during menopause. To maintain the condition of the skin in a satisfactory condition, it is recommended to use "Physiogel" - a medical and cosmetic fluid that has a moisturizing effect. The product gently cares for the skin, eliminates redness, peeling, irritation. From itching and dryness, a small amount of "Physiogel" is applied every day to the surface of the skin, carefully rubbing with massaging movements.

cream for itching in intimate places
cream for itching in intimate places

Medicines for children

Before using creams that relieve itching in children, you should consult a doctor. Most of the drugs have a safe composition and do not cause allergies. Today, medicine offers a wide range of effective external remedies that perfectly stop itching in children of different ages.

For example, "Elidel" is used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. It is also used to eliminate skin problems in infants. The main active ingredient in its composition is pimecrolimus. The cream is applied to the skin and spread over the surface in a thin layer. Usually the duration of the course of treatment and the frequency of use is determined by the doctor. The advisability of using for the prevention of dermatitis is also worthconsult a specialist.

Against the background of the use of Elidel, children and adults sometimes develop molluscum contagiosum, herpetic eruptions appear, urticaria and irritation are possible. If these symptoms appear, stop using the cream.

Vundehil is a natural composition. This cream-ointment from itching is used for children and adults. "Vundehil" has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components. The cream contains extracts of cinquefoil and Japanese Sophora, yarrow. Indications for its use are considered poorly healing wounds, diaper rash, bedsores, dermatitis, burns, cracks, neurodermatitis, ulcers. Unlike potent medicines, Wundehill does not have a therapeutic effect immediately. Patients notice the effect of use, as a rule, 5-7 days after the start of use.

Itching from mosquito bites

The choice of funds is especially relevant in the summer. After the bites of midges and mosquitoes, severely itchy pimples and redness appear on the skin. You don’t need to endure overthrow, because today there are a lot of products on sale that will help to cope with these unpleasant sensations. The most popular of them are "Boro Plus" and "Rescuer".

The first is a broad spectrum antiseptic. Boro Plus is used not only to relieve itching from insect bites, but also to fight fungi, infectious skin diseases, heal wounds and abrasions. The preparation contains many natural substances, among which are sandalwood, turmeric, aloe vera. This cream for itching aftermosquito bite is applied to the skin and rubbed with light massage movements. There is no information about side effects from the use of Boro Plus.

what cream for itching
what cream for itching

Another healing remedy is the well-known Rescuer cream-balm. This tool is considered universal and helps with various skin lesions, burns, abrasions. It contains only natural medicinal substances:

  • olive and sea buckthorn oils;
  • calendula extract;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • wax;
  • naftalan oil (refined).

"Rescuer" does not contain any antibiotics or hormones. The tool promotes rapid regeneration of the affected areas, prevents the appearance of puffiness, blisters. The drug can be used by children, adults and pregnant women. "Rescuer" has no analogues, while it is one of the cheapest in this category of pharmacy assortment.
