Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a complex of abnormal human conditions, which manifests itself in increased irritability, sleep disturbance, fatigue, difficulty concentrating. The patient is characterized by burdened thoughts, fear, fear, anxiety, repetitive actions to reduce this anxiety, as well as combinations of obsessions and ideas. Pathology belongs to the category of psychopathological syndromes, it is considered a borderline mental disorder. The symptoms are in many ways similar to OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), but doctors note that the severity of the manifestations alone is not a reason to diagnose a psychotic disorder.
General information
Medicine knows cases when obsessive-compulsive disorder manifested itself only once in a person, but there are also such subjects in whom episodes are repeated. NNS canbe chronic or progress rapidly. Neurotic pathology manifests itself as obsessive thoughts (obsessions), constantly repeated ritual movements (compulsions). The patient himself perceives obsession as something irrational, alien, it seems to him absurd.
Obsessions are formed uncontrollably, thoughts are intrusive, do not obey the will of a person, weigh and interfere, disturb or give rise to a sense of threat. It can be images and drives, assumptions, ideas. The person makes attempts to resist, but fails to achieve success, the obsessions return, subjugating the patient.

In obsessive-compulsive disorder, the patient is characterized by compulsions. This is a syndrome that is periodically, at random intervals, emerging obsessive behavior. Actions that a person feels compelled to perform. These can be numerous checks, as well as measures to protect yourself from a possible problem. Often, actions become ritualistic, and the object itself believes that through such behavior it prevents events. If you objectively assess the situation, it becomes clear that the likelihood of the realization of fears is extremely small.
Special Features
From medical practice it is known that obsessive compulsive disorder begins clearly, various psychogenic factors act as provocateurs. In most patients, the condition was observed against the background of situations that traumatized the psyche. To determine the pathology is not difficult, to diagnose - too. The development of the disease in the predominant percentage of cases proceeds in accordance with the prognosis, culminating in a successful recovery.
The information currently accumulated about the NNS is contradictory, and it is not possible to obtain accurate information. It is known from statistics that, compared with hysterical neurosis, neurasthenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder is recorded with a much lower frequency. In our country, according to doctors, about 3% of the population suffer from HNS.
The debut of the disease often occurs at a young age: objects from 25 to 35 years old are considered to be more susceptible to HHC than others. This is equally both men and women. Social status, material security - all this cannot serve as protection against the disease. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, as shown by specific studies, is somewhat less likely to bother those who have received higher education. It is believed that HNS with a relatively low frequency manifests itself in people with an active position in life, as well as in those who work in a prestigious job. At the same time, the statistics inexorably shows that mainly people suffering from HNS have a high level of intelligence. Some doctors believe (and pay special attention to this in reviews on various treatment methods): obsessive-compulsive disorder is much more often diagnosed in single people, which should be taken into account when choosing psychotherapeutic methods.

Origin of the problem
For the first time, HNS is more often observed as a result of the influence of stress factors on a person. Typically, this is a situationindividual as creating serious difficulties, insurmountable at the moment. The circumstances conducive to HNS are somewhat different in different medical theories.
It is believed that one of the causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder is a genetic factor. Mutations, defectiveness of the seventeenth chromosome gene is one of the aspects that can provoke HNS, since such a change leads to incorrect movement of serotonin. The HHC risk group includes persons whose family history contains references to:
- OCD;
- alcohol abuse;
- psychosis;
- affective states;
- ankastic psychopathy.
The fact that the tendency to anxiety is inherited is confirmed by many studies on this issue.
Another theory that tells where obsessive compulsive disorder comes from (reviews of experts confirm that it is applicable in practice and well explains a certain percentage of cases), involves an analysis of the patient's physiology, namely his nervous system. From birth, individual characteristics are possible, properties that are conducive to NNS, since temperament is subordinate to them, and hence the constitutional type. NNS is much more often fixed in persons with an anancaste constitution. Subject to such a borderline state are patients belonging to the so-called stuck personality type. The procedures of excitation, inhibition are labile, which is explained by the activity of the nervous system, its individual characteristics; they are the ones that lead to HNS.
Causes and consequences of NNS
More oftenin total, obsessive-compulsive disorder is diagnosed in children, adolescents, and adults of the anancaste type. These are pedantic people who find it extremely difficult to get rid of constantly tormenting doubts. Against the background of such thoughts, fear develops, there is a tendency to see signs of an approaching catastrophe even in small things. Individuals of the anancaste type are characterized by the desire to double-check everything perfect many times in a row. Despite the awareness of the irrationality of such a habit, it is extremely difficult to get rid of it. If a person resorts to willpower, restraining impulses for ritual actions, stops his own attempts to repeatedly check, he becomes a victim of anxiety. It's almost impossible to get the doubt out of your head.
Some researchers are of the opinion that the mechanism of the start of HNS is explained by biological chemistry, processes occurring in the brain. Presumably, in the orbital-frontal area of the cerebral cortex, the metabolic process with the participation of neurotransmitters fails. The problem affects the functioning of the stiart bodies. Neurotransmitters are actively captured in the feedback process, which leads to the loss of information that neurons transmit.
Finally, the latest popular version of why OCD treatment is needed is the link between HHC and PANDAS syndrome. This complex of symptoms is provoked by streptococci. The immune system, in an attempt to neutralize the infectious agent, harms the body's own tissues. At the same time, the elements of the basal ganglion suffer, which becomes the starting factor for the borderline state.
Development mechanism
Particularly interesting in this aspect are the works of Pavlov, who suggested that a cerebral focus of excitation is formed, which is characterized by increased activity of structures responsible for inhibition (synapses, neurons). Despite a certain similarity of the mechanism with the occurrence of delirium, there is no oppression of other foci, therefore a person is able to think critically, but it is impossible to eliminate the activity of the element only by an effort of will, and impulses formed by other irritating factors do not help either. The patient is defenseless against obsessions.
Continuing the study of the issue, Pavlov formulated the following conclusion: thoughts are provoked by the processes of inhibition in pathologically excited brain foci. Ideas depend on the characteristics of education, character, personality of the patient. So, if a person grew up in a religious environment, he will have heretical thoughts, and for those who have high moral principles, fantasies associated with sexual acts become haunting.
Pavlov noted that predominantly patients are characterized by sluggish nervous processes, due to the increased tension of the brain mechanisms of inhibition. A picture similar to this appears in those suffering from depression. This explains why depression is very often a concomitant deviation in HNS.

Treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder is necessary if the subject is disturbed by compulsions, obsessions. Both of these phenomena preventindividual to function qualitatively in the environment of other people. Obsessive states can be very different, but in medicine a classification into groups has been adopted that allows describing almost all known cases:
- abnormal doubt;
- contrasting obsessions;
- compulsions;
- irrational idea of pollution.

Abnormal doubts
Obsessive thoughts, forcing a person to doubt, are not subject to logic, but it is almost impossible to get rid of them with HNS. It seems to the object that some dangerous, negative, catastrophic phenomenon is soon possible, which must be prevented by applying all efforts to this. Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder is necessary, if only because often people make attempts to prevent events, the likelihood of which is extremely low, committing unjustified actions for this, sometimes even harming themselves.
The NNS object may doubt the completion of some action that is objectively performed, in making a decision that actually took place. The traditional, everyday activities that accompany every modern person can cause an obsessive state - thoughts of open windows, unclosed water taps, unlocked doors, unturned lights haunt. Doubts can haunt the professional field: is the job done right, is it finished, are reports drawn up, sorted out, is documentation sent.
If obsessive-compulsive disorder ina teenager, an adult manifests itself in this form, and doubts are caused by a fact that can be checked, then double-checks follow many times, extremely exhausting a person. Compulsions come to an end when a person suddenly (usually unpredictably) feels the completion of a painful process for him. If it is not possible to control whether the action is completed, the person, step by step, in his head reproduces the entire sequence of what happened. The fears associated with the situation are tormenting, and it is impossible to get rid of thoughts.
Contrasting obsessions
Psychotherapy is needed for obsessive-compulsive disorder if a person constantly catches himself thinking:
- immoral;
- indecent;
- immoral;
- rated as blasphemy.
Help is needed if thinking is dominated by cynicism.
Possibly striving for loose behavior that is completely inappropriate in a particular situation. Many patients speak obscenities, threaten others, or use irony.
Possibly deviant ideas related to religion. Obsessive thoughts are concentrated more often on images associated with sexual acts, perhaps the desire to commit such in an unnatural way. A person subject to such thoughts perfectly understands the absurdity of ideas, but thinking is subordinate to them, it is not possible to cope with experiences on their own.
Pollution Ideas
A fairly common manifestation of HNS is a feeling of dirt in the surrounding space, a pathological desire for cleanliness. Some objects atvisiting the doctor, they admit that they constantly feel themselves soiled with sewage, dust. Obsessive phobias of toxic compounds entering the body are possible.

Some patients doubt the cleanliness of the home, others find their own bodies dirty, others are concerned about the state of things. Ritual compulsions are designed to prevent contact with objects that pose a threat.
The behavior subordinated to them is usually noticeable even to a person who does not have specific knowledge of human psychology: the object of the NNS performs actions cyclically, repeating the sequence of movements many times. From the outside, actions seem completely meaningless, often the patient himself is aware of their irrationality, but it is not possible to stop such behavior only by an effort of will. The following common compulsions are known from medical practice:
- Superstitious manipulation that is supposed to magically protect;
- stereotypical actions (smacking, patting);
- prolonged, meticulous performance of daily rituals (washing, dressing);
- extremely meticulous hygiene procedures (the patient can wash their hands several times an hour, explaining this by their contamination);
- the desire to double-check the number of counted objects;
- accumulation of unusable things, turning into pathology.
Physical manifestations
Because the autonomic nervous system suffers from HNSsystem, the pathological condition manifests itself:
- sleep disorders;
- dizziness;
- pressure surges;
- painful sensations in the region of the heart, a sore head;
- appetite disorder;
- problems of functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- decrease in sexual activity.
What to do?
Perhaps the most pressing issue of modern psychotherapy associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder is "How to cure?". The modern approach is a complex effect on the patient. Therapy in this case includes:
- psychotherapeutic practices;
- medication course.
Drugs, usually pills, become the center of the therapeutic program. For the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, use:
- means that strengthen the nervous system;
- antidepressants;
- panic prevention drugs.
If the case is severe, it is necessary to combine the drugs of all the indicated groups. If the patient's condition is assessed as mild or moderate, the doctor selects a program based on individual characteristics and deviations.
Medications: names and effects
The doctor, at the reception, telling how to get rid of obsessive-compulsive disorder, usually offers a course of tranquilizers. Such funds are taken independently for a month, as a result of which they check how much the patient's anxiety has changed. More often resort to drugs of the benzodiazepine group, based on alprazolam.
Amongpsychotropic most effective tricyclic antidepressants. When choosing how to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder, the doctor may prescribe clomipramine medications. Other groups' products are also popular, based on:
- sertraline;
- mirtazapine.
Understanding how to treat obsessive compulsive disorder in the form of a chronicle, you can resort to atypical antipsychotics. The neuroleptic Quetiapine has a fairly good reputation.

While prescribing a program and telling how to cope with severe obsessive compulsive disorder, the doctor can recommend mood stabilizers based on valproic acid.
The choice of drugs occurs only after summing up the results of laboratory studies of biological samples obtained from the patient, as well as collecting an anamnesis. You need to understand: the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and adults differs quite a lot, different approaches are required for different degrees of severity, a lot depends on the specifics of the case, individual characteristics, background diseases, mental disorders. The doctor evaluates how useful a certain remedy will be, calculates the risks associated with its use, and informs the patient about the possible negative consequences of the treatment. Incorrect selection of funds, poorly chosen dosage can lead to a significant deterioration in the condition.
The best results can be achieved by cognitive-behavioral methods. During the session, the individualunderstands what the deviation is, step by step masters ways to resist obsessive thoughts. It becomes possible to distinguish between normal actions, real dangers and abnormal actions due to NHC.
Interacting with a psychotherapist, a person masters methods of resistance to the manifestations of NNS, less painful, more comfortable than a simple attempt to restrain himself by willpower. The ability to formulate constructive behavior emerges from the obsession. Ritual procedures that have become daily habits, with the help of a psychotherapist, become easier, change, and at best are completely eliminated with the help of a psychotherapist.
The exposure-prevention-reaction (EPR) technique shows good results. The technique consists in placing the individual in an artificial environment that coincides with the obsessive thoughts that haunt the person. The doctor, in control of the situation, gives instructions to help the patient prevent the execution of the ritual sequence. By strictly following the doctor's advice, the patient prevents the formation of a reaction. This affects the condition in general, making the symptoms of HNS less pronounced.
The correct approach and the thoroughness of its application can improve the position of the object, get remission, fix this state for a long time.
How can I help myself?
Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder at home is not the easiest and most promising task. There are several methods that can be used to supplement the psychotherapy program developed by the doctor and the drug course, but onlyhome remedies rarely show really lasting, pronounced results. However, if it is impossible to contact a qualified doctor, such approaches should be practiced - this is better than the complete absence of any measures. Recommended:
- warm baths with soothing herbs (during the procedure, the temperature of the water is gradually lowered);
- morning contrast shower;
- clear mode of rest and work;
- a good night's rest;
- eight-hour sleep;
- daily physical activity, preferably outdoors;
- exclusion of foods that destabilize the nervous system from the diet;
- giving up bad habits;
- drawing up a daily routine and following it;
- making time for entertainment daily;
- practice muscle relaxation exercises;
- preventing the occurrence of stress factors that can injure the psyche.
Complex drug, psychotherapeutic treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, at home accompanied by additional measures to relax and restore the nervous system, in most cases shows a stable, stable result. You can completely eliminate the manifestations of NNS. Pathology is characterized by a persistent course, but the thoughtfulness and consistency of the treatment course is guaranteed to lead to success, although sometimes it takes quite a long time - you need to be prepared for this.
Some Features
As follows from medical statistics, HHC is almost neveroccurs in children aged 10 and younger. Studies have shown that, on average, it takes 7-8 years between the first manifestations of borderline disorder and seeking medical help.

Don't confuse normal fears common to all people with HHC. From time to time, every person is faced with a fear of heights or darkness, someone is afraid of animals, others are afraid of getting sick. Almost everyone has worried at least once in their lives about (probably) leaving the iron on. Leaving the house, people usually control small household aspects: wrapped faucets, turned off the lights. Having checked and established that everything is in order, the person calms down and goes about his business without fear. A distinctive feature of the NNS is the need for multiple checks, after which the fear of a mistake may still remain.
Risk group
It is known that people who believe in magic, the supernatural are more susceptible to NHC. Strong shocks, chronic stress, repetitive traumatic situations, internal and external conflicts can provoke neurosis. With a greater degree of probability, HNS can occur against the background of physical, mental overwork.
Features of self-perception may play a role:
- self-doubt;
- too low self-esteem.
Many individuals who seek help from a doctor admitted that they did not believe in their ability to cope with the simplest tasks, such as washing their hands properly.
Abovethe risk of HNS in persons who have been instilled by upbringing with passion, the desire for cleanliness and impeccable performance of any task. Religious education can also play a role. If a person has endured an unpleasant life situation, it is possible to form an inadequate response that initiates a neurosis.
It is known that in some individuals HNS developed against the background of a mild form of brain failure, due to which a person lost the ability to distinguish between small things and important things.
Possible occurrence of HNS on the background of extrapyramidal symptoms:
- stiffness of movement;
- impaired wrist movements;
- increased muscle tone;
- complexity of turns.
Sometimes NNS provoke:
- burns;
- infectious diseases;
- diseases that caused general poisoning of the body.
Toxins negatively affect the central nervous system, disrupting its work.
Auxiliary Therapies
As already mentioned, getting rid of obsessive-compulsive disorder on your own is very difficult, almost impossible. But if you use folk methods as an auxiliary, additional therapy, you can count on a positive result. In this case, it is worth considering herbal remedies. Compositions, fees with medicinal plants help to calm down, relieve symptoms.
St. Under the influence of St. John's wort, manifestations of depression are relieved.

Doctors, explaining how to get rid of obsessive-compulsive disorder on their own, recommend that patients suffering from such disorders use herbal preparations with a hypnotic effect in the evenings. Useful:
- valerian;
- motherwort;
- melissa.
In the pharmacy you can buy infusions of these herbs, tablets, as well as preparations for the preparation of herbal drinks - they contain several effective components.
Acupressure will be useful. You can practice it on your own, but you should first visit a doctor who can explain the correct sequence of actions. Massage individual points on the skull and at its base.
Psychotherapists recommend that persons suffering from HNS, first of all, realize and accept this feature of their condition, while not labeling themselves as mentally ill, allegedly dangerous to others. Neuroses are conditions peculiar to the nervous system, but they do not impair the ability to think. In addition, modern techniques allow you to successfully cope with them, the main thing is to persistently and methodically achieve recovery.