Oligophrenia, idiocy, imbecility, debility - these are degrees of mental retardation. Intellectual retardation, or, in other words, it is called dementia, is systematized according to the severity and forms of symptoms manifested, showing with the given disorder. One of its classic divisions includes the appropriate degrees of mental retardation: debility, imbecility, idiocy, a (brief) description of which is presented below.
- Moronity is a mild intellectual deviation, it is characterized by the presence of rather mild clinical symptoms of oligophrenia, which most often creates some difficulties in establishing a diagnosis.
- Imbecility is a slight intellectual backwardness.
- Idiocy is a languid configuration of intellectual backwardness, combining within itself, in addition to obligate symptoms, literally a complete lack of reason, and a rather difficult psychopathological state.

Pedagogical problems
The international classification of diseases of the tenth revision takes into account a separate systematization of intellectual retardation, based on checking the value of the mind with the Eysenck IQ test (he is the author of the classification of debility, imbecility and idiocy, a photo of people with this problem is attached) and distinguishes, depending on the test results, not a severe, small, languid and thorough form of mental retardation.
In the Russian Federation, a similar alignment is used in extremely rare cases in order to determine the value of debility. For more languid forms, the introduction of an IQ test is meaningless. To establish the diagnosis of intellectual retardation in our country, Wexler's methods and all kinds of verbal and non-verbal scales are used, which with specific accuracy make it possible to qualify the degree of intelligence in a patient.
A serious contribution to the pedagogical orientation of work with intellectually retarded children (oligophrenia, idiocy, imbecility, debility) belongs to M. S. Pevzner, who, in 1979, identified her own kind of division of oligophrenia, based on the etiological and pathogenetic individualities of the disease:
- uncomplicated configuration form of the disease;
- intellectual retardation, due to deviations of neurodynamic processes aimed towards excitation or slowdown;
- intellectual retardation against the background of dysfunctions of analyzers - auditory, visual, tactile;
- intellectual retardation, which includes psychopathic signs in the behavior of the patient;
- intellectual backwardness against the backdrop of embodied frontal scarcity.

Since debility is a mild mental retardation syndrome, most people can be independent, complete and needless people. People who have mental retardation cider debility can master a simple profession and live like ordinary people, only sometimes they need support from other people.
Of course, debility can be inherited, mostly diseases:
- fermentopathy;
- microcephaly;
- endocrinopathy.
Another person is born with the debility syndrome, this is due to the fact that during pregnancy the fetus was affected by adverse influences. This is mainly when the mother is nervous or takes illegal drugs and products for pregnant women.

Moronity can appear in a child when, during pregnancy, the mother could become infected with diseases such as:
- syphilis;
- rubella;
- measles.
Or with the appearance of a Rh conflict, fetal hypoxia, fetoplanetary insufficiency.
Mild oligophrenic cider "debility" can occur if during pregnancy the mother used tobacco products, alcohol, drugs. Orwhen using drugs prohibited for pregnant women, it is most often in these cases that a child is born with mental retardation syndrome “debility”.

Debility symptoms
Children with mild mental retardation syndrome debility have the following symptoms:
- slightly retarded thinking;
- poor physical and mental development;
- virtually there is no way to lure the patient for a long time.
They are dominated by concrete, described thinking, but they cannot abstract. Children who have this syndrome are very difficult to learn, they do not have logical thinking and, accordingly, cannot explain the logical connection of objects. Such children cannot talk about what they have heard or read.
People suffering from debility cannot speak and write correctly, often distortions and errors are heard in their speech. Since they are difficult to train, it is impossible to make them remember something for a long time; they need to be fully understood and consider this or that information as a matter of course. Sometimes there are cases when children with debility syndrome had unusual abilities, which is not typical for an ordinary person. This is the so-called giftedness, they are subject to excellent visual and mechanical memory, large arithmetic calculations are available to them in the mind, that is, they can subtract, add, multiply, divide large numbers with incredible speed.

Such children are great at drawing, writing poetry and writing whole poems. In general, such people can be highly developed in a cultural direction. They almost always have excellent and sensitive hearing. Not many people know that people suffering from efficiency can feel disappointment and enthusiasm, loss and victory, joy and sorrow. They, like all people, are able to distinguish and feel emotions. They have a definite and very different mindset from other people, only it is unfocused and often impulsive.
Relationships with others
People who have mental retardation syndrome "debility" cannot study in secondary schools. Since they will not be able to understand and realize the general education curriculum. They need to study in special schools for children with disabilities or for children with mental retardation. In such schools, psychiatrists and psychotherapists help parents educate and prepare children for adult and independent life.

Imbecility (translated from Latin - powerless) - an intermediate level of oligophrenia, madness, intellectual underdevelopment, characterized by a lag in the development of the brain of a fetus or a child in the initial stages of his life. The definitions of "imbecility", "imbecile" are archaic and not recommended for use, for example, they cause quite a negative reaction from others. Instead, in some circles of people it is recommended to use neutraldefinitions according to which “imbecility”, depending on what stage it is at, is usually called in accordance with the diagnosis of “moderate mental retardation” (“moderate intellectual mental retardation”) and “severe intellectual deviations” (“severe intellectual retardation ").
Imbecile symptoms
Quite often in psychiatric literature and literature on oligophrenopedagogy and in real time, the classic definitions of "debility", "imbecility" and "idiocy" do not stop being applied. With such a disease, babies lag behind in physiological development, the differences are noticeable outwardly. Quite often this is accompanied by the existence of symptoms of carnal malformations:
- skull deformity;
- poorly developed limbs;
- fingers;
- facial flaws;
- ears;
- eye;
- hypogenitalism and others
There is every chance to detect such neurological signs as paralysis, paresis.

Clinical picture of imbecility
Imbeciles are well versed in their environment, they themselves have every chance to pronounce individual texts, and sometimes quite complex stories. Speech consists mainly of only verbs and nouns, very strong illiteracy can be traced.
As a rule, speech consists of fairly short normal phrases, and the lexicographic stock is limited to a very small stock of words, sometimes their number can reachthree hundred. Thinking is direct and primitive, but alternately, distractions are inaccessible, the supply of information is extremely limited, a sharp underdevelopment of interest, memory, will.
Imbeciles can represent anything, but to form and nurture their own opinion in them is a rather long and almost impossible process, since it is difficult for them. They have almost no imagination.
Socialization of imbeciles
People with this disease can instill in themselves the basic abilities of self-care (can dress themselves, look after themselves, eat) and simple labor abilities, the key way, all this is possible through hard training. With a mild and moderate form of deviations, patients have every chance to study in an auxiliary school, but they can learn little: simple counting within a few units, writing short texts, reading simple sentences.
The impressions of patients are more differentiated than those of the completely retarded, they get used to the people around them, respond correctly to praise or condemnation. Imbeciles cannot take the initiative, are inert, rather suggestible, they simply get lost when the environment changes, they need constant supervision and care, and in an unfavorable environment, behavior can become quite aggressive. The interests of patients are extremely simple and limited to satisfying physical needs.
Sexual desire in those suffering from imbecility, as a rule, is reduced. The behavior differs between two groups of patients:
- weakly apathetic;
- apathetic to everything;
- not counting the satisfaction of natural necessities (torpid) and living;
- mobile;
- squishy.
According to their liking, they are also divided into two groups:
- viciously aggressive;
- steadfast and outgoing;
- benevolent;
- friendly;
- compliant.
Idiocy is considered the most difficult form of oligophrenia and is characterized by an absolute lack of awareness of what is happening and understanding of the life around it and a clear reflection of logically correct impressions.
Idiocy, in almost all cases, is associated with serious motor, physical and psychopathological dysfunctions.
Signs of idiocy
Sick, most often, it is quite difficult to walk, they have anatomical difficulties of the internal organs. Conscious work is not inaccessible to them. Verbal manifestations are incoherent, literally do not contain texts - they are replaced by various, high, singing notes, pronunciation of individual syllables or sounds.
It is not typical for patients to distinguish between people around them, they do not respond when other people call them, their reaction is limited to the level of pronunciation of a sound or a slight mimic response.
Emotional gratification is limited only by the acquisition of simple pleasure from eating, emptying the intestinal tract, and also sucking fingers, or from the fact that a person takes various inedible objects into his mouth.
Sick people mustthe presence of people caring for them, as a result of which they are always transferred to state care in special boarding schools throughout their lives.