Hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland, also called hyperthyroidism, is characterized by the release of excess thyroid hormones for the body. The disease can proceed both completely asymptomatically, and with many characteristic signs. It all depends on the amount of excess hormones. If the excess is small, then the clinical pathological process does not develop. In general, this syndrome is more typical for women.

thyroid hyperthyroidism
thyroid hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland: causes

The occurrence of hyperfunction is associated with age-related changes, genetic predisposition and the amount of iodine in the body. Most often, the conditions for hyperthyroidism are: severe psychological trauma, hormonal disruptions during menopause, sexual dysfunction, pituitary adenoma, infectious diseases, iodine intake in large quantities, pregnancy.

hyperthyroidismthyroid treatment
hyperthyroidismthyroid treatment

Hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland: the main symptoms

Excessive nervousness is considered a characteristic sign of the development of the syndrome. A person constantly feels some kind of anxiety, becomes irritable, can cry at the slightest provocation. Some cannot concentrate on some business, suffer from insomnia at night. Sometimes the patient comes into a state of unnatural excitement and shows excessive activity. In other cases, depression sets in, and even the symptoms that occur with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia may occur. Hyperthyroidism also affects metabolism. This is manifested in more frequent bowel movements than usual, often accompanied by diarrhea. The appetite of a person increases, but at the same time he begins to lose weight. At the same time, the muscles weaken, which leads to rapid fatigue and the inability to withstand heavy physical exertion. In addition, the cardiovascular system suffers, which is manifested in increased heart rate. It becomes difficult for the patient to endure the heat, he sweats a lot. The skin turns pink, becomes smooth and warm. Hair can break and fall out, nails also become brittle, and sometimes even move away from the fingers. Hyperthyroidism also affects the reproductive system. So, women may experience menstrual disorders, and men - a decrease in libido, a decrease in sperm quality, erectile dysfunction.

hyperthyroidism diagnosis
hyperthyroidism diagnosis

Hyperthyroidism: diagnosis

To make a correct diagnosis, examinethe level of hormones in the blood and an ultrasound of the gland is performed. To check the functioning of the thyroid gland, a scintigraphy can be performed, during which a radioactive isotope of iodine is injected into the body in the form of a liquid or in a capsule.

Hyperthyroidism: treatment

Pharmacological therapy is carried out by the patient taking antithyroid drugs that slow down the synthesis of hormones. Medicines do not begin to take effect until several days later, as the body must first absorb the high concentrations of previously released hormones. In addition, radioiodine treatment may be carried out, which damages thyroid cells, which leads to the cessation of hormone production. During pregnancy, such therapy is not used, as it carries a risk to the fetus. In some cases, surgery is performed, during which either part of the gland or all of it is cut out.
