Hysterical psychopathy (stage personality disorder) is a pathology that is characterized by demonstrative manifestations, the need for praise and approval of others. Symptoms of this disorder begin in childhood and persist throughout life. The article tells about the causes, signs, diagnosis and therapy of this disease.
What is pathology?
Patients with hysterical psychopathy strive to stand out from the crowd and in every possible way try to attract the attention of relatives, acquaintances, colleagues. They often do rash and unexpected things.
Stage personality disorder occurs in 2-6% of the world's population. It is typical for both men and women. All patients with such a deviation are united by increased egocentrism. It is difficult for these people to come to terms with the lack of interest and attention to their person. Sickit doesn’t even matter what reactions they provoke in others - positive or negative. Such individuals can be compared to artists playing for the audience.
Hysterical psychopathy does not always lead to violations of adaptation in society and failures in the professional field. Many patients with this disorder achieve great success in activities that require creativity. However, an increased desire for attention and praise, a painful perception of comments and suggestibility often provokes trouble: deterioration of reputation, separation from a partner, loss of property.
Causes of pathology
Today, experts cannot give an exact answer to the question of why hysterical psychopathy develops. The symptoms of this deviation, as is known, appear already in the early years, and there is an assumption that bad heredity and some character traits of the child play a large role in the development of the disorder. In addition, there is a hypothesis that the pathology is the result of a difficult pregnancy in the mother, difficulties in delivery, and CNS diseases in the infant.
Wrong attitudes and errors in education also contribute to the formation of stage disorder. Quite often, a deviation occurs in children who, from an early age, were inspired by the idea of gender inequality. Sometimes the disease is diagnosed in spoiled babies.

They try not to punish such boys and girls for misconduct, they constantly praise, emphasize their talent,exclusivity and uniqueness.
Signs of childhood disorder
Hysterical psychopathy during this period is manifested by frequent whims, demonstrative behavior. Kids with such a deviation do not obey adults, they strive by all means to get what they want. They react painfully to refusal, they can fall to the floor, stomp their feet, cry and scream loudly.

However, such children are often distinguished by pronounced artistry, have creative abilities. They are happy to participate in theatrical performances, recite poems. Sometimes they like to lie, invent fantastic stories to themselves in order to attract the attention of their peers.
Features of pathology in adolescents
In the pubertal period, the signs of deviation become more pronounced. Boys and girls with this disorder are prone to shocking. To attract attention, they sometimes attempt suicide, but choose the least dangerous methods (cutting their veins, taking pills).

Such actions are taken in such a way that someone from the surrounding could come to the rescue in time. They are not aimed at leaving life, but at achieving goals, avoiding well-deserved punishments. Hysterical psychopathy of personality in puberty is accompanied by runaways from home. Moreover, teenagers are sure that adults know where they can be found. Such actions are also aimed at avoiding responsibility for bad deeds, avoiding punishment.
SometimesBoys and girls show increased attention to their well-being. They try to convince relatives and doctors that they have a serious pathology. To achieve this goal, adolescents undergo numerous examinations, stay in the hospital for a long time and react negatively to the opinion of others that they are he althy.
Features of the disease in adult patients
One of the characteristics of individuals with hysterical psychopathy is labile behavior. Depending on the situation and environment, they can be vulnerable and shy, or, on the contrary, self-confident, persistent and even impulsive. Patients choose extravagant things and accessories that immediately catch the eye. They react to comments and criticism with a cry, a demonstrative cry.

Tend to exaggerate their talents or merits, to tell lies about events from the past. Individuals with this deviation quickly converge with people, but the relationship is usually short-lived and unstable. Patients are easily disappointed in a partner or friend if his behavior does not correspond to their desires. The judgment of patients is based on external impressions. In this regard, such individuals often change their environment, part with loved ones, come into conflict with colleagues, relatives. Their demeanor is immature. Patients react sharply to comments, but do not seek to understand themselves, to work on their personality.
Characteristic features of pathology in the weaker sex
Hysterical psychopathy in women manifests itselfin selfishness, the presence of an idea or aspiration, which patients realize at any cost. If someone makes an attempt to interfere with the achievement of the goal, he will forever remain an enemy to the patient. Symptoms of deviation are most noticeable in girls in puberty and in women during menopause. Patients tend to exaggerate significant events, colorful description of their emotions. Their facial expressions and gestures are expressive. Often there are outbreaks of aggression, loud crying. Symptoms of hysterical psychopathy in women are manifested in appearance and style. Patients wear revealing outfits, choose bright cosmetics, and constantly emphasize their sexual attractiveness.
Signs of pathology in the stronger sex
In men, the pathology is usually more serious. Demonstrative manifestations in adolescence are explained by the boy's desire to achieve authority among his peers. However, having created a family, the patient begins to experience difficulties in relations with his wife. The man tries to emphasize that he is the main one in the pair. This behavior destroys the harmonious union between two adults.

If it seems to the patient that his wife is not attentive enough to him, he provokes conflicts and even begins to suspect the chosen one of infidelity.
Methods for detecting disease
Diagnosis of the disorder involves the presence of three or more symptoms of psychopathy. These are signs such as inharmonious personality development, behavioral deviations, stability of violations for many years.years. Factors such as the impact of manifestations on personal life, professional activities, relationships with others are taken into account. In addition, the specialist draws attention to the patient's frilly manners, demonstrative actions, bright revealing clothes, an increased need for attention, encouragement, a tendency to manipulation and resentment. In hysterical psychopathy, treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disorder.
Therapy Methods
In a mild form of illness, as well as in the presence of illness in minor patients, a decisive role is played by work with specialists, changing the style of education in the family, assistance in finding activities that correspond to the inclinations and interests of the individual. Usually, medication is not required. Hysterical psychopathy in decompensation involves the use of drugs on an outpatient basis or in a hospital. Patients are prescribed antipsychotics, drugs to combat depression, stimulants.

In addition, other methods of correcting behavioral disorders are used. These are different techniques of psychotherapy. Specialists teach patients to manage their emotions, to control them.

The outlook for this deviation is relatively favorable. This means that a complete recovery does not occur, however, with the help of modern methods of treatment (psychotherapeutic methods, medicines), sustainable improvements and stabilization of the condition can be achieved. Thus, a person can function normally in society. Diseaseleads to disability in extremely rare cases.