OCD is an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Symptoms, treatment, causes

OCD is an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Symptoms, treatment, causes
OCD is an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Symptoms, treatment, causes

Don't part with hand sanitizer? Is your wardrobe literally on the shelves? Such habits may be a reflection of a person's character or beliefs. Sometimes they cross an invisible line and turn into obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Consider the main reasons for their appearance and the methods of treatment offered by doctors.

Description of the disease

OCD is a mental disorder that affects a person's quality of life. Experts attribute it to obsessive-compulsive disorder, like phobias. If the latter include only obsessions, then compulsions are added to OCD.

env it
env it

The name of the disease comes from two English words: obsessio and compulsio. The first means "obsession with an idea", and the second can be interpreted as "compulsion". These two words are well chosen, succinctly, because they reflect the whole essence of the disease. People with OCD are considered disabled in some countries. Most of them spend a lot of time pointlesslycause of compulsions. Obsessions are often expressed by obsessive thoughts and phobias, which also negatively affects the patient's quality of life.

How the disease begins

According to medical statistics, obsessive-compulsive disorder develops between 10 and 30 years of age. Regardless of when exactly its first symptoms appeared, patients go to the doctor between 27 and 35 years. This means that several years pass from the moment the disease develops to the start of treatment. One in three adults suffer from obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. There are far fewer small children among patients. This diagnosis is confirmed in every second child out of 500.

At the initial stage, the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the form of obsessive-compulsive states and various phobias. During this period, a person can still be aware of their irrationality. Over time, in the absence of medical and psychological assistance, the disorder worsens. The patient loses the ability to adequately evaluate his fears. In advanced cases, treatment involves hospitalization with serious medications.

Main reasons

Scientists still can not list the main factors contributing to the emergence of mental illness. However, there are many theories. According to one of them, among the biological factors, obsessive-compulsive disorder has the following causes:

  • metabolic disorder;
  • head injuries and injuries;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • complicated courseinfectious diseases;
  • deviations at the level of the autonomic nervous system.
obsessive-compulsive disorder obsessive-compulsive disorder
obsessive-compulsive disorder obsessive-compulsive disorder

In a separate group, doctors suggest adding social causes of the disorder. Among them, the most common are the following:

  • raised in a strict religious family;
  • complex relationships at work;
  • frequent stress.

The panic fear inherent in this mental illness can be based on personal experience or imposed by society. A striking example of the consequences of such a disorder is the viewing of crime news. A person tries to overcome the fears that have appeared by actions that convince of the opposite. He can double-check a closed car several times or count banknotes from a bank. Such actions bring only short-term relief. Getting rid of obsessions on your own is unlikely to succeed. In this case, the help of a specialist is required. Otherwise, the disease will completely absorb the human psyche.

This disease affects both adults and babies. However, children are less likely to suffer from its manifestations. The symptoms of the disorder may vary depending on the age of the patient.

How does the disease manifest itself in adults?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, the symptoms of which will be presented to your attention below, in all adults has approximately the same clinical picture. First of all, the disease manifests itself in the form of obsessive painful thoughts. It could be sexual assault fantasies.or death. A person is constantly haunted by the idea of imminent death, loss of financial well-being. Such thoughts terrify the OCD sufferer. He clearly understands their groundlessness. However, he cannot cope with fears and superstitions that all his fantasies will one day come true.

The disorder also has external symptoms, which are expressed in the form of repetitive movements. For example, such a person can constantly count the steps, several times a day go to wash his hands. Symptoms of the disease are often noted by colleagues and colleagues. People with OCD always have a perfect order on the table, with all items arranged symmetrically. Books on the shelves are either alphabetically or by color.

obsessive compulsive disorder examples
obsessive compulsive disorder examples

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by a tendency to grow in crowded places. The patient, even in a crowd, may have increased panic attacks. Most often they are caused by the fear of catching a dangerous virus or losing personal belongings, becoming another victim of pickpockets. Therefore, such people tend to avoid public places.

Sometimes the syndrome is accompanied by a decrease in self-esteem. OCD is a disorder that is especially susceptible to suspicious individuals. They have a habit of controlling everything, from work at work to the diet of pets. The decrease in self-esteem occurs due to the awareness of the ongoing changes and the inability to fight them.

Symptoms in children

OCD is less common in young patients,than in adults. The symptoms of the disorder have much in common. Let's look at a few examples.

  1. Even old enough children are often haunted by the fear of getting lost among the large number of people on the street. He makes the children hold their parents tightly by the hand, periodically checking if the fingers are tightly clasped.
  2. Many kids are scared by their older brothers and sisters by being sent to an orphanage. Fear of being in this institution makes the child constantly ask if his parents love him.
  3. Almost all of us have lost personal belongings at least once in our lives. However, not everyone's feelings about this go unnoticed. Panic over a lost notebook often leads to a manic count of school supplies. Teenagers may even wake up at night to double-check all personal belongings.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children is often accompanied by bad mood, sullenness, increased tearfulness. Some lose their appetite, others are tormented by terrible nightmares at night. If, within a few weeks, all attempts by parents to help the child turn out to be unsuccessful, a consultation with a child psychologist is needed.

obsessive compulsive disorder in children
obsessive compulsive disorder in children

Diagnostic Methods

When symptoms suggestive of anxiety obsessive-compulsive disorder appear, seek the help of a mental he alth professional. Often people with OCD are unaware of their problems. In this case, close relatives or friends should very carefully hint at this diagnosis. By itselfthis disease is not going away.

It can only be diagnosed by a psychiatrist who has the appropriate qualifications and experience in this field. Usually the doctor pays attention to three things:

  1. The person has pronounced obsessive obsessions.
  2. There is a compulsive behavior that he wishes to hide in any way.
  3. OCD interferes with the rhythm of life, communication with friends and work.

Symptoms must recur on at least 50% of days within two weeks to be of medical significance.

There are special rating scales (like Yale-Brown) to determine the severity of OCD. They are also used in practice to track the dynamics of the therapy.

Based on the tests performed and the conversation with the patient, the doctor can confirm the final diagnosis. Usually, at a consultation, psychotherapists explain what obsessive-compulsive disorder is and what manifestations it has. Examples of patients with this disease from show business help to understand that the disease is not so dangerous, it needs to be fought. Also at the consultation, the doctor talks about the tactics of treatment, when you should expect the first positive results.

Can a person help himself?

OCD is a fairly common pathology. It can periodically occur in any person, including an absolutely he althy mentally. It is very important to be able to recognize the first symptoms of the disorder and seek qualified help. If this is not possible, an attempt should be made to analyze the problem andchoose a specific tactic to deal with it. Doctors offer several options for self-treatment.

anxiety obsessive compulsive disorder
anxiety obsessive compulsive disorder

Step 1. Explore what constitutes an obsessive disorder. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is described in detail in the specialized literature. Therefore, anyone can easily find out its main causes and signs. After studying the information, it is necessary to write out all the symptoms that have recently caused concern. Leave a space next to each disorder for a detailed plan of how to overcome it.

Step 2. Third party help. If you suspect OCD, it is best to contact a qualified professional. Sometimes the first visit to the doctor is difficult. In such a situation, you can ask a friend or relative to confirm the previously prescribed symptoms or add others.

Step 3. Face your fears. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder usually understand that all fears are fiction. Every time you have the urge to double-check a locked door or wash your hands, you need to remind yourself of this fact.

Step 4. Reward yourself. Psychologists advise constantly marking steps on the path to success, even the smallest ones. Praise yourself for the changes you have made and the skills you have gained.

The above recommendations most often help in the initial stages of the development of the disorder.

Methods of psychotherapy

OCD is not a sentence. The disorder responds well to treatment withpsychotherapy sessions. Modern psychology offers several effective methods. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The authorship of this technique belongs to Jeffrey Schwartz. Its essence is reduced to resistance to neurosis. A person is first aware of the presence of a disorder, and then gradually tries to deal with it. Therapy involves the acquisition of skills that allow you to stop obsessions yourself.
  2. Method "Stop thought". Designed by Joseph Wolpe. The psychotherapist suggested treatment based on the assessment of the situation by the patient. To do this, Wolpe recommends that the person remember one of the recent bouts of frustration. He uses leading questions to help the patient assess the significance of the symptoms and their impact on daily life. The therapist gradually leads to the realization of the unreality of fears. This technique allows you to completely overcome the disorder.

The therapeutic techniques described are not the only ones of their kind. However, they are considered the most effective.

obsessive compulsive personality disorder
obsessive compulsive personality disorder

Medicated treatment

In advanced cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder, medical intervention is required. How to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder in this case? The main drugs to combat the disease are serotonin reuptake inhibitors:

  • "Fluvoxamine".
  • Tricyclic antidepressants.
  • "Paroxetine".

Scientistsfrom all over the world continue to actively study obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD). Relatively recently, they were able to discover therapeutic possibilities in agents that are responsible for the release of the neurotransmitter glutamate. They can significantly mitigate the manifestations of neurosis, but do not help get rid of the problem forever. The following drugs fit this description: Memantine (Riluzole), Lamotrigine (Gabapentin).

All known antidepressants for this disorder are used only as a symptomatic treatment. With their help, you can eliminate neurosis and stressful tension that arise against the background of obsessive states.

It is worth noting that the medicines listed in the article are dispensed from pharmacies only by prescription. The choice of a specific medication for treatment is carried out by the doctor, taking into account the patient's condition. Not the last role in this matter is played by the duration of the syndrome. Therefore, the doctor should know how long ago obsessive-compulsive disorder appeared.

obsessive compulsive disorder home treatment
obsessive compulsive disorder home treatment

Treatment at home

OCD belongs to the group of mental illnesses. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to cure the disorder without third-party support. However, therapy with folk remedies always helps to calm down. To this end, healers are advised to prepare herbal decoctions with sedative properties. These include the following plants: lemon balm, motherwort, valerian.

The method of breathing exercises cannot be considered folk, but it can besuccess to use at home. This treatment does not require a prescription or outside specialist support. Therapy by changing the strength of breathing allows you to restore the emotional state. As a result, a person can soberly evaluate everything that happens in his life.


After a course of treatment, the patient needs social rehabilitation. Only in the case of successful adaptation in society, the symptoms of the disorder will not return again. Supportive therapeutic measures are aimed at teaching productive contact with society and relatives. At the stage of rehabilitation, help from relatives and friends is of paramount importance.
