Sometimes gastroenterologists use the term pancreatic dysfunction. But what does this mean and is such a diagnosis related to pancreatitis? Dysfunction involves a disorder of the functions of an organ. In relation to the pancreas, this may be an increase in its functions or, conversely, insufficiency. Often the concept of dysfunction is used in parallel with the diagnosis of "chronic pancreatitis". This condition does not act as an independent disease, it refers to a set of symptoms that indicate that the pancreas is not working properly.

Symptoms of pathology
First of all, patients with pancreatic dysfunction experience indigestion, which can be accompanied by nausea, sometimes vomiting, belching, heartburn, and rumbling in the abdomen. The chair at the same time several times a day can be observed mushy. It canpresence of undigested food. Among other things, the stool may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Usually such a chair leaves greasy marks on the toilet. Also, patients with this disorder may experience alternating constipation and diarrhea.
Pain in this pathology
Another symptom of pancreatic dysfunction is pain in the region of the latter - in the left hypochondrium. The pain usually radiates to the lower back. Painful sensations can have a clear relationship with nutritional errors. Usually the pain intensifies after eating fatty, fried, spicy, smoked and pickled foods. In addition, many patients experience an increase in pain on the background of psycho-emotional stress. Another symptom of this disorder is weight loss, which occurs with prolonged malabsorption and digestion of nutrients.
Symptoms and treatment of pancreatic dysfunction are interrelated.

General symptoms of the disease
A number of common symptoms that are associated with chronic pain and metabolic failure include fatigue along with decreased performance, general weakness, signs of protein and vitamin deficiency, decreased immunity, hair loss, brittle nails, various skin rashes, and so Further. Among other things, with dysfunction of this organ, people experience an imbalance in the intestinal microflora due to poor digestion of food.
The most common cause of pancreatic dysfunction is a patient with slowly progressive chronic pancreatitis that develops as an independent disease. Dysfunction of this organ can also be a direct response to the following factors:
- Irregular eating with a predominance of fatty, fried and spicy food.
- Dietary vitamin and protein deficiency.
- Untreated pathologies of the hepatobiliary system. For example, it can be chronic cholecystitis along with cholelithiasis, biliary dyskinesia and choledochopancreatic reflux, in which bile is thrown into the large pancreatic ducts.
- Excessive alcohol abuse.
- The presence of gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines in a person.

In the event that a patient has a tendency to diseases of the digestive system, then dysfunctions of the liver and pancreas will definitely manifest themselves, therefore, such patients need to be careful in terms of nutrition, carefully adjusting the choice of their diet. It is extremely important to pay attention to any indigestion in a timely manner and without fail, it is required to find out the causes. With extreme caution, you need to treat the use of alcohol, since for the pancreas this is the most important damaging factor.
Diagnosis of this pathology
Before treating dysfunctionpancreas, it is necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis. For this purpose, the following research methods are used:
- Analysis of the patient's history and complaints.
- Performing an examination during which the doctor identifies symptoms specific to pancreatic dysfunction, determining the general condition of the patient.
- Carrying out a biochemical blood test.
- Urine test for alpha-amylase.
- Ultrasound examination of the pancreas. It is this study that displays a picture of changes in the tissue of the gland.

Treatment of disease
The first step in therapy for signs of pancreatic dysfunction is therapeutic fasting. Thus, in the process of treatment with all available means, it is required to provide the gland with absolute rest.
From medical preparations, drugs are prescribed that reduce gastric secretion, for example, during treatment, patients are prescribed Omez along with Pantoprazole, Ranitidine and Kvamatel. The use of one of these drugs is essential in this disease, since gastric juice is one of the main stimulants of pancreatic secretion.
In the presence of a pronounced pain syndrome, patients are prescribed antispasmodics in the form of "No-shpa", "Platifillin", "Papaverine" and "Duspatalin". In the event that there are concomitant pathologies of the gallbladder or bile ducts, then Urolesan can have a good effect. In this case, eight to fifteen drops are used.medication before meals. This herbal preparation perfectly relaxes the gallbladder and sphincter that has undergone spasms. With a deficiency of digestive enzymes, it is recommended to take pancreatin preparations with each meal. For example, the Mezim medicine is suitable for this, along with Creon and Panzinorm.

The standard treatment regimen for chronic pancreatitis, which is the main culprit in pancreatic dysfunction, is the appointment of a combination of "Pancreatin" and "Omeprazole" for a long time (about ninety days continuously). The medicine "Omeprazole" is taken at a dosage of 20 milligrams in the morning or evening, and the drug "Pancreatin" is prescribed to patients at 10 milligrams with each meal. The dosage of this medicine depends largely on the degree of the enzyme deficiency.
Treatment of this pathology with mineral waters
During periods of remission, patients suffering from pancreatic dysfunction are prescribed treatment at such drinking resorts as Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Kislovodsk. Many doctors, when the first symptoms of a deterioration in the work of the pancreas appear, recommend taking mineral water in a heated form (it is important that the water is without gas). Essentuki, Borjomi and Narzan are ideal for this. During treatment, you should take up to one and a half liters per day.

Prevention of pathology
In order to avoid pancreatic dysfunction, it is necessary to have time to diagnose andcure pathologies that occur in the digestive system. Particular attention should be given to rational nutrition. It is extremely important not to overeat, and in addition, avoid fatty, fried and smoked foods.
Eating fresh vegetables and fruits, along with taking vitamin complexes, will certainly help to significantly enrich your diet with useful components. While eating, you can not rush, you need to chew food properly, observing the diet. It is best to eat often and in small portions. It is worth noting that this rule helps to avoid many diseases of the digestive system. This diet is the most optimal for the pancreas, which is always at risk for the slightest errors in food.

Physical activity for this disease
Strong physical activity along with sports or gymnastics help people relieve mental stress, while maintaining tone and normalizing metabolism. Pancreatic dysfunction is a disease that requires increased attention to the state of your entire body as a whole. Any violations in the digestive system require a mandatory consultation with a doctor and a thorough diagnosis. Following a diet along with fulfilling the appointments of a gastroenterologist will without fail lead to the normalization of the general condition.
Especially attentive parents should be to the appearance of pancreatic dysfunction in a child. An untreated pathology of such an important organ canlead to extremely serious complications, and, in addition, to a significant deterioration in the quality of life of the baby.