Gel "Panavir" - reviews, instructions for use, composition and analogues

Gel "Panavir" - reviews, instructions for use, composition and analogues
Gel "Panavir" - reviews, instructions for use, composition and analogues

In the article, consider the instructions for the drug "Panavir", reviews and price.

During the treatment of warts and papillomavirus, immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs are traditionally used. Excellent results can be achieved when using the pharmaceutical agent "Panavir". Reviews about it are mostly positive.

Composition and dosage form of the drug

The medicine is available in the form of a gel, spray, suppositories and solution for injection. In our article, we will consider the form of the gel and spray. Such a rich variety of dosage forms is produced for the convenience of using the drug, as well as to obtain the best result from therapy. According to reviews, Panavir Intim spray is very popular.

They treat the external genitalia in persons of both sexes and the vagina in women after intercourse. With the help of a spray, the likelihood of infection with infections is reduced, and wounds heal quickly and the integrity of tissues is restored. That is, the main indication for the use of the drug is the prevention of STDs and care for the intimate area.

The main active component of all forms of "Panavir"serves as a hexose glycoside, which has in its composition various organic substances in the form of rhamnose, glucose, mannose, uranic acids, arabinose, galactose and xylose. This glycoside is obtained from the extract of potato shoots. Thus, Panavir is a carefully processed and chemically improved potato extract. Various auxiliary components are used to give the drug the necessary medical form. In the spray "Panavir Intimate" it is water, lanthanum s alt and polyethylene glycol.

Spray "Panavir Inlight" is a dosage form intended for spraying in the oral cavity. Additional components are water along with propylene glycol, eucalyptus oil, lanthanum nitrate, hydrogenated castor oil and sodium hydroxide. One spray bottle contains 40 milliliters of the drug. According to reviews, Panavir Inlight spray for children is ideal.

Gel produced in tubes, this dosage form is intended for external use. 100 grams of the drug contains 2 micrograms of the extract, and everything else is auxiliary ingredients that give the drug texture. For example, glycerol is used along with macrogol, sodium hydroxide, ethanol, water, and lanthanum s alts.

Indications for use

Among the main indications for treatment with Panavir gel are the following:

  • The drug is used for infections caused by the herpes virus.
  • As part of a comprehensive treatment for the papillomavirus and its clinicalmanifestations in the form of warts. According to Panavir reviews, it helps to get rid of papillomas quickly.
  • For the treatment of tick-borne encephalitis.
  • If patients have cytomegalovirus infection.
  • Immunodeficiency conditions caused by various viral infections.

Panavir Inlight spray is used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, various injuries, and in addition, herpetic lesions of the oral mucosa.

panavir gel reviews
panavir gel reviews

Contraindications for use

According to reviews, the Panavir gel is well tolerated by patients, the drug rarely causes certain side effects. But in order to avoid the appearance of negative reactions to this drug, you need to familiarize yourself with a short list of contraindications. In the event that a person has some contraindications to the use of the described remedy, you need to consult a doctor about replacing the medication and choosing a more suitable antiviral agent. The drug "Panavir" can not be used by people with acute or chronic insufficiency of the kidneys and heart. In addition, it should not be used against the background of a history of surgery or severe chronic diseases of the spleen.

Children under 18 years of age is a contraindication for the use of the drug in the form of a gel and an intimate spray. Spray "Panavir Inlight" can be used in childhood.

Any dosage forms of this drug should not be used for therapy in people who occasionally experience allergic reactions along withmanifestations of intolerance to substances that are part of the hexose glycoside, that is, with an allergy to glucose, rhamnose, xylose, mannose and arabinose.

Possible adverse reactions

Under the condition that the indications are observed, and in addition, contraindications and recommended therapeutic dosing, side effects from the use of this drug are usually not observed. Some systemic reactions are possible along with the occurrence of mild nausea, dyspeptic manifestations and headache. Reviews of the gel "Panavir" and other forms of release of the drug confirm this.

In the event that such symptoms occur as a reaction to the drug, then the use of the remedy must be stopped.

As part of the topical application of the gel to the skin and mucous membranes, patients occasionally experience itching along with burning and local redness. In such a situation, it is advisable to cancel or replace the drug with another dosage form. If you find any negative reactions to the use of Panavir, you should definitely inform your doctor about this.

Spray "Panavir Inlight" is usually well tolerated, cases of adverse reactions are unknown.

Dose of the drug and how to use it

Dosage, as well as the method of application, directly depends on the disease, on the tactics of therapy and the chosen form of release of "Panavir". Next, consider how to properly apply the gel and spray.

panavir spray reviews instructions for use
panavir spray reviews instructions for use

Use of Panavir gel

Gel "Panavir" is approved for application directly to the patient's skin, as well as to the mucous membrane of the mouth, vagina and nasal cavity. In the process of application, the drug is distributed in a thin layer over the area of the affected surface. At the same time, you can slightly enter he althy areas. Rub the gel is absolutely not required. The treatment procedure is repeated five to six times a day, at regular intervals. The course of external therapy lasts up to ten days, and the extension of the therapeutic course is possible only after consulting a doctor. The gel is applied before and after sexual intercourse, daily use is acceptable.

panavir spray reviews
panavir spray reviews

Using Panavir Intim spray

Shake the bottle well before use. Hold vertically and apply to the affected area by pressing the valve 1-2 times. For intravaginal use of the drug, there is a special nozzle. Apply up to 5 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the degree of damage.

For intravaginal use of the spray, the woman must lie on her back and insert a special nozzle into the vagina. Next, you should make two or three clicks on the valve. Then you need to keep the supine position for at least ten minutes.

panavir intimate
panavir intimate

Using Panavir Inlight spray

Shake the bottle before use.

The treatment regimen for viral respiratory diseases involves the following actions:

  • Nozzledirected to the throat or nostril.
  • Then hold their breath.
  • After that, press the valve two or three times and exhale.

This procedure should be carried out twice a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear, after which the course of therapy is extended for another week.

Panavir Inlight
Panavir Inlight

Therapy regimens can be adjusted by the doctor. The effectiveness of this medication will be much higher if the patient starts treatment immediately after the first signs of the disease appear. It should be borne in mind that on the fourth or fifth day of illness, therapy may not be effective and the use of this drug will be inappropriate.

Medication analogues

Gel "Panavir" does not have analogous drugs on the active ingredient. But at the moment, many analogues have been developed that have a completely different composition, but are similar in indications to Panavir. These drugs also have similar properties and release forms. Among the most popular and common analogues, Arbidol, oxolinic ointment, Gerpevir and so on should be highlighted.

oxolinic ointment
oxolinic ointment

According to reviews of Panavir, the price of the spray and gel is quite acceptable.

Medication cost

Currently, the price of dosage forms of the drug in pharmacies is as follows:

  • Gel intended for external use, with a dosage of 3 grams, will cost consumers one hundred and fifty rubles.
  • Gel intended for external use with a dosage of 30grams, will cost nine hundred rubles.
  • Spray "Panavir Intimate" with a dosage of 40 grams costs from 290 to 350 rubles.
  • Spray "Panavir Inlight" costs about 300 rubles.

Panavir Reviews

Most of the reviews about the drug are related to the experience of using the gel and spray, which are used in the complex treatment of papillomavirus, herpes and cytomegalovirus. Reviews of these dosage forms are quite contradictory. So, there are positive and accusatory comments. It is worth noting that all the reviews about this medical product are united by one property, which is that they are all extremely emotional and are dictated not by analytical conclusions, but by impressions and the prevailing idea of the expected effect.

There are a lot of positive reviews about Panavir, which are left by people who have undergone treatment. Consumers write that they managed to achieve a stable remission of a particular viral infection, which was confirmed by the absence of pathological microorganisms in the analyzes. According to reviews, "Panavir" quickly relieves papillomas.

In addition, patients note that the drug further enhances immunity and within six months after its use, people do not suffer from colds or flu.

Negative reviews about Panavir, which are also left in considerable numbers on the Web, are due to the fact that some patients failed to achieve remission and, therefore, the tests showed the presence of an infection. Negative feedback about thisthose who have not received the expected effect also write a medical preparation. But something like this is most often due to the fact that some patients use this drug off-label.

panavir reviews price
panavir reviews price

Reviews of the spray "Panavir Intimate", as a rule, are mostly positive. People write that it significantly improves the quality of life and eliminates various discomforts after sexual contact and skin care in the intimate area of the body. In addition, some women note that this spray helps to get rid of thrush very quickly.

People believe that the drug in the form of a gel is very effective in the treatment of herpes on the lips or on the skin of the genital organs. It is reported that the gel dries up the blisters quickly enough and accelerates healing, allowing you to achieve a stable remission, so that herpes does not recur for a long time.

We reviewed reviews and instructions for use for "Panavir" in spray and gel.
