It happens that the level of vital energy falls, there is no desire to work, communicate, or take care of yourself. This condition is called "prostration". This is complete indifference to everything that happens around. At the same time, there is often a feeling of guilt for their idleness.

Causes of prostration
This condition can occur with severe overwork of the body on the basis of prolonged tension of the neuromuscular system, especially the heart muscle. Prostration is a condition that can be the result of severe infectious diseases and appear with exhaustion, due to starvation. A person predisposed to the appearance of asthenic, inhibitory affective reactions (fear, longing, shame) may also experience such a state.
An individual may be in prostration after experiencing a strong emotional shock. For example, after the loss of a loved one. It's a huge stress. After such an event, the meaning of later life is lost, complete prostration may occur. In this case, a person cannot cope with what is happening on his own, help will be needed.qualified person.
How does prostration manifest itself?
This state is akin to numbness. A person can not change his position for several hours, look at one point and feel absolutely nothing. In particularly difficult cases, important physical reflexes, such as the feeling of hunger, may disappear. There is a breakdown and absolute apathy towards everything. In this state, there is no bad mood, there are no feelings. This is what distinguishes prostration from depression. There may also be speech and motor retardation.

How to get out of this state?
There are several effective ways to help get rid of apathy and return to your usual way of life:
- In order to cope with prostration, joyful emotions are needed. Therefore, do not neglect watching funny TV shows and comedies, meeting friends, and just walking.
- People in this state report a constant overwhelming desire to sleep. Thus, the body makes it clear that it needs a break. Sleep is an effective cure for many he alth problems. And prostration is no exception. The main reason for this condition is the extreme degree of physical and emotional overwork. Therefore, if possible, you need to sleep as much as you want.
In a state of prostration, a person has no desire to do something for himself. Therefore, it is necessary to force yourself to take care of someone from those around you. By doing something useful for others, a person changes his usual environment and at the same time receives positive emotions.
- Traveling, shopping, changing your image - these are all proven ways to get out of an apathetic state. However, it is precisely in this state that one does not want to change or do anything. Therefore, you can try to force yourself to start small: change bedding, rearrange flower pots, change your usual diet.
If this condition lasts longer than a week, you should consult a specialist. Do not self-medicate and prescribe any medications for yourself. This can only make matters worse.

Of course, many events in our lives are beyond our control, and prostration is a phenomenon that can appear suddenly. However, by following certain rules, you can protect yourself from apathetic states. Include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Do not forget to pamper yourself with chocolate and other sweets, because they contain endorphins - hormones of joy. Spend time with friends, go to fun activities, keep a schedule of work and rest, walk in the fresh air.