For people living in the 21st century, a word like "depression" has become quite commonplace. And if someone admits that he is in a similar state, then this is unlikely to surprise his interlocutor. Why is this happening? Yes, because very often we understand depression as just a bad mood, which was the result of internal experiences or troubles that arose along the way of life.

However, such a state can hardly be considered harmless. The status of the disease was also assigned to him by physicians, stating the fact that depression is gradually, similar to cardiovascular pathologies, becoming the most common ailment of today. According to various researchers, almost 20% of the inhabitants of developed countries suffer from it. And that's millions of people.
Definition of concept
What is depression? This is a rather serious disease that dramatically reduces a person’s ability to work and brings suffering.not only to him, but also to his family. To date, people know little about depression, the causes, signs and ways out of this condition. In this regard, patients begin to receive assistance only during the period when their condition is severe and protracted. And sometimes there is no treatment for depression at all.
Reasons for the negative state
People of any gender and age are not immune from depression. After all, a person is constantly pressured by certain factors that exist in modern society. Among them are the so-called values, including fame and the pursuit of well-being, career growth and the desire to become attractive, etc. But the fact is that not everyone manages to reach the intended goal or get something right away. Because of this, a person can fall into despair. His experiences, which arose against this background, sometimes provoke the development of depression. And only in some cases such a negative state occurs without any apparent reason. The culprits of this situation, as a rule, are some features that accompany human neurochemical processes.
Depression can overtake a person because of:
- Dramatic events. They are extremely negative situations that suddenly arise in our lives. These include the loss of a loved one, an accident, dismissal from work, etc. Under these circumstances, the patient develops reactive depression. It occurs as a reaction of the body to an event that has happened.
- Constant stress. The development of the modern worldis happening at such a fast pace that it cannot but affect the mental state of people. In addition, it is becoming more and more difficult not to succumb to stress in a modern society characterized by high social instability, an increasingly difficult economic situation and the presence of great competition. Life literally imposes cultural and physical activity on a person, which most often becomes not to his liking. That is why many people begin to worry about a variety of issues, which negatively affects their nervous system.
- Lack of hormones. Norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin are responsible for the normal state of the human body. The lack of these hormones causes various disorders.
- Change in the weather. The change of seasons often leads to a decrease in mood. This happens especially often in winter and autumn.
- Drugs. A decrease in the patient's mood is sometimes a side effect of certain pharmacological drugs.
- Somatic diseases. The state of a person's mood can be affected by a simple flu, and such rather serious diseases as Alzheimer's disease and atherosclerosis.
As you can see, there are a lot of reasons leading to depression. This explains the fact that today millions of people around the world suffer from this disease. All the causes that cause depression, experts divided into three groups. These are factors such as psychological, as well as biological and social. Depression will develop only when theysimultaneous effect on humans. Let's consider each of them in more detail.
The psychological factor in the development of depression occurs, as a rule, in those people who have a predisposition to this disease.
The list of biological factors that directly influence the development of depression are:
- heredity;
- hormonal disorders;
- head injuries leading to brain damage;
- seasonality of the negative state (heat, cold, rain, etc.);
- Reduce REM sleep;
- hypovitaminosis;
- side effects of drugs.
Social factors are represented by the following causes of depression:
- chronic stress;
- bad relationships between people in the family, at work, at school, etc.;
- lack of affection and love from parents;
- major life changes;
- hard ways of parenting;
- significant life changes;
- harassment and abuse;
- migration and urbanization of the population.
Depression symptoms
Among the signs of a negative state, psychiatrists have identified four main groups:
- Emotional. These signs of depression are expressed in sadness and despair, anxiety and guilt, as well as a loss of self-confidence.
- Physiological. This group of signs includes significant changes in the need for sleep and a decrease in appetite, rapid fatigue during any activity, painfulsensations in the body, decreased sexual activity.
- Behavioral. Similar signs are expressed in general passivity. This is noticeable in the patient's lack of interest in those activities that he loved before. In addition, a person has a decrease in the need for communication, and he begins to abuse alcohol.
- Thinking. It becomes difficult for a person suffering from depression to find adequate ways out of this situation. Negative thoughts come to him, there is uncertainty about the future. In some cases, suicidal tendencies may appear, as a person considers himself helpless and useless.
In addition to dividing the signs of depression into groups, there are also basic and additional symptoms of the disease.

The first of these include a bad mood, observed for at least 14 days, as well as general fatigue of the body, observed for a month, and a person's loss of interest in any kind of activity.
The list of additional signs of illness includes:
- unreasonable guilt;
- pessimism;
- opinion about the uselessness of loved ones and society;
- decrease in self-esteem;
- suicidal tendencies;
- appetite loss and sleep disturbance.
It is possible to say that a person suffers from depression only if he can simultaneously observe 2 main and 3 additional symptoms within two weeks.
Types of illness
Very important to distinguishdepression from ordinary grief. The last manifestation of feelings performs an adaptive function. Normally, grief lasts for up to about one year. However, if such a state is prolonged, then there is a high probability of developing reactive depression.
In psychology, this disease state is divided into a large number of types. At the same time, in their manifestation they are distinguished by a significant diversity. Consider the most common of all types of pathology:
- Dysthymia. This is a depressive mood that is chronic. It is characterized by fatigue, as well as lack of sleep and appetite. This type of depression is observed in the case of manic-depressive psychosis. It is also present in postpartum depression.
- Manic-depressive psychosis. This is dysthymia, which is in its depressive phase. This type of disease is also characterized by a bad mood and loss of appetite. In addition, a person has a slowdown in thinking and speech. From the very morning the patient feels anxiety and sadness, becoming indifferent and inactive.
- Postpartum depression. A similar type of disease occurs in women in the first months after the birth of a child. Sometimes such depression occurs after a miscarriage or in the case of a dead fetus. The signs of illness are hopelessness, sadness, loss of joy in life.
- Depressive reactions. They usually arise after significant changes in life, which can be a job change, retirement, relocation, etc. The main contributing factorthe occurrence of such a reaction, it becomes not a traumatic situation at all. Depression arises from the experience of change and the uncertainty of a person in new conditions. Often the causes of this type of depression are subconscious resentment and a crisis of self-esteem.
- Reaction of sadness. This type of depression is a complex painful restructuring of a person after a severe loss. Deep sadness finds its manifestation in impotence and alienation, irritability and exhaustion, as well as in upset bowels and stomach. The sadness response is often accompanied by drug and alcohol abuse.
Stages of depression
Like other diseases, the disease goes through several stages. Each of them lasts from a week to several months.
- Easy stage (rejection). During this period, a person manifests unreasonable anxiety, which he attributes to poor he alth and negative mood. At the same time, he loses interest in his former hobbies and activities. Gradually, there is an accumulation of symptoms such as drowsiness and apathy, lack of appetite and fatigue. There is alienation from the world. A person does not want to communicate and at the same time feels the fear of loneliness. Very often, the patient tries to find a way out of this situation by watching TV for a long time, playing computer games, or drinking alcohol.
- Moderate stage (receiving). During this period, a person is already beginning to realize what is happening to him. He refuses to eat, rapidly losing weight. At this stagedisease, insomnia occurs, the adequacy of thinking is disturbed, speech becomes fast and incoherent, illogical reasoning and statements appear, and sometimes hallucinations. A person is no longer able to independently cope with negative thoughts that come to him, and the desire to quickly get out of such a situation leads to suicide attempts.
- Heavy stage (corrosive). At this stage, an outwardly calm person becomes aggressive. He no longer controls his behavior, sometimes causing harm not only to himself, but also to others. This creates detachment and indifference. Due to the long-term effects of depression on the psyche, it begins to break down. Often this condition ends in schizophrenia.
Need for treatment
Very often, depression is perceived by both the sick and the people around him as nothing more than a manifestation of selfishness, laziness and an evil character, natural pessimism or licentiousness. However, it should be borne in mind that this is not a bad mood, but a disease that should be treated. Getting out of depression will allow the person to feel he althy again and give a better chance of avoiding a recurrence of such a condition. It also becomes more likely that it will not take a severe form.
Today it is believed that there are three ways out of depression. These are drug therapy, psychotherapy, as well as independent actions. Let's take a closer look at them.
Drug therapy
In order to get out of depression, patients are prescribed special pharmacological preparations. They help with mild, moderate, and severe ailments. Such treatment will be most effective only if the patient strictly adheres to the recommended therapy regimen, regularly visits the doctor, and also when drawing up a detailed and frank report to the specialist about life's difficulties and his condition.

In this case, in order to get the patient out of depression, the doctor will need to select the necessary antidepressants, their adequate dose and individual treatment regimen. The main course of therapy should be carried out until the moment when all the symptoms of the disease disappear in a person. After that, for 4-6 or more months, it will be necessary to normalize the general condition. This will require supportive care. This stage of treatment is aimed at preventing the transition of the disease to the acute stage.
This method involves getting out of depression without drugs. Moreover, it is not an alternative, but an important addition to the course of drug therapy for the disease. With this method of getting out of depression, it is assumed that the patient himself will play the most active role in the treatment process. Psychotherapy promotes the development of emotional self-regulation skills in patients. This will allow them to cope with emerging crisis situations as efficiently as possible in the future, without succumbing to a negative state.

There are different ways to get out of depression. These are such scientifically based and effective approaches totreatment issue like:
- behavioral therapy;
- psychodynamic psychotherapy;
- cognitive psychotherapy.
An additional form has been developed and is actively used, with the help of which a way out of severe depression can be found. This is a group psychotherapy, which is a family counseling. Attracting close people can be of great help in the treatment and subsequent rehabilitation of patients.
Among all the methods of getting out of depression, psychotherapy in modern society is quite popular. It is considered one of the most effective methods that can effectively help with various disorders.
For example, cognitive psychotherapy allows a person to find a way out of severe depression and significantly reduces the risk of recurrence of a negative state. After all, a specialist is already prepared in advance to influence a person who is in a difficult life situation, experiencing difficult experiences.
Help loved ones
Of all the ways out of depression, the support of loved ones is very important for the patient, especially in cases where he does not show any interest in recovery.

That is why the relatives of such a person should know that:
- depression is a disease in which the patient needs sympathy, not immersion with him in a negative state;
- more difficult pathology occurs in those families where great things are done to the patientnumber of criticisms;
- you should not concentrate on the illness of a loved one, you need to bring positive emotions into the life of the family.
Self-Paths to Recovery
You can quickly find a way out of deep depression by contacting a psychologist. However, our mentality does not allow many to solve the problem in this way. There is an opinion in society that a normal person should find a way out of depression on their own.

Those who decide to go this way to solve a problem should heed the following helpful tips:
- Don't grieve for losses. The best way out of depression is to accept the circumstances and your condition. As long as a person remembers the past and lost values, he will not find happiness.
- Find good friends. Getting out of chronic depression or any other kind is impossible if a person is alone. In order not to be immersed in his sad thoughts, he needs people who will allow him to cheer up, get distracted and regain his lost faith in himself.
- Start to take action. Signs of a way out of depression cannot be observed when a person simply lies on the couch and suffers. This will not help him get out of the negative state.
- Use physiological ways to get out of depression. These are methods of influencing the human body, contributing to its return to a stable and balanced state. For example, the most efficient way out ofdepression - work and sports. By exerting physical effort, a person is distracted, and his body produces hormones of happiness. Home plants and animals help to get out of the negative state. Watching and caring for them, a person is distracted from his thoughts, which helps him return to normal.
- Eat well. By enriching the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs, a person is able to find a way out of depression on his own. After all, useful elements will be needed for the full functioning of all organs and systems, which will tone the body and give the joy of life. In this case, it is recommended to include more greens, fruits, berries and vegetables in your diet, moderately eating eggs and meat, fish, and milk. It is better to forget about alcohol. After all, its use will not solve the problem, but only allow you to relax for a short time.
- Perform meditation and other exercises to calm down. A wonderful way out of depression is yoga. It will help to restore the normal state of massage and self-massage. Music, aroma and dance therapy are often used to get out of depression. Breathing exercises are recommended. We can talk about the appearance of signs of a way out of depression when, after all the methods applied, a person falls into a good sleep. At the same time, he falls asleep on his own and can wake up at the right time without an alarm clock.
Get rid of postpartum depression
How can a woman help herself in such a difficult psychological situation?

Toto restore he alth and good mood, she must:
- Sleep well. This is a wonderful way out of postpartum depression. A woman should miss the opportunity to sleep during the baby's daytime sleep.
- Don't try to get everything done. Even if you really want to be an ideal wife, mistress and mother, it is better not to do any housework than to tear your own nervous system, trying to make everything around sparkle and shine.
- Take time for yourself every day. To do this, it is worth planning small recreational activities. It can be shopping, and a short meeting with girlfriends for a cup of coffee, and yoga or a visit to the gym.
- Add light. You should only go for a walk when it is light outside. In the evening, you will need to turn on all the light bulbs in the apartment. Such actions will help overcome the gloomy mood.
- Speak your problems out loud. In the event of a quarrel with relatives or with your husband, the whole situation should be discussed alone. Only by hearing everything as if from the outside, it will be possible to realize what happened. Maybe it's not as bad as it first seemed.
- Discuss your feelings. Some people believe that it is not worth “loading” others with their problems. However, it is not. After all, it would be better if a woman stops taking out her anger on her husband, and frankly admits to him that something is wrong with her, and that everything began to annoy her. A loved one will certainly understand this state and will try to do everything possible so that his wife is again cheerful andcalm.
- Learn to relax. Anyone who has practiced yoga is well aware of techniques to relieve tension. To do this, you need to sit comfortably, close your eyes, and breathe deeply and slowly. In this case, you will need to completely stop the flow of your thoughts. You need to sit in this position for at least 3 minutes. You can also relieve tension when you especially want to cry in the bathroom by opening the faucet all the way. With the edge of the palm, it is necessary to sharply beat on a powerful jet of water. It is recommended to get rid of anger by screaming at the top of your voice or beating the mattress with your fists. The main thing at the same time is to throw out the tension that has accumulated in the soul.
- Find a helper. It will be just wonderful if one of the relatives agrees to help get out of postpartum depression. To do this, he can take on part of the housework. It’s better for a woman to be with the baby more to quickly establish contact with him.
Be he althy!