Coprophagy is a not quite common phenomenon, which consists in eating excrement. Probably, everyone at least once saw a dog devouring feces - not a very pleasant sight. Why is this happening?
What is coprophagia?
Literally, a coprophage is an organism that feeds on feces, most often mammals. The word is of Greek origin. "Khopros" is translated as "feces" or "litter", and "phagos" means "devouring".
The causes of coprophagia can be different: it often develops against the background of a lack of nutrients and microelements in the body of animals. In some individuals, under certain conditions, this is the norm. There are species of insects that are natural coprophages.

Some worms, certain types of insects and mites belong to the group of natural coprophages, for which the described phenomenon is just a way of feeding. For some representatives, both the litter itself and the microorganisms rapidly developing in it are food.
Coprophagia diet - what is it?
Some butterflies, ants and bees eat the sweet feces of aphids, mealybugs and the like. Their allocation by almost a thirdconsist of various types of sugars and are otherwise called "honeydew".
Autocoprophagy stands out as a separate concept: it is characteristic of arthropods that devour excrement exclusively of their own species. The waste products of the uterus and drones are absorbed by the worker bees of the hive. Larvae of a special wax moth are able to digest up to several times the wax contained in their own excrement.
Coprophage is an organism that actively participates in the natural cycle of substances. Their representatives contribute to a more intensive destruction of organic matter, the return of nutrients to the soil, and significantly increase land fertility. Their benefits to nature are obvious.
Specialization of coprophages
Coprophage is an organism that uses food elements that have already passed through the intestines. Some representatives of the fauna are distinguished by a fairly clear specialization in the type of excrement used for food. Some dung beetles, for example, only eat cow feces, while others only eat horse feces.

Food, bypassing the digestive tract, is not completely freed from nutrients. Poorly soluble and digestible particles remain almost unchanged. It is for this reason that many true coprophages are equipped with large intestines, which contribute to a more intensive digestion of food, which is feces.
Many species of rodents also occasionally eat their own feces, thus increasing the digestibility of food that is not completely digested the first time. In captivity, almost all rodents exhibitcoprophagia due to poor dietary balance.
Coprophagia in pets
With regard to pets, the meaning of the word "coprophagous" may be somewhat different. It is more common in dogs and less common in cats. It is not out of the norm if the bitch eats the excrement of her puppies from birth until about a month old, thus ensuring the cleanliness of the nest.
It is natural behavior, although not quite normal, for a dog to consume the feces of ungulates. In the absence of the usual food, this helps her not to remain hungry. Inexperienced dog owners, who do not know what a coprophage is, are panicked when they find their pet doing such an unsightly activity. Such a habit looks extremely disgusting in their eyes.

Some pets prefer herbivore feces, others prefer cat feces, and still others love frozen feces of their fellows. Do not shy away and human. There are several different theories to explain these disorders: abnormal metabolism, boredom, pancreatic insufficiency, certain infections, and more.
People and coprophagia
In humans, this phenomenon is usually associated with various mental problems. This may be auto-aggressive behavior, bulimia on the background of dementia, iron deficiency or encephalopathy of various etiologies. In some cases, it may have the character of a specific sexual perversion.

Coprophagia in the forma kind of fetishism can be attributed to a form of coprophilia. Eating feces or being forced to do so can be seen as a certain element of sadomasochistic perversion. This kind of coprophagia is not an obvious sign of a mental disorder.
But a coprophage is not necessarily a deviation. Eating feces is often seen in infants and young children. Most often, this process is one-time and takes the form of an experimental action.
Interesting fact. A well-known elite variety of expensive coffee is made from beans that have passed through the intestines of a palm civet. They are collected along with excrement, cleaned, washed and dried. The effect of mammalian intestinal enzymes gives it a special, exclusive note. A cup of such a drink can cost about $50.