Most people think butterflies are harmless creatures. In addition, many people like to look at the beautiful pattern on the wings of insects and watch how they fly from flower to flower. However, some individuals at the mere sight of these creatures fall into a panic. Fear of butterflies is quite rare. This issue, its causes and solutions are described in the article.
What is a phobia?
There are many different kinds of fears, many of which seem completely unfounded. What is the name of the fear of butterflies?

The term lepidopetrophobia is used to designate it. The reasons that provoke such an attitude towards these insects most often lie in negative memories from childhood. However, sometimes the disorder occurs in adults. Some people don't even know that this problem exists. Therefore, they do not know the answers to questions about howfear of butterflies, what is the name of the phobia and why does it develop. This article talks about the origin and signs of fear, methods of dealing with it.
How to understand that someone has this phobia? First of all, an individual who is afraid of butterflies refuses to go for a walk in a forest or park where these creatures can live. And in summer cottages such a person feels uncomfortable. After all, these insects are found there. A negative reaction is observed if the butterfly touches the skin of an individual suffering from this phobia. Her wings, scales on her legs cause negative sensations. The person brushes off the insect, trying to drive it away. Often the fear of butterflies leads to wearing things with long sleeves, treating the home with means that repel these creatures, avoiding meetings and relaxing in the open air. If the signs of the disorder are pronounced, the individual generally refuses to go outside and even open the windows in the house.
Other symptoms
However, avoiding encounters with the object of fear is not the only signal of the presence of a phobia. The fear of butterflies is also expressed in physical reactions. They occur not only in a collision with an insect or tactile contact with it. Even viewing photographs or films in which these creatures are shown causes a deterioration in well-being and state of mind. A patient with such a phobia experiences panic attacks. He is terrified and seeks to run away from the object of his fear. A person has external manifestations of fear: trembling of hands and knees,increased sweating, muscle stiffness, enlarged pupils.

May feel dizzy, feeling short of breath.
What factors contribute to the development of a phobia?
There are many reasons for the problem. Sometimes it is one of the symptoms of a mental disorder. There are cases of development of a phobia against the background of anxiety and prolonged emotional overload. But most often, the origins of the problem are negative impressions from childhood. The fact is that such creatures are often characters in scary stories and horror films.

Fear of butterflies and moths (lepidopetrophobia and mottephobia) develop as a result of watching scenes where these creatures are shown as dangerous and aggressive. The negative reactions of the parents (disgust, the desire to brush the insect off their hands or clothes) also form a similar behavior in the baby. It should be explained to the child that butterflies are not dangerous. You shouldn't chase them away. On the contrary, it is necessary to show the baby the beauty of these creatures.
Being cruel to butterflies by family or friends can also lead to the development of a phobia. Fear is often observed in children from a family of collectors.

The sight of insects that are pierced with needles provokes not only pity in the baby, but also disgust, fear.
Why does a phobia occur in adult patients?
Fear can appear not only in childhood, but also in adulthoodage. What circumstances contribute to its development? Sometimes a phobia is observed in patients with mental disorders. In other individuals, it is a kind of reaction to constant overexcitation and a prolonged stressful situation. Even a harmless insect, whose touch does not pose any threat, is perceived painfully in such circumstances.
How to overcome fear of butterflies?
Of course, fear does not allow a person to lead a full life. Is it possible to get rid of a phobia? Today, there are many methods to help overcome the problem. Some people are able to handle it on their own. Others seek professional help. Both options lead to a positive result only if the patient really wants to deal with the problem and does everything for this. What are some ways to overcome fear? First, you should view images with such insects. Looking at beautiful photographs, a person will soon be convinced that butterflies are not at all dangerous, and his fear is unfounded. Secondly, there is no need to avoid places where it is possible to meet these creatures. If an insect lands on your hand, do not panic. There will be no terrible consequences from tactile contact with him. You just need to tune in correctly, convince yourself that the fear is false. You won't be able to do it the first time, but if you don't give up, you can achieve good results in overcoming the phobia.
In addition to not focusing on negative and frightening thoughts, you should try to fill your life with positiveactivities, good feelings. Sports, outdoor activities and interests help to get rid of discomfort.

If it is still difficult for a person to cope with the fear of butterflies on their own, you should contact a specialist. The therapist will select the best ways to fix the problem.