Every day our hands are exposed to various aggressive factors. As a result, the skin can become very dry and cracked. Especially often the problem occurs in the area around the nails. Why does the skin on the fingers crack? How to eliminate such a defect? These and other questions will be considered in the article.

External factors
Wind, cold, prolonged exposure to sunlight - all this does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. They begin to dry out a lot, and cracks in the skin may appear. Cold has the most aggressive effect on the epidermis. At sub-zero temperatures, the skin becomes dry much faster. A sharp temperature drop, air humidity, prolonged contact with hard water have an adverse effect on its condition. Washing your hands frequently, especially with soap, can cause skin to become very dry and even cracked.
Quite often, the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks due to contact with chemicals (cleaners, washing powder, dishwashing gel, wallpaper glue, cement, paint, varnish, and so on), earth(planting, weeding), use of unsuitable skin type or low-quality cosmetics.
Treatment in this case is primarily to eliminate or minimize contact with irritating factors. When cleaning the apartment, it is recommended to use rubber gloves, for working with the earth - cloth, in the winter season it is necessary to wear warm gloves and treat the skin with a special protective cream.

Internal factors
If the skin on the fingers cracks, the cause may be hiding inside the body. These are hormonal disruptions, as a result of which metabolism is disturbed, the progression of chronic ailments (diabetes, thyroid disease), age-related changes. Diseases of the digestive system or metabolic disorders lead to a deficiency of vitamins, trace elements, minerals, which are responsible for the water balance, skin elasticity, and its general condition. The lack of these important components can be provoked by an insufficiently balanced diet. This is especially noticeable with a deficiency of vitamins B, E, A. As a result, the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks.
Non-infectious (eczema) and infectious (fungus) skin ailments are also internal factors. With such pathologies, the skin at the fingertips most often cracks. Fungal diseases of the epidermis, in addition to cracks, are manifested by itching, rash, flaking, blisters, deformation of the nail plate. With eczema, swelling of the skin joins the symptoms described above,the affected areas thicken. Also, with these diseases, the skin cracks between the fingers.

If the cracks in the hands are deep enough, painful, do not heal for a long time and bleed, you should consult a doctor. The doctor, after examination and the necessary tests, will find out why the skin on the fingertips and near the nails is cracking, and will prescribe the appropriate therapy. It is not recommended to independently treat infectious and fungal diseases of the skin of the hands - this is not only ineffective, but in some cases dangerous to he alth.
When the epidermis dries up and the skin on the fingers near the nails and other areas cracks, you can use the effective means of modern medicine and cosmetology. By choosing the right preparations, you can not only prevent the drying of the epidermis, but also accelerate healing if the formation of a crack has already occurred.
Several times a day, lubricate your hands with a special cream that is designed to treat cracks. These funds include "Radevit", "Bepanten", "D-Panthenol". With very deep cracks, ointments such as Solcoseryl and Actovegin will help.
Effective recipes of traditional medicine can improve the condition of the skin.

Honey and glycerin
Connect 2 tbsp. l. water and glycerin, add a tablespoon of honey and a little flour. Apply the resulting mixture on your hands and keep for 20 minutes. AtIn the absence of glycerin, flour, honey and any oil can be mixed in equal proportions. Apply the composition to the skin before going to bed and wear cotton gloves.
Vegetable oils
You can get rid of dry skin with vegetable oils - olive, sea buckthorn, sunflower. Hands before going to bed should be well lubricated with oil and put on cotton gloves. If dry skin is accompanied by cracked fingers, it is recommended to use oil solutions of vitamins A and E.
The mummy solution will help to eliminate cracks in the skin - dissolve 2 tablets of the product in water and apply the resulting composition to the hands, do not wipe. This procedure will eliminate itching and soreness.
Melt natural wax in a water bath. Dip your fingers into the hot liquid. Wax quickly hardens in the form of thimbles. After the procedure, put on gloves and leave overnight, remove the wax in the morning (it can be used repeatedly). This method is effective not only for treating cracked fingers, but also for strengthening nails.
With cracked skin of the hands and especially the area around the nails, an ointment from celandine will help. Put a handful of herbs in a saucepan, add a glass of vegetable oil, put on fire, bring to a boil and remove immediately. After the mixture has cooled, add beeswax (20 g), put the container on fire and stir until the wax dissolves. Cool the resulting product and store in the refrigerator. After using such an ointment, the pain disappears almost immediately, and the cracks heal very quickly.quickly.

With very dry skin and cracks, a dietary supplement of carrots will help. Grate a kilogram of vegetable and pour vegetable oil. Put on a steam bath and simmer for three to four hours. After pour into jars and store in the refrigerator. Use daily two tablespoons of the resulting product, adding it to cooked dishes. Such an additive will restore he alth and smoothness not only to the skin of the hands, but also relieve calluses and corns on the feet.
If the skin on the toes cracks
The lower limbs are also affected by numerous factors. The skin between the toes cracks for the following reasons:
- Insufficient care. Unfortunately, not all of us get pedicures regularly. This procedure is important not only for beauty, but also to prevent the formation of cracks.
- Vitamin deficiency. The he althy appearance of the skin in general and toes in particular depends on the sufficient content of vitamins A and E in the body.
- Insufficient hydration. The skin of the feet is often deprived of moisture, especially in summer. It must be regularly moisturized with special cosmetics, otherwise it will begin to peel and crack.
- Dermatological ailments. Such diseases include dermatitis, fungus, psoriasis, eczema, they appear as cracks in the skin.
- Allergy. Contact with a certain allergen provokes the appearance of cracks between the fingerslegs. It can be sand, animal hair, synthetic materials and more.
Uncomfortable shoes. Wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes leads to impaired circulation and, later on, cracked toes.
cracked skin on toes
Therapeutic interventions
In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to accurately establish the cause of the cracks. A specialist can do this. It is also recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:
- You should choose only high-quality shoes. It is preferable that it be made of genuine leather. In this case, the skin of the legs will be able to "breathe". At the same time, excess moisture will not arise, as is the case with synthetic materials, which means that fungi and microbes will not be able to multiply.
- Eat a balanced diet, include foods rich in vitamins in your menu.
- Regularly do pedicures, apply special creams for the skin of the legs, moisturizing and accelerating the regeneration of the epidermis. Pedicure can be done not only in beauty salons, but also at home.
Timely detect and treat various dermatological diseases. If the disease is started, it will take a very long time to normalize the condition in the future.
skin cracking between fingers
Remember that it is always easier to prevent any problem than to fix it for a long time afterwards. If athe skin on the fingers near the nails is already cracking, take immediate action. It is very problematic to cure cracked hands to blood. Therefore, always protect the skin with specialized cosmetics, use a nourishing or moisturizing cream. Before contact with detergents, it is recommended to treat your hands with a protective cream containing silicone, before going outside in the winter - lubricate them with a special winter cream. Take care of yourself, be beautiful and he althy!