Why does a person's eyes water

Why does a person's eyes water
Why does a person's eyes water

The eyes are the most sensitive human organ, which is easily affected by external factors, it reacts to stimuli and to the general well-being of a person. Protecting himself from irritation, he tears up, every person has met with such a feature. But there are several reasons why your eyes water.

why do eyes tear
why do eyes tear

Eye tearing is a normal physiological process. They water most often on the street. Wind, frost, heat, sunlight - all these are natural irritants for our organs of vision. The fact that watery eyes even when entering the room causes discomfort to people, especially women who use cosmetics. The eyes are still inflamed and swollen.

You can protect yourself from the bright sun and wind with sunglasses, but you can’t hide from the cold.

Frost and wind narrow the lacrimal canal, because of this, the flow through this canal decreases and, not having time to get into the nasopharynx, tears come to the surface. In the wind, our organs of vision are protected by increasing the secretion of fluid, which helps protect against dust and dirt.

watery eyes
watery eyes

Whenthe reason why watery eyes is a normal physiological process?

The above reason is a reaction to weather conditions, it is a completely natural process, but there are other reasons for this phenomenon. Tears appear when we cry, yawn, after sleep. These are manifestations of normal human physiology. Why are my eyes watery in the morning? Thus, the body moisturizes the eyeball that has dried up during sleep.

Why are your eyes watering if it's not about physiology? There are some diseases, one of the symptoms of which is tearing. This happens regardless of weather conditions and physiological factors. These pathologies include:

why do eyes tear
why do eyes tear
  1. Conjunctivitis and other pathologies characteristic of the change of seasons. The cause of such diseases is an infection that provokes inflammation of the eyeball.
  2. Allergy. Some types of allergies can cause your eyes to swell, water, and become inflamed. Thus, sensitivity to fluff, odors, dust, animal hair is manifested.
  3. Viral and infectious diseases. ARI, flu, tonsillitis are accompanied not only by cough, runny nose, but also tearing.
  4. Foreign body. An eyelash, a hair, a grain of sand can get into the eye, which will cause such a reaction of the body. Pull out the irritant only with a clean handkerchief or napkin.
  5. When watching TV for a long time, working hard on the computer, reading books. The eyes are watery because with tension, blinking becomes rare, withwhich moisture occurs. The eyeball dries up and the body reacts - tearing, the purpose of which is to moisten the parched shell.
  6. Lack of vitamins in the body. A lack of potassium and vitamin B2 leads to fatigue, poor he alth, reduced immunity and a painful condition.

Ophthalmologists note that thanks to the tear film on the cornea, which is updated by the flow of fresh fluid from the lacrimal gland, the sharpness of vision does not fall below 80%.
