"Eden" (tablets): instruction, description, reviews, price

"Eden" (tablets): instruction, description, reviews, price
"Eden" (tablets): instruction, description, reviews, price

Many people are familiar with the manifestations of allergic reactions. Someone reacts to the flowering of some plants, to the deterioration of air and water. Some mothers know the "red cheek syndrome" of the child after eating sweets or food with dyes. In cases of laryngospasm and obstructive allergic bronchitis, antihistamines are prescribed (in combination with some others). Effective in allergic reactions of varying severity is the drug "Eden".

Forms of release of the drug "Edem"

The drug "Edem" is produced in several forms. Blue tablets are coated and have a biconvex shape. One tablet contains 5 mg of the active ingredient. Usually the package consists of 10 tablets. Also, the drug is available in the form of a syrup, which is used for children. 1 ml of a viscous orange liquid contains 0.5 mg of the active ingredient.

What are the tablets of this drug made of?

eden pills
eden pills

Desloratadine is the active ingredient in Eden. Tablets and syrup are the same in their effect on the body, a viscous liquid is used more for children, andtablets - for adults. In addition to the main substance, the preparation also contains auxiliary substances. "Eden" tablets and syrup contain: calcium hydrogen phosphate, lactose, maize starch, magnesium stearate used in many preparations and some others in a small amount.

Eden Action

edem tablets price instruction
edem tablets price instruction

This medicine is effective in counteracting all kinds of allergic reactions. What it is and what is the effect of the drug, describes the instructions for the medicine "Eden". The description of the drug helps to understand exactly how the active substance defeats the manifestation of allergic reactions in the body.

Thirty minutes after taking the drug, desloratadine can be detected in the blood plasma, while its maximum concentration will be reached after about three hours. The half-life will take twenty-seven hours and corresponds to the degree of cumulation. This substance does not penetrate the BBB (the physiological barrier between the bloodstream and the central nervous system). At the same time, intensive metabolism takes place in the liver, due to hydroxylation with the formation of 3-hydroxydesloratadine, which binds to glucuronic acid compounds. Only a small part of the incoming medication is excreted in the urine.

Fatty and high-calorie foods, alcohol do not have a significant effect on the distribution of the drug in the body. Explains how to use "Eden" (tablets), instructions. The price of this drug is quite affordable, and the result, according to reviews -a great. The tablets have an antihistamine effect and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Who is shown "Eden" pills?

edem instructions for use
edem instructions for use

The drug is a fast-acting drug, since the body does not need to additionally convert loratadine to desloratadine. For systemic use, the "Eden" tool is used. Instructions for use states that it is effective for allergic reactions, such as polynous and rhinitis manifestations:

  • sneeze;
  • vasomotor and allergic rhinitis;
  • mucosal edema and sinus congestion;
  • itchy eyes;
  • lacrimation and hyperemia of the conjunctiva (redness of the eyes);
  • itching in the palatine region of the sky;
  • cough.

In addition, it is indicated and often used for urticaria, reducing itching and reducing the size and number of typhus.

What are the contraindications to the use of the medicine?

edem instructions description of the drug
edem instructions description of the drug

Tablets "Edem", instructions for use, this also confirms that they are not indicated for children and are used from 18 years of age. For children, syrup should be used.

The main contraindications are:

  • Hypersensitivity to any substance that is part of the drug.
  • Intolerance at the level of fructose heredity.
  • Lapp-lactose enzyme deficiency.
  • Presence of glucose/galactose malabsorption syndrome
  • The state of bearing a child(pregnancy) and lactation.

With regard to interaction with other drugs, it can be noted that clinical significant changes in the plasma concentration of the active substance when using the drug together with Ketoconazole, Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Fluoxetine and some others have not been identified.

There was also no increase in the effect of ethanolan inhibition of psychomotor function if oral tablets "Edem" (edem) are used.

Since there are no exact data on the enzymes responsible for the metabolism of desloratadine, the possibility of interaction with other drug preparations cannot be completely ruled out.

Dosage for children and adults

edem oral tablets
edem oral tablets

Children under 18 use the drug in the form of syrup, depending on the weight and age of the child. In this case, the doctor prescribes the dosage.

Adults take one tablet, without chewing, once a day. The tablet should be taken with plenty of water. The duration of treatment is set by the doctor. It is desirable to take the drug at the same time, regardless of the meal.

Are there any side effects after taking Eden?

edem instructions for use description indications
edem instructions for use description indications

As a rule, this drug does not have side effects on the body, since the active substance itself is well tolerated by most patients. Among the possible side effects of the drugfunds note the following:

  • Infrequent: increased fatigue, feeling of dryness in the mouth, detection of headaches after taking the drug.
  • Rare: tachycardia, hyperactivity of psychomotor origin, reaction in the form of convulsions, dizziness, increased activity of liver enzymes, increased bilirubin level, diarrheal manifestations, sensation of pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia.
  • Very rare: detection of a hypersensitivity reaction, including anaphylactic, angioedema in the form of itching, edema, urticaria.

Features of using the drug

The instructions for use, description, indications, as well as contraindications compiled for the medical preparation "Edem", indicate the caution of using this drug. After all, with certain diagnoses, it can dramatically worsen the patient's he alth. When diagnosing severe renal failure, it is recommended to monitor the function indicator (indicators of "clear creatinine").

In the prescribed therapeutic dose, the drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and work with other mechanisms. If this was noticed, then the use of the drug should be canceled or stop working with mechanisms for the duration of treatment.

In case of overdose or accidental ingestion of more than expected tablets, it is recommended to wash the stomach, take activated charcoal, if the condition worsens, therapeutic assistance is required. ComponentDesloratadine is not eliminated by hemodialysis, and the efficacy of peritoneal removal has not been established.

"Eden" (tablets) - reviews of doctors and patients, prices

This drug is popular with both specialists and patients. Such demand appeared due to the effectiveness, which is also described by the instruction enclosed in the package of the drug "Edem" (tablets). The price of this drug is affordable for many allergic patients (within 100-200 rubles). Such prices further increase the demand for the drug.

edem tablets reviews doctors and patients prices
edem tablets reviews doctors and patients prices

Doctors prefer this drug, compared, for example, with the drug "Loratadine", since the active substance in it has already been converted to work in the body. When the substance loratadine enters the gastrointestinal tract, under the action of enzymes, undergoing chemical reactions, it eventually turns into desloratadine. But this takes precious time, especially if the allergic reaction develops rapidly and swelling of the mucous membrane or bronchospasm increases. "Eden" quickly brings a person out of this state, which makes him feel better.

Patients also note the rapid effectiveness of the drug. Many experienced allergy sufferers use only this medicine during periods of exacerbation of the disease. They note that after taking it at lunchtime, by the evening, the manifestations of allergies are reduced. If there is no constant irritant for the body, then after the course of treatment, the disease does not make itself felt for a long time.
